Did Sparta cuck Athens?

Did Sparta cuck Athens?

Can you phrase your question without using /pol/ buzzwords?

Sparta was an irrelevant barbaric shithole leeching on other Greek states.
If not for the "300 movie" meme they would be irrelevant. Persia was more civilized anyway.

Go back to r*ddit faggot

My grandma was Spartan and she left me a ruin in a mountain close there :^)

Sorry, I meant
>shadilay fellow kekistani! What did OP mean by this, is Sparta, dare I say it, /ourguy/, or did they get BLACKED by based Persia. not an argument.

Yea but they were sexy as fuck. Weren't they know for stealing women and shit?


>shit hole
>somehow kicked the ass of the most """"powerful"""" greek city
Jesus pericles calm down

Wait so Persia was the based God ?

No Thebes castrated both of them out of pure spite

Dream on, Thebes had about 20 seconds in the sun after a hundred years of being considered shit tier pedophiles. Then, they immediately got burnt to the ground and all died.

Even today, boeotian means idiot. The Theban legacy: muh treachery, muh boy loving, muh mental retardation. Literally produced nothing of value beyond exporting some eels.

Yes, Sparta was the chad of Greece

They were /known/ for it, but there's no archaeological evidence that they were any more warlike/barbaric/etc than other greek city-states. After Thermopylae it was a reputation that spread and the Spartans had no interest in squashing it.


Alcibiades got banned from Sparta cause he cucked too many of them

So /pol/?

No but they sure did get cucked by Thebes.

Other way around. In fact Sparta got so dumb that the Corthinian War ended up restoring major power back to the Achaemenid Empire getting to play kingmaker all over again with the Greek city-states.

Reminder that the Spartan king Agesilaus II was a flaming faggot who got fucked in the ass daily by Lysander

Alcibiades got banned from everywhere for cucking everybody


>If not for the Romans they would be irrelevant

Wrong; that sort of thing was illegal in Sparta. Hardcore boy loving was the bailiwick of Thebes and Elis. Source: Plato's Symposium, Xenophon's Constitution of the Lacedaemonians, and fuck Thebes.

>If not for the "300 movie" meme
More like because of Herodotus