Why don't more people rank Mohammed as the greatest man of all time?
Why don't more people rank Mohammed as the greatest man of all time?
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>Why don't more people rank Mohammed as the greatest man of all time?
Roughly 23% of the world's population does believe that, though.
OP said people, not apes
Because European society that shaped the modern world is mainly based on the teachings of the Christians, as they descend from Medieval societies.
Sand people didn't get to vote in those lists.
le epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FRIEND I have shared this post to r/The_Donald and /pol/ ;))))))))))
Now that the dust has settled...was Mohammed greater than Napoleon and Alexander the Great?
Hitler loved muslims, too. Basically said that Charles Martel beating the muslims was Europe's greatest tragedy, because with Islam instead of Christianity the germanic races would have already conquered the world a long time ago.
Everyone knowlegable knows he is up there.
He must have been inspired by Nietzshe
Alexander, no, Napoleon arguably.
Ultimately, Mohammad wasn't really the conqueror, Walid was.
>Implying Napoleon wasn't greater than Alexander
Perhaps old Nietzsche should've tried looking up what the word "Muslim" actually means sometime.
>Napoleon considering turning turk because it might buy him a few more men who might stop the anglos cucking him.
Napoleon didn't really believe this, he was appealing to the Egyptians who he though very little of. He executed many and met reports of how backward they were with complete incredulity.
He really did consider converting though, he had a terrible relationship with the Catholic church who considered him a heretic, hard to say how well it would have gone down in France.
In terms of his impact on human history, most people would rank him as #1 or near enough.
In that sense, he is truly Great. He's like Christ and Khan rolled into one.
A lot of people don't like the impact he had on the world, but in his defense all great men have this problem.
Napoleon wasn't greater than Alexander.
>getting this triggered
>it's a "Napoleon says nice things about his opponents in order to appease them" episode
Don't be so naive.
>this meme again
most of his quotes about islam are from his diary and private correspondence
>conqers the technological and cultural centers of the world at this time via deception and ruthlesness
>own ideology runs it into the ground a couple of hundred years later
Kek, I wonder why...
Prove it.
>makes a claim without anything to back it up
>demends for proofs when contradicted
here you go faggot
couldn't find any better in english but in the list the two quotes about Muhammad that gives a direct source are from the diary he wrote in saint helena.
It's true he said good things about islam as a tool to please his egyptians subjects, but that does not mean he was not genuine.
actually this list has not two but four relevant quotes, well even better
>being this upset
Worse than the original post.
I genuinely don't understand the meaning of this quote.
Something like islam is made for real men probably. Must have been translated verbatim from german
Ahh okay. Thanks.
Christianity's central dogmas are egalitaranism, meekness, and masochistic guilt.
Islam is about killing your enemies, and owning several slaves(sex slaves included), Islam is the worship pf the Strong with Allah as the strongest.
Islam is the Ruthless Chad while Christianity is the beta idealistic leftie.
Islam is the ruthless Chad as long as it is not losing. Then it becomes the crying for your sympathy opressed minority.
>t.literal and figurative antifa cuck
Don't you ever call me an antifa again you fucking faggot
>own ideology runs it into the ground a couple of hundred years later
What are you talking about? The Abbasid caliphate was probably their peak.
fuck off samefag, all I need to do is post a blacked pic for a choir of autistic screeching. Your dumbshit is just tired and cliche, nobody wants you here