You faggots have it to easy and you know it, why don't you try living on the other side of the fence? Not so easy is it?
You faggots have it to easy and you know it, why don't you try living on the other side of the fence? Not so easy is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>being a single father
Oh man I wonder why this guy is poor.
>implying being a parent is a choice you can make
I would say as long as you can dig graves you can choose about being a parent, every real baller has put a hoe in a ditch at least once
>implying it isn't
Holy fuck if you can't convince your girl to take contraceptives on top of yourself taking them then you literally deserve it.
Why is there no option tu invest in cryptos ?
>one bad decision should ruin you financially for life
(((Oh vey)))
why do I default have a kid, no working partner, and a fucking pet?
>if you have already blown trough your emergency fund like a retard it's hard to go to the dentist, go to a GP, have an out-of-state wedding and fix your car all in the same month
>also you knowingly ignored the rules of your apartment and illegally kept a pet. This somehow is not your fault.
>boo hoo poor people have it so tough
>having kids when you clearly can't afford them
found the problem
shit should be legit classified as child abuse if you're a poorfag with children
when did I say that? You said we shouldn't imply being a parent isn't a choice, but literally you would need to have non preventative sex.
I'll make an argument though for financial burden.
You can't shoot a gun at a rock near you without glass on and expect someone else to pay for you when you get some of the shell in your eyes.
>your boss ILLEGALY fires you for trying to join a union
>the game doesn't give you the option to sue their ass
Oh come on. Lawyers would be lining up for this one. This is payday.
This game is completely retarded lol
>kid wants me to take him off the free lunch program and have me pay $3 a day so he can be with the cool kids
>kid wants to join a sports team that requires $50 uniforms with full knowledge that we're poor
>kid threatens to starve himself because he hates being poor
>your child is literally trying to get you in trouble for shit you can't even control
How about I give this little shit the fucking belt and see how tough he is when is ass is in so much pain he won't be able to sit down at school
>what is a condom
How about you don't geht children if you can't afford Thema you disgusting poor trash.
>what is a needle
The fucking game threw a kid at me and ran away, then some bitch roastie says I'm the dad and has to support both of them including our malnourished chihuahua with super AIDS. There's no option to just fucking bail so what am I supposed to do other than telling that little faggot to eat shit and die.
Got halfway through the game and still no suicide option. The fuck is this shit?
that's with calling out sick and letting my kid do fun shit
wagecucks BTFO
it should
if you make bad decision you should suffer consequences
Did you do with or without health insurance?
>start game with "$1000"
>ok sure, I'd personally never let my emergency fund get that low, but I can see how it can happen to someone
>"oh btw you have $7300 in credit card debt and a kid lol"
Wow fuck this game, they're not even trying
Oh wow look I actually ended up with more money than I started with
the pet, and the fucking landlord just raising rent because who gives a fuck. No option to get a lawyer to send a nice threatening letter? and with the job, they cut my pay in half? I'm already making only 9 per hour, half would be way below min. wage. let me get the department of labor on the line, and might as well call osha on the bullshit standards, and file for workmans comp through them, and through some slimeball attorney. watch how quick I'd get a nice fat check.
>Rent is being increased
>Pick "ask a friend for loan"
>Almost automatically posts a status on my fucking facebook asking friends for money
>has a kid (single parent)
>has a pet knowing you can't have them in the apartment
>has a car
>has credit card debt
what the fuck is wrong with people
>having a goyberg
>adopt out pet
>refuse to pay landlord increased rent (jacked price is illegal)
>threaten to file claim against retarded employer for trying to cut hours
Wow this was so hard. Even with a kid I didn't want.
The truth is that retards who end up as single parents don't have the cognitive ability to make good choices anyways
That thing is stupid.
> pays a shitton for college, still can't get a decent job
> single father
> has credit card debt
I mean this guy is doomed from the start, but still he can make it to the end of the month with a few sacrifices. Fuck poor people tbqh
>your car got repossessed
>next week: your car needs maintenance
Fuck this game.
>what is not having sex with someone that might prick your condom
this is fucking gay lmao
>You're down to your last $1000
>Except you also have cc debt and college loans
>Btw you have to take care of a kid
What dumbass degree did this person get, and why did they have a house in the first place if they couldn't afford to live without going into debt?
Hahaha oh man this is rich
Also I love how it doesn't even allow you to have two jobs, as if living on one min wage job is enough to survive with a fucking lolchild and mountains of debt.
Tbqh this guy screwed himself financially years ago and hasn't bothered to ever try to pick up the pieces (debt refinancing, live with family, mortgage deferment, selling possessions incrementally instead of a yard sale)
Like you can get a shitty warehouse job or serving gig pretty much anywhere in the US. Unless your parents are junkies you can stay with them or get roommates until you figure your shit out.
Like I get that this game is supposed to make me sympathize with people of lesser means, but holy shit right out the gate this guy has made some seriously big life mistakes that were completely avoidable so like... it does the opposite of garner sympathy.
It garners contempt.
What a disaster.
lol Americans have it so easy, even after fucking it up that bad you can save up some 20 bucks easily while having dumb luxuries like 3$ daily lunches for your spoiled kid and pets, along with doing noting to protect yourself from your shitty boss and landlord and working a single job
The odds of you getting a chick pregnant in just one go are incredibly low. Your "one bad decision" is really a string of bad decisions over a long period of time.
>choose to pursue women
>choose not to get the snip
>choose to get down and dirty with a woman not on the pill
>choose not to use condoms
>choose not to pull out
>choose not to count
>choose not to get your girl emergency contraception
>choose not to get your girl an abortion
>choose to pursue parental rights despite knowing you don't have the finances for it nor a support network (family, etc.)
You literally have to fail a dozen times in a row for unwanted single fatherhood to happen.
>it's that rigged game made by liberals where you are poor and can't make it through the month without welfare because you've got children, a car, 3 dogs, 1 cat, people to support and all kinds of retarded shit happens all the time making you lose money in a fucking month