What are the benefits of the past 60 years of sex education?
What are the benefits of the past 60 years of sex education?
They've triggered the average /pol/tard
This. A worthy achievement in and of itself and ample reason to continue with it.
The benefits are clear, a better world.
Another unfunny poltard aberration.
>they teach teenagers that phallus goes into orifice in middle school therefore 8 year olds in drag and anti-slut-shaming marches!
this is your brain on /pol/
good looking traps
sadly they're a very very very small minority and the rest are hideous monstrosities
rest of it produces distasteful faggotry
lmao /thread
nothing. just cultural marxism trying to subvert the west but people are waking up to its bullshit
I think you need to make another tinfoil hat, yours is already deteriorated.
actually i just made a new one last week cultural marxists arent going to use radiowaves to program my head
>strawman as an argument
>a delusion as an argument
dis gun b gud
People actually know how to have sex now. And the number of STDs decreased by a lot.
Well not in the gay community buddy.
And its completly fucked what they deem "normal" and "healthy" now. Its not ok to flaunt around an 8 year old as drag queen, as if the little lad can make a well thought out decision on that. Its just his parents virtue signaling.
Its a sign of a sick society, nothing more.
>university of Waterloo
Because the actions of one parent has an academic cause, alright.
>tips tinfoil-hat
It's interesting to see the differences between the boards.
On /pol/ this thread would have reached post limit and been archived hours ago.
>And its completly fucked what they deem "normal" and "healthy" now. Its not ok to flaunt around an 8 year old as drag queen, as if the little lad can make a well thought out decision on that. Its just his parents virtue signaling.
>This is brought about by sex ed.
Ok buddy
None. Abstinence only sex education is horrifically counter productive and creates all the degenerate shit you see in your image.
Where did I say something about academic cause?
Not sex ed in general. thats fine. I was talking about grooming 6-8 year old boys to the point they think they are trans. Its fucked up.
They put 12 year old kids on hormone blockers and shit for christ sake.
It depends on the school and the curriculum. Generally, research has shown that teens who'renot only informed of sex but also who discuss sex in a relatively safe environment, are less likely to view sex in a negative and taboo way. Less stigma and more discussion.
Sex education is based on academic studies.
Sex education is what the poltard OP is chimping out about.
Aaaand, you just posted a case where you don't support parents actions in a thread about Sex education.
Got it already?
Yeah got it.
Well the amount of batshit insane liberal types at schools has skyrocketed in the last 15 years, at least here in Germany.
They teach more promiscous retarded stuff.
And this swaps over to general population.
I mean I come from the gayest city on earth, Cologne we have like 100k gays in a city of 1 million. I dont have a problem with all that stuff. But somehow the US took a wrong turn somehow ( even in the academic sector with all the fucking gender studies etc) which is dripping into the general social life of the people.
And a lot of the shit that these types deem "normal and healthy" are infact destructive to society.
And before anyone says it, no im not a naziboo no i dont go to pol often just for lulz sometimes and no I dont vote Afd.
Those marxists ruining everything!
So you admit you were criticizing academia.
>destructive to society
More destructive than oppresing women and gender-different people for centuries? I don't think so.
Better usage of condoms and more abortions helping to check population growth.
You are retarded, the main point of cultural marxism is that they give you a code of ethics that seems irrefutable but you don't know that those ethics actually make the world shittier
You don't realize you are actually fucking everything up until it's too late
>gender-different people
No such thing existed before the later half of 1900s. Polyqueer 5-dimensional transautismo is a modern invention.
Wew lad
Sex ed and abortions stops poor people from shitting out babies that clog and hordes welfare system.
That's a fact.
What we really need to do is encourage middle class and upper class couples to have more children.
>no such thing existed in 1000AC
women oppresing - yes. But gender-different people aren`t so significant and value part of population.
*other user*
Having a hideous dyke explain sex to you probably encourages abstinence.
Somehow I doubt brainwashing kids "to be who you want to be :)" from a very early age in state-sponsored schools and kindergartens is more preferable to a more traditional approach.
Rates are up like 60% since 2007
More like the free enterprise of letting Jew owned media and entertainment companies push their ideals for profit is what caused the degeneracy that is talked about today.
You meant germaphroditism, yes? Becouse from point of vision of genetics, there is only two gender.
How come there's reports about how Europe and Japan need immigrants if governments are trying to check population?
They are people, enough reason to do it.
You keep showing cases of practical use of academia knowledge. As expected you know nuffin.
Keep it on. I wonder why all these kids keep answering with the same irony format text...
The point is the following: the year of the studies are irrelevant.
*sips tea*
It's a ponzi scheme called the welfare state, you need to import low IQ manual labor and pay them below minimum wage to support the retirement plans of the aging natives.
>They are people,
They're mentally ill people who suffer from a mental illness called gender dysphoria. They should not be enabled.
So you disagree with the gender variation studies but agree with the woman sexual liberation, right?
>They are people, enough reason to do it
yes, but their oppresions isn`t so destructive for humanity as oppresion of main and traditional part of socies.
What do you mean by woman sexual liberation? Do you mean the writings of de beauvoir and the garbage ideology it spawned? The "liberating" act of acting like a total slut and choosing not to have kids? Absolutely not.
Nah they should just keep age restrictions on when people can "transition". Past societies had eunuchs and buttfuckers and prohibiting it would go against what has been practiced for centuries and unlike slavery isn't socially oppressive.
*starves internally*
I don't see how it is so destructive for humanity. If anything they are oppresing the former oppresor mechanism, not the individuals.
So you don't know about the sex education and academic implications.
Dumb brainlets.
What the hell are you talking about, eunuchs didn't choose to become eunuchs you retard.
>So you don't know about the sex education and academic implications.
The hell is that supposed to even mean? And you dare call me a brainlet?
>academic implications
That doesn't mean anything!
>family structure
um excuse me True Communismâ„¢ has the commune as the family, babies are swapped at birth so nobody knows who's they are raising ensuring all are raised well like how Herodotus described some North African tribes :-D
You mean trans and gay people don't chose to become what they are. The difference between now and then is its potential for growth like everything else in a post-industrial world.
Sure they chose, nobody's forcing them. Back then if you were captured you'd get castrated regardless if you suffered from gender dysphoria or not. Are you so fucking retarded you can't distinguish these two different situations?
>comparing deluded trannies to slaves castrated under restraint
>using this as a precedent
back to /lgbt/ you loon
Theoretically speaking, it was supposed to reduce teenage pregnancy and STDs. As it turns out, sexual education is useless at that.
Sex education, in general doesn't work because:
1- Abstinence sexual education fails because you have one discipline saying students should not be having sex out of wedlock, while at the same time you have the whole media saying the opposite, sending to young people the message that they are failures if they are not having sex out of marriage.
2- Comprehensive sexual education tends to teach hedonistic sexual ethics (they basically teach "have sex, as long as it is consensual and safe"), which increase promiscuity. So the reductions in pregnancy and STDs due to people using condoms are nullified by people having sex more often. It also has the other harmful effects that a hedonistic sexual ethics has.
"Sexual liberation" was a disaster. You can't even call it liberation, since it turned a large amount of people into slaves of their bodies.
>So the reductions in pregnancy and STDs due to people using condoms are nullified by people having sex more often.
then how come states with abstinence sex education have higher rates of teen pregnancy?
>The Association degrades our sexuality by promoting sexual perversions such as masturbation
Is this nigga serious?
>1- Abstinence sexual education fails because you have one discipline saying students should not be having sex out of wedlock, while at the same time you have the whole media saying the opposite, sending to young people the message that they are failures if they are not having sex out of marriage.
Who do you think they will listen to, "their boring teacher" who gives then one or two hours per week of sexual education or super cool movie stars and magazine writers?
Probably has higher % of niggers?
It's simple. This thread is about sex education AKA, academic basis of such education. Go make another worthy question, brainlet.
Where is the proof of your statement?
So it's benefitial to society then.
>Where is the proof of your statement?
Is english not your first language? Otherwise you have no excuse.
Masturbation today is very harmful with a lot of people doing it 2 times every day or more, negating the meme muh prostate argument for it as beneficial.
Unlimited masturbation and porn use are causing a lot of problems.
I remember reading a paper that has shown that the brains of habitual porn users was not very different from that of drug users.
So you don't know about the content of sex education and its academic implications?
If this isn't english, then english might be the most brainlet language if I created a completely different one in one moment.
Yeah fapping too much destroys your grey matter or something like that, spooky stuff. The internet is a blessing and a curse.
shit. Aren`t some cure?
*6-year long porn user*
>all eunuchs were war booty
wew lad
That it works, but damn Americans don't know moderation
>I remember reading a paper that has shown that the brains of habitual porn users was not very different from that of drug users.
Complete bullshit, there is no mechanism through which porn would destroy your pain. If there are any similarities it would either be because the people who tend to become drug addicts are the same type of people who tend to become porn addicts or gambling addicts or anything addicts, or because a lot of porn users are actual drug addicts.
>happiness reports
>more oppresed
>if sex liberates what it liberates from
Simple, the choice of women to engage in casual sex with whoever she desires if the other person wants too.
>sexual liberation was a disaster
Sexual liberation freed women from an oppresive social spectations.
brain, clearly porn has destroyed mine
I bet you also think families in the paleolithic consisted of a stay at home mom who suckled the babies and a father who went out with the rest of the tribe to endure the weather in their hunt for food to bring back to the camp, setting the precedent for the modern nuclear family.
but user traps are a gift of God
I can assure you shitposting and browsing trashy social media all day has a greater impact on your cognitive faculties than fapping 2 or 3 times.
What is this irrelevant thing you're raising out of nowhere, was it another talking point on your gender studies course laddette?
Why not? It is not because something goes against your priors that it is wrong.
>Simple, the choice of women to engage in casual sex with whoever she desires if the other person wants too.
Not all choices are equally good. Becoming a promiscuous person, a pleasure seeker is bad for your well being. It also makes you a less reliable spouse.
What we have now is a kind of societal ideology leads to more people doing bad life choices.
>Sexual liberation freed women from an oppresive social spectations.
Every society has its expectations. And a society that values chastity and temperance will lead to happier and healthier people than a society like ours, that values promiscuity and over indulgence, who teaches people that happiness is found on material goods and your genitals?
i don't really care if it's gay i just care that it makes me diamonds
My neurons are on fire from the stimulating discourse ITT pal don't know what you're talking about.
It's a fairly generic post as well, not a fan of this cancerous "fpbp" shit that arose like a year or so ago. Ironically it seems to have come from /pol/ / reddit.
>happiness reports
The same that confirmed the oppresion and how they didn't have a social acceptance when engaging casual sex?
>Not all choices are equally good
Literally the same argument of communism. The later sentences are based on this simple fallacy you spout.
>chastity and temperance
You mean oppresion of choice and alienated treatment of women needs?
Sexual revolution was obviously a consequence of the past society.
>The same that confirmed the oppresion and how they didn't have a social acceptance when engaging casual sex?
How is this supposed to be an answer to what I have written?
>Literally the same argument of communism. The later sentences are based on this simple fallacy you spout.
I don't know exactly what the communists believe about this, but they are not the only ones that believe that "not all choices are equally good". And which fallacy are you talking about?
>>chastity and temperance
>You mean oppresion of choice and alienated treatment of women needs?
No, chastity and temperance.
Then you guys tell me communism brainwashing is CIA/Right-wing propaganda. You are the living proof that the demoralization process has happened effectively.
You people are think exactly like Michel Foucault and J.P Sartre.
The only solution is another world war where people will have to work 12h a day for a meal. Then people won't have free time to read communism and be brainwashed like you are.
And by your standards the world is shittier now than before... I mean, a lot of the changes in society came from neoliberalism, specifically what /pol/ calls degeneracy, and that isn't "cultural marxism"
Are you a real person?
>haha dude just stop having sex, the old ways are better!
It's like you don't remember that time when Europe had so many children out of wedlocks. Freud said it was because of lack of sexual freedom. It might sound stupid but maybe he was right, look now, there are way fewer bastards in first world countries.
If you want to see old sex education at work go to any third world country and ask people how many of their grandfathers had bastards.
It's simple. Reports have the same validity as charts, which means nothing, even less when we are talking about "happiness". However, the social oppresion of women is pretty well documented.
>not all choices are equally good
It's simple. I mentioned the fact that they don't have social oppresion restricting them to have casual sex. Then, either you support that action, or you want to change the social POV of that topic, which would oppress women again.
>"chastity and temperance" which lead oppresion of choice and alienated treatment of women needs
>sexual liberation
The answer is simple