They lost to literal russian farmers
They lost to literal russian farmers
That is a massive oversimplification but w/e
Another quality thread.
great thread, friendo
Did the Germans ever win a war when since they unified? Always felt like their army was over-hyped and underwhelming.
They beat Russian farmers
They lost to Russian farmers armed with American lend lease while also fighting America at the same time
Irish war of Independence.
Agree 100%
Except they lost to Russian farmers entire operations as well in 1941 and 1942, when there was little to no lend lease.
Not an argument.
except russian farmers were all killed or gulag because they were "kulaks" which led to no one knowing how to farm in the USSR which in turn led to massive famines
Well I guess if you count the wars they went against various tribes in Africa, such as the Herero wars.
>Reisen raping Eirin for once
Shame it's futa
""""Kulaks"""" were the farm-owners, not the guys who worked on the farm.
Emus have won more wars than the Germans ever did
>no one knowing how to farm in the USSR which in turn led to massive famines
Stalin made everyone forget how to farm that is why the Holodomor (didn't) happen
The fought against 10-1 odds and even then put up a hell of a good fight
dumb amerishart capitalist detected
They fought against the entire (((world)))
The Jews had decided their fate as soon as they came into power
>They fought against the entire (((world)))
Didn't stop France from winning French Revolutionary Wars.
>The Jews had decided their fate as soon as they came into power
Germans decided their fate when they declared war on Poland.
>Conscript army beat conscript army
Quality thread, OP.
But what about metaphorical Russian farmers?
>yfw the germans did lots of parades to make the world think they have a huge invincible army
Then the USSR did the same, except they actually had a HUEG army.
*revisionism intensifies*
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Veeky Forums is such a quality board.
german farmers lost to russian farmers, whats your point?
Not an argument. An extensive chart and conclusion is literally an argument.
They lost to literal finnish farmers
>stupid soviets lost to finnish farmers, we are going to win this lmao
I want to see Hitler's face when he realised this.
At least 10 people in that crowd shit/pissed their pants
the soviets won but they sure as hell dont want to win that way again
Finns were better equipped and fighting on defensive positions
no they're fucking not
the Soviets had poor leadership and have shit troops due to the recent purges
defensive position is correct but utilizing it smartly is key
How is this revisionism you massive faggot. The Soviet Union would have easily fallen without the help of the United States
>easily fallen
Even with an incompetent leader who decapitated all their top brass and made their army crippled even before the war, the commies managed to turn the tide.
Stop trying to prove the burgers were amazing. They defeated a WW1-tier army, killed some French militias in North Africa and drop some bombs. And only when they secured 100% air dominance they attacked.
No, they wouldn't. Soviets outproduced the Germans by a mile.
>Did the Germans ever win a war when since they unified?
You could possibly count the 1871.
Wait, are you saying all the people who were left in the fields were city transplants?
Can you post such quality threads on /pol pls thx
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
To be fair, US revisionist are way less cancerous than British revisionists who claim that they played a pivotal role during the war.
British Military history after 1900 is honestly some of the most embarassing shit ever, the only exceptions being some of the highlights of ww2, (Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, the Dambusters, SAS in Libya/North-Africa).
>promise the irish home rule.
>ww1 breaks out.
>put home rule on hold
>1916 some LARPers seize a post-office and being shooting at police-officers.
>send in a bunch of armed thugs who use artillery and machine-guns in an area full of innocent civilians/bystanders.
>inter-war period is full of idiotic/poorly thought out bullshit in the colonies/mandates, dumb borders, dumber policies that attempt to have people keep their heads in the sand, the whole airship fiasco, among other things.
>WW2 sees an air campaign that is extremely expensive (Lancaster-bombers were not cheap), with post-war analysis being a bit skeptical of it's actual ability to impact german production.
>develop a jet engine, show it to the soviets who steal it and use it against your planes in Korea
>develop a neat new intermediate cartridge and EM-2 rifle,
>abandon it entirely because the yanks don't like it,
>don't even attempt to keep it as something like an M1-carbine equivalent,(for truck-drivers or radio-men or whatever) just abandon it entirely, even after the yanks basically go with the M14 instead of the FAL.
Let me guess, you're not Russian (probably some French subhuman) and you get your history from Stalinist propaganda.
Pochemu ty dumayesh tak?
Sranaya zhidorashka kukarekaet?
Ochen' interesniy post.
See you retard. They achieved first victories and stopped the German Blitzkrieg before US became relevant
They lost to Russian farmers wielding superior communist technology.
How could natsoc shitgers even hope to compete?
You forgot pulling dumb shit like breaking the Treaty of London with Italy under the guise of self-determination while carving up the Middle-East for yourselves and France. Which without a doubt is major cause for the rise of a Fascist Italy.