Why was the NKVD dominated by Jews?

Why was the NKVD dominated by Jews?
>When the mass killing of the Great Terror began, about a third of the high-ranking NKVD officers were Jewish by nationality.
>The representation of Jews in summer 1936 was still higher at the rank of general (fifty-four percent) and in the central apparatus of the NKVD in Moscow (sixty-four percent) and among ranking officers in Soviet Ukraine (sixty-seven percent).

Memes aside, why were Jews in control of the NKVD, while not being particularly represented in the government or in the army?

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Dictators often use non-native minorities to supress the native majority because members of non-native minorities tend to be less emptionally attached to the members of the native majority and therefore are more willing to commit atrocities against them, especially if this native majority used to oppress these non-native minorities in the past, like the Russians used to oppress the Jews before the Soviets came to power.

That's the only non-meme answer you are likely to get.

*less emotionally attached

Interesting. But why Jews in particular? And when did the Jews come to dominate the NKVD? Was it organized by Stalin or were they always dominant in the Cheka from Lenin's times?

the fourth prime minister of Israel was in a gulag

I think you mean the sixth prime minister, Begin. He was not a Soviet citizen, he was Polish and was arrested by the NKVD after the Soviet Union's invasion of Poland because he was a cadet in the army.

But the Jews were still massively underrepresented among GULAG inmates and massively overrepresented among GULAG administrators

There were not that much underrepresented among the GULAG afaik, but Solzhenitsyn wrote that in his personal experience Jews had a "softer" experience in the GULAG (perhaps because the authorities were empathetic Jews?)


yeah true

According to reddit it's because jews were getting their revenge for 2000 years of ''repression''
The truth is that jews are self-destructive people
The vast majority of jews (including Trotsky) killed people because they have thousands of years of psychopathic education

It's from Timothy Snyder's book "Bloodlands"

Leftists deny the jewish dominance in Communism because leftists hate Israel. However once the Israel hate goes out of fashion they will go back to partner with jews just like Lenin and Mao did in the past.

>But why Jews in particular?
Why not? They were relatively dispersed,well educated and imo didn't like each other too much since they were no longer Jews but atheists.

Maybe it was just a coincidence?

So strange. They were .001% of the Germain army but 30% of the NKVD communist political police despite being 1-3% of both pipulations. Makes you think.

and now do the same statistics for 1950

It's always "just a coincidence", isn't it?

try harded /pol/ nigger

Are you blind? This chart literally says that up to 1937, around 40% of people in NKDV were Jews, and that the number of Jews in NKVD exceeded the number of all Russians, Ukrainains and Belarusians combined.


but even russians admited that

They were better educated than other people.
Also this. For example the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine during the Holodomor was an ethnic Pole (Stanislaw Kosior).

>They were better educated than other people.

Top kek, do you think that one of the most anti-intellectual intelligence agencies in history chose new recruits based on how educated they were? None of the heads of the NKVD were well-educated.

And most of them were dead by the 1941

A third is not "in control" lol

>Yagoda was born in Rybinsk into a Jewish family. The son of a jeweller, trained as a statistician, who worked as a chemist's assistant

>Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, a hereditary dvoryanin (Russian nobility), was born into a Polish-Russian family of teachers. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Saint Petersburg University in 1898.

>Beria attended a technical school in Sukhumi, and joined the Bolsheviks in March 1917 while a student in the Baku Polytechnicum (subsequently known as the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy). As a student, Beria distinguished himself in mathematics and the sciences. The Polytechnicum's curriculum concentrated on the petroleum industry.

Many of them were better educated than the majority of Russians.
>In 1897, the overall literacy rate of the Russian Empire was an estimated 24%, with the rural literacy rate at 19.7%.

God anti-/pol/sters are so retarded. Read your own graph nigger.

Yes nobody denies that, the whole NKVD got purged at the end of the great purge. That doesn't answer OP's question.

>40% of the security forces in a country that's 4% Jewish are Jews
/pol/ btfo

Not security forces, but NKVD komissars. I doubt there were many jews in the army