Would Middle Easterners and North Africans be considered white if they werent mostly muslims?
Would Middle Easterners and North Africans be considered white if they werent mostly muslims?
i don't know. i'm arab and i'm pale as fuck, and i've seen some brown as fuck italians and spaniards that go on about how they are the proud white masterrace. also wtf the fuck how are armenians considered white when they live just a few kilometres from us in the region and are hardly a different complexion
whoever came up with the idea that southern european/meds are the same race as nords and slavs but not the same race as eastern meds was stupid, but race is a social science anyway (i.e. not a real science)
No, they're nothing of the sort.
Only when its convenient for white people
Someone's mad about Ancient Egypt not being Black
>my ancestor :)
Someones mad about ancient egypt not being white
I don't give a shit. I just love the idea of them not being Black because it pisses off Black racists.
go to pol, both
Neolithic farmers came from 3 different sources
Could someone give me the working definition of "white"?
Depigmented person from Europe with significant steppe related ancestry associated with Indo-European dispersals
Basically anything good. Irish and south italians are conveniently are ruled out because one are allegedly drunken retards and the other ones mafiosis. Ancient MENA is included because who wouldnt want to call dibs on the cradle of civilization?
Germanics, Slavs and Balts. (Honorary mention: Finns, Estonians, Scots, Hungarians)
The thing is, they were "black" by US definition From their point of view I guess they saw themselves as red-skinned or even white compared to the pale yellow barbarians to the north, the olive-skinned barbarians to the east and the coal-black barbarians to the south, but they were at least as black as Haile Selassie or Sadat or Gaafar Nimeiry or other Northeast African natives.
So she isn't white?
There's no difference between black and white people. There really is, for humankind there’s really no such thing as race. There’s different tribes but not different races. We’re all one species. Skin color is consequence of ultraviolet light, of latitude and climate.
>The thing is, they were "black" by US definition
Probably not since Americans are familiar with brown MENA people
>but they were at least as black as Haile Selassie or Sadat or Gaafar Nimeiry or other Northeast African natives.
In your imagination, yes.
In reality they looked like modern day Egyptians but more tanned because people spent more time outside.
the place was settled by vandals and romans
cherrypicking this one person won't change the facts that sardinians look like apes.
Cherrypicking can make Indians white too.
Sardinians don't need to be white. They can be brown Europeans.
Ok, what about them?
look at their noses, do they look white to you? they look like jews, which is pretty common for meds in general
>inb4 it's the opposite
it is
Yes, whitness is an american spook and has only ever be used for the purpose of an us vs them narrative, if mena people were christians they would be seen as white, except those with a high subsaharan admixture like lower cast tuaregs.
Race is mostly used in an unscientific way but it does not mean actual races do not exist.
T.Racist white supermacist
>In reality they looked like modern day Egyptians
So... Sudanese and Nubian in the South and more like Arabs in the North? Yeah, pretty much. When most people talk about ancient Egypt being black they largely mean Upper Egypt
>but more tanned because people spent more time outside.
I guess the ancient Libyans were shut-in nerds then because they painted them white as milk.
>this is supposed to look black
>b-b-but muh one drop rule :(
>Anwar Sadat was born on 25 December 1918 in Mit Abu El Kom, Monufia, Egypt to a poor Nubian family, one of 13 brothers and sisters.
>His father, Anwar Mohammed El Sadat was an Upper Egyptian, and his mother, Sit Al-Berain, was a Sudanese from her father. Thus, they said his mother did not look "Egyptian enough" and some called him "Nasser's black poodle."
He was blacker than Obama.
Religion has no influence on race/ethnicity for the most part. Some places in North Africa vary with pigmentation, skin color, and complexions like Libya and Algeria that can produce a lot of people that are passably "white". Some other places in the Near East/Western Asia and Central Asia, especially in these cases, with Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, and Lebanon can show that as well.
And regardless, why does what one looks like matter?
That map just shows G or some other Caucasus genes remained more prevalent in the Near East and the Mediterranean where as Europeans have a higher degree of R1a and R1b Indo-European and hunter gatherer admixture.
Obama is not black, being half black does not makes one black.
Look, I don't give a shit about your personal opinion on the matter. I made it clear from the start that I was using the common US perception. In the US, Obama and Haile Selassie are seen as black, no matter how little sense that makes to you.
>being half black does not makes one black
Sadat was more than half black, that's why I said he was blacker than Obama.
Why are there so many white looking people in Iran, i thought semites were not that close to indo-europeans?
You already made this exact thread and it was stupid and it still is.
Everyone saying Islam has to do with it is probably lying, at most Islam is the reason for racism regarding Middle Eastern and North African peoples, but not the idea they're a separate race.
Everyone here knows Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Persians and the rest, all clearly did not only believe Sub-Saharans and Northern Europeans looked the same as them, but they clearly also portrayed even their neighbors as somewhat different looking in all of their art and statues.
I am of Middle Eastern Christian descent and no one of them I know considers himself or herself white, including or perhaps especially people who aren't familiar with the Western usage of the term white and have had the most contact with Mediterranean peoples or Slavs.
In short, this is just more loose usage of terms. I don't even know why this board is following the fad of pretending you can't point at people who look different in every way and say one is white and one is yellow or brown or whatever. It's just relativism and pseudoscience. And poor trolling.
Iranians have aryan ancestry you dumb nig nog
Where did this myth that Semites and Indo-Europeans are real present groups outside of abstract grammar come from? Because that grammar can be traced to a pair of groups 10,000 years ago that we know nothing about?
They are language groups. The only thing they have in common as such is etymology.
It may not to Afrocentric extremists but it does according to historical one drop rules.
Up until the modern era language groups correlated with ethnicity.
Nice science-free ethnologic interpretation of ethnogenetic affinities
Sorry, I meant to say didn't look the same as them.
whiteness is weird
I have like 35% native american in me and I'm paler than most scandinavians
Sure. When the Portuguese arrived in South India, they were thinking "who are these crazy Dravidian savages" but then they reached Delhi and went "Ah, now I'm at home".
It's amazing how naive some of you are.
I don't give a fuck about your retarded idea of what blackness is you fucking ameritard, even fucking Vanessa Williams is black by your stupid standards.
Is that supposed to invalidate the idea that there are Indo-European and Semitic genes?
Show me a european people who spoke a mesoamerican language indigenously. I mean, there is no link between language and ethnicity, right?
>one drop rule
I'm not even American.
If there would be no islam, there would be something else that would replace racism in regards of those people, either by what kind of Christianity they are following, or by their language, or anything ethnic related that would let some people feel superior to other people.
Ok i guess i should not have insulted you that way, sorry.
The point is if middle easterners would be part of your afromentioned people
What do you mean?
You still see people speak of "Monophysite heresy" and "Nestorian heresy" even though millions of ME Christians have practiced those two for 1500 years.
So it's not "if" when it has already happened.
I was under the impression different language groups as well as mutual shared religious and cultural beliefs stem from common ancestry. Language is one of the biggest factors separating different peoples.
Also, Semitic and Indo-European are not equal groups, I believe Semitic is a branch of Afro-Asiatic languages.
The Carthaginians and Jews both adopted the language of their rulers, Latin and Aramaic (and eventually Greek for both) respectively. Then Arabic, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, French and English also spread in similar fashion.
Afro-Asiatic languages are about twice as old as IE
>are real present groups outside of abstract grammar
Afro-Asiatic is a real present group sharing the same ancestry(E1b1b)
Indo-Mongrels are a mixed race tho
you should kill yourself
>that "beard"
No if you aren't from Ireland, Britain or Scandinavia you aren't white.
A think only USA cares about, for anyone else Obama it's half white or a mulatoe.
But you can find common ground between Italics, Greeks, Armenians, Celtics, Germanics, Slavics/Baltics due to mutual shared ancestry and hertiage which is common place among IE peoples.
It is a one day "beard"
Now that i restarted to do gym my facial hair density is increasing
Nice broscience
why are you wh*Te subhuman asking this question everyday? Are you a self hater house nigger subhuman or just a mentally retarded wh*Te subhuman? even mentally ill wh*Te subhumans know that Western Asians are not fucking wh*Te
stick to your own inbred race. faggot.
Arabs are white if by white you mean Caucasoid and only germanics, celts and Slavs are white if by white you mean blue eyed and pale skin and blonde hair. So yet again it boils down to language
lmao this cuck, every post of his is pure autism
Sport = increasing and releasing testosterone = beard
My hair density is growing at visible speed, two more month of gym and pic related will be my beard
t. butthurt subhuman jealous of Glorious Trojan-Alan Master Race
You're the only subhuman here, I mean look at your face.
Post you subhuman face, subhuman
One drop rule is American nonsense from the early 20th century (look up Racial Integrity Act). How are American brainlets supposed to be the ultimate authority on race? Biologically it doesn't make any sense.
Sadat looks black but most Egyptians never looked like him.
Those werent racial distinctions
Persians have 4% aryan steppe ancestry. Same as Lebanese people lmao
Why do Indo-European Armenians cluster with Kartvelian Georgians and Semitic Assyrians?
So do Gilakis and Manderazanis.
>Aryan Steppe Ancestry
I hope you aren't trying to imply the Yamanya and Andronvo people are Mongoloids.
Without Arab enrichment they were basically Meds. Now how are white are meds?
Should add, Gilakis and Mazanderanis specifically group and cluster as closely with other Iranian peoples as they do with Georgians, Ossteians, and Azeris (not Turkish Azerbaijani "Azeris") and most groups in the Caucasus.
>"Semitic" Assyrians
Have a huge input of R1b
>I don't understand how conquests work 90% of the time
stop posting retarded pca plots that make no sense
Are you retarded? They're the same thing. Excluding East Asians gives more 2d space for West Eurasian variation.
No, races are determined by their genome and bone structure.
The most pale person on earth is an albino african
Dravidian and greek migration
What the fuck are you on about
It's literally the same
Absolutely without doubt. The Med is the true center of the white race, one people divided by religion against itself.
>2020 - 3
>still using ENF
/pol/ is about "muh Aryan" not about "muh DNA"
Doesnt fit your narrative,huh?
Fuck off, we are surely better looking than you.
They probably have phoenicians anchestry which is common in some cities and uncommon in others.
The girl in the center makes me remember about a girl that tried to hit on me in middle school.
Scary stuff.
>outdated models nobody in the genetics community uses anymore are narrative
Doesnt fit your narrative,huh?
what is used then
[citation needed]
why are wh*Tes so fucking retarded?
since Natufian and neolithic iranian DNA came out a year ago, geneticists can now distinguish the mediterranean genetic diversity
ever wondered why Sardinians plot so far from Iranians even on a simple PCA?
show me a single paper from this year or the last using ENF
I'll wait
Not him but there were three different ENF ethnicities and They were extremely different genetically, especially The Iranian farmers Who were profoundly different from Anatolian and levantine farmers Who despite bring genetically distinct were somrewhat closer
It's the same, retard