South america directly after independence

>south america directly after independence
>an interesting continent with a shit ton of interesting empires
>modern south america
>boring third world shithole

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el peruANO

> Europe in the 1500s
> an interesting continent with a shit ton of interesting empires
> modern Europe
> allahu akbar

What an awful map. Probably made by an American

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Der PeruANER

Mongrel detected.

Fixed the map for you.

South America has some cool history when you look into it. The Paraguayan war, the dispute of Chaco Boreal, the Integralists in Brazil that never gained power - lots of hidden stuff you don't hear much about. I wouldn't take the continent for granted.

no sweetie it's 1825 it's on the map

The triple alliance war even had direct european intervention, like troops and ships

>the absolute state of british history

>A fucking war in Paraguay, in the fucking Misiones and Mato Grosso
Try hard Elizabeth

It was pretty good early on and then it became boring republics

there are a lot of rivers in the area, Paraná is one of them

Paraguay during the war had one of the biggest floods in its history making possible to brazilian ships to travel around ,and the european ones came from the Montevideo port after the battle of Paysandú.

The war wasnt fought in the Parana
This is true but the brazilian ships only taked a rol when the war was already decided and the alied troops want to cross into paraguayan soil but even then there was no naval engage and the ships were pointless and the allied forces were crushed in the Battle of Curupayty

The brazilian fleet thanks to the flooding could siege sucefully the humaita fortress that was a key strategic point even called the Sebastopol of America after they captured it, the path to the taking of the capital was open.

>even called the Sebastopol of America
Yeah, by nationalist paraguayans
>The brazilian fleet thanks to the flooding could siege sucefully the humaita
When the flooding arrive the whole fortress was pointless and was evacuated, the ships did not a shit is the fall of Humaita

Here look.á

that is not the fortress, is the passage the one who was defended by a chain not by the fortress that is why when the flooding arrived the ships just cross over it and Humaita was abandoned because the only point of it was to protect the chain. And even if things happened as you say, the Brazilian fleet only sailed to Asuncion, shot 2 rounds and returned where it came

From the Spanish Wiki
>El 19 de febrero, tras un duro intercambio de artillería algunos buques brasileños pudieron cruzar por delante del fuerte de Humaitá, y tres días más tarde dos de ellos bombardearon brevemente Asunción, ciudad que fue evacuada.26

Las fortalezas habían perdido su razón de ser: Curupaytí fue evacuada por sus defensores y López evacuó Humaitá a través del Chaco, estableciéndose en San Fernando, poco al norte del río Tebicuary.

>On February 19, after a hard exchange of artillery some Brazilian ships were able to cross in front of the Humaitá fort, and three days later two of them briefly bombed Asunción, a city that was evacuated.

The fortresses had lost their reason for being: Curupaytí was evacuated by its defenders and Lopez evacuated Humaitá through the Chaco, establishing itself in San Fernando, little to the north of Tebicuary river.

t. indio de la montaña

Mongrel detected.

Nothing worse than Euroboos that thumb their nose at South America when their countries are literal welfare leeches depending on the US military and Germany's wallet.

South America has some developed countries that are very decent places to live in, like Uruguay, meanwhile Europe has shitholes like Moldova which is poorer than the poorest South American state.

Not to mention that half of the Europe you idolize so much depends entirely on EU gibs from the richer states, Spain and Poland get the equivalent of an entire Marshall Plan each, all to themselves, for free, every 5 years.

Your generalizations about entire continents are retarded.

Marshall Plan (In inflation-adjusted 2015 dollars) = $103 billion

Net money Poland gets from EU development funds (for free, no need to pay it back) = €11.21 billion Euros

Net money Spain gets from EU development funds (for free, no need to pay it back) = €3.72 billion Euros

So to correct the figures, Poland gets an entire Marshall Plan to itself for free every 9 years, Spain gets an entire Marshall Plan all to itself for free every 25 years.

Looks like somebody's triggered

Which one are you smoking? Share a bit pls, it's legal here

woah.. its almost as if every country ends up as a shithole if it flirts with socialism too much....

Must be nice to live in such a simplistic world.

Why the fuck does Poland get so much?

Fuck them.