Pink Wojak thread? Pink Wojak thread.
Post how much did you lose since past week.
Pink Wojak thread? Pink Wojak thread
Could be worst.
50 poorfag even more poor.
I made 5 grand in walton then lost 10 grand. Feelsbadman
30% ~1,2k$
1700, and my ether is fucking kept on blackmoon ico.
Down £454
Fucking chinks man, this is cyber terrorism.
15%. Lost 30 k in literally one hour
My portfolio is down around $1500, but it's not a loss unless I sell!
t. no coiner
About 2k $500 being fees
Poured $4500 in crypto a month ago.
Have lost around $800.
You guys are pitifully poor.
-$19k here and not even panicking slightly.
This is why you guys are poor. I mean it. You live in fear and dread instead of confidence and bullish optimism.
Managed to bust outta there breaking even
>you're poor because you don't have enough money.
I think you're mixing up cause and effect there, but ok. I understand your point, such as it is.
600 buckaroos ;-;
Thatnks user, would you recommend buying eth in the comming weeks?
lost $100 in 12 hours (20% of my blockfolio) fuckin chinks JUSTed me.
-1200 USD
game over folks. game over.
should i take another 1000 USD and pump it into OMG, ARK and LISK? Tell me rich dude...
>should i buy low?
not hard to buy low now
down 35k of gains
$50 dollars since last week
$1700 since the top
> -€1,000
I just broke 5 grand before the crash. Why must I be tormented?
nothing, hodling strong
Who gives a fuck about loss in fiat, I only care about the BTC value of my stack.
Margin trading?
$200 CAD. It'll go up again
Made it all back and more on ETH bust because I sold 2 days before fall and bought back in at 290 when you clowns shit your pants and panic sold. It's already back at 320. Enjoy the thread.
I love wojaks, but this is literally nothing. HODL, my nigga
can someone post the Youtube video with 'rules of nature' in the background?
I'd put it in her butt
lol first time seeing this version