Why couldn't the US (a world superpower) prevent a relatively small island right next to it from becoming communist?
Why couldn't the US (a world superpower) prevent a relatively small island right next to it from becoming communist?
Didnt try hard to stop it. Not a Burgerboo but this is the honest answer.
Why didn't they try harder though? Were they literally retarded? They could've easily predicted that the Soviet union would place nukes there
They never gave a single fuck, also Castro wasn´t a communist by then, that came later.
Eisenhower should have given beard man a handshake and a bag with a million dollars and problem solved.
>Didnt try hard to stop it
You know, other than the armed insurrections backed by the president and almost starting a nuclear war
That's relatively lax compared to the full-scale land invasions witnessed in the East.
They didn't listen.
>They never gave a single fuck
Are you retarded?
They could have esaly removed Castro but they actually care about there image of a nation that respects democratic rights. Unlike USSR - no one took the idea of muh people's democracy anywyas so they could easily do things like pic related and not lose face.
they didnt want to obviously
Because the Soviet Union was also a superpower. No point in causing a war over what had basically been a resort island.
>what is the Bay of Pigs
Kennedy got cold feet.
castro literally took bids for alignment. his guerillas weren't ideologically organized. by the time his intentions were clear the island was already being garrisoned making the cost of a successful intervention greater than the benefits.
if it weren't for the miami and north jersey exiles we wouldn't think about cuba at all. and if the pope didn't make it his pet project we wouldn't be talking to them right now.
That and Eden went full retard at the same time the Soviet Union was invading Hungary.
The Soviet Union did not place nukes there.
>care about there image of a nation that respects democratic rights
But the US organized cups in Democratic countries like Chile, Argentina, Iran etc
If America would have launched a full-scale invasion of Cuba, the Soviet Union would have responded with nuclear missiles.
>making the cost of a successful intervention greater than the benefits.
>if it weren't for the miami and north jersey exiles we wouldn't think about cuba at all. and if the pope didn't make it his pet project we wouldn't be talking to them right now.
are you retarded? how is a communist country RIGHT ON YOUR FUCKING BACKYARD, not a concern?
Cuba on their own is a pissant compared to the Americans. The only reason the burgers felt compelled to care was when Castro went full retard and invited the Soviets to station nukes there. Kennedy forced them to back down and promise never to station nukes there, and since then Cuba has descended back into irrelevance.
Yes they did, they had both short range and intermediate range missiles present, and had unassembled bombers, all present on Cuban soil. The crisis wasn't preventing the USSR from having nukes in Cuba (it was too late for that), it was to prevent more from getting there and having the ones already there removed.
>how is a communist country RIGHT ON YOUR FUCKING BACKYARD, not a concern?
They were, and are, strategically insignificant. The Soviets were planned predominately on invading Western Europe if war broke out, so they wouldn't have wasted an invasion force stationing many soldiers in Cuba. Even with nukes in Cuba (~100 expected by the end of the next year), they couldn't endanger US forces or assets any more than we were already subject to.
Beyond that, the lack of Soviet interest in stationing large numbers of military assets in Cuba, and the fact that they were militarily minor, meant that if war broke out the US would have (and planned to) quickly take and occupy Cuba.
Ultimately, the most dangerous aspect of Cuba being a communist ally in out "backyard" was the psychological aspect of it.
woah nice to see someone here knows history, Fidel actually looked for american support first, he was figthing agaisnt the dictatorship not for lenin and marx. But when the USA rejected him he looked to the other superpower for help.
This. But really, we thought Batista was too useful to get rid of him.
Didn't Cuba only go communist because USA started shit on Castro for his nationalization project?
Well that and we kinda ignored him when he came to us for support in his revolution, but the soviets were willing to send at the very least moral support and some money.
yupp. God nothing is as entertaining reading about how the US destebilize countries because they think nationalisation = gobbynism just for said country be sized by a socialist groups.
The US is pretty good at telling neutral countries to fuck off when they come asking for assistance, losing them to the commies/russians/chinese/islamic terrorists forever.
United Fruit mang
That fucking company has been pure cancer for both the US and latino countries
The US doesn't play football though
>Providing jobs and fruits to a country, contributing to its economy is bad
> acting like a feudal lord, cheating on your taxes and organizing coups against legal governments is good
In what way is a parasyte that gets a cut of the work put on by foreign workers on foreign soil while paying them scraps, "good for the economy".
United Fruit was only ever good for its shareholders and the politicians they bribed.