Should I just sell my Ethereum for Litcoin? Ethereum keeps decreasing
Should I just sell my Ethereum for Litcoin? Ethereum keeps decreasing
>Timeframe: 1 day.
They all accept crypto for metals.
Be smart user.
I'd just be accumulating as much BTC/LTC/ETH as I could. Honestly, you're safest with those 3 and can't go wrong.
Well true for btc and ltc, but not eth it seems like it'll keep going down until the end
It pulled this same move back in June/July.
> pop to ~$400
> drop to ~$170
> right back to ~$400 in August
I'd either be accumulating or just do nothing. Go outside and quit obsessively checking Coinbase/Bittrex. You'll thank yourself in a month and enjoy your life much more in the meantime.
But this time its different, it'll keep going down right? because of the new china law which is big
yes, good goy, the only value in eth was allowing for shitty chinese ICO scams
just send all your eth to me, it'll be worth .01 USD next week
sell and buy back at $250.
after that, it'll be a smooth ride to $520
Yes eth is so valuable that's why it never broke 400 and keeps bouncing in the high 100s to 300s because it's so valuable and a good long term hold. It's so good it crashes harder than most shitcoins
Lol this.
Eth holder since $17. Are you fucking retarded? Ath was like $420. Chink coin ICO law doesn't touch ETH.
Nah just hold it. There was a big sell off from some ICOs and some bag holders who were sad they missed out the last high of $400 for like two whole months. But ETH will boom back up don't worry.
You should have @ 395. It was clear ETH had peaked.
>it was clear!!!
stop roleplaying
>only thing ETH has going for it in the next 2 months is Metropolis; fundamentals have not changed
>LTC took all the wind out of its sails with lnd alpha 3
Just because you're inept doesn't mean everyone else is. The PBoC news is obviously a black swan event, but ETH didn't have enough bull in it to run to another ATH. It already tried.
Well I'll guess I'll hold, hopefully it goes back up to $400...
These are my current holdings, down from $3600, little sad
I'd flip the OMG for some LTC, but otherwise just hold and you'll be fine.
Having that much in crypto is dangerous though if you're not prepared to lose at least half at any moment IMO
ETH has the best fundamentals of all crypto and metropolis is inbound. Your entire prediction was based on some meme resistance line, which could just as well have broken any day (if metropolis got announced, for example)
... then it crashes for a completely different reason and you call 'told ya so' like a smug fuck
you have no idea what the fuck you are doing, so again, stop roleplaying
ok hold your bags to 250 and don't forget to post a pink wojak
I already cashed out at 360, 330 and 310
don't have to pink wojak because I cashed out my initial investment a long time ago; all my coins and exchange fiat is pure take-home
Then why did it drop from $400 to $280?
I would but the bots keep cancelling and reoredring everytime I want to buy litcoin, so annoying as hell
2 reasons:
1. this market is full of completely retarded emotional morons
2. this market is run by people that understand how to manipulate the emotional retards by creating massive panic dips and spreading FUD right after major FOMO runs.
Watch this same exact scenario play out over and over and over w/ all of the cryptos out there. There's a massive bull run - followed by ANOTHER big bull run creating absolute FOMO. It happens with major coins and alts the same and it's how the 'whales' make their money off the idiots in this market.
>Go outside and quit obsessively checking Coinbase/Bittrex. You'll thank yourself in a month and enjoy your life much more in the meantime.
This +1000%