Why don't poor people invest in stock portfolio?
Why don't poor people invest in stock portfolio?
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>poor people
with what money to invest? you answered your own question.
Because they cannot affort the risk
The money they save from not eating junk food, from not buying drugs, from not having children, from not buying shiny new cards, from not buying shiny iPhones, from not going on vacations to third world shitholes, for example.
They might say that at least they live their life and don't stay closed 24/7 watching graphs, shilling shitcoins, and hodling magic internets money that actually don't give them anything.
Absolute shit financial discipline and complete lack of financial education
At best they will be scammed into meme shit with ridiculous fees, but usually they will burn any money they get their hands on
Though some of them just don't have enough to eat, though that's mostly the white guys with just enough income to not qualify for social security programs
wrong poor people, moron
>implying poor people would invest the money instead of spending it all on stupid shit
well you won't be spending your savings AND they will go up in price
so yeah, it is a smart thing to do, even if you're "poor"
It's their own choice, poor people are poor because of poor decision making. It's easier to blame it on white males and the government though.
Just look at this board as an example, most people are too stupid or uninterested to invest, just like people on this board. Instead they think there are quick fixes such as the lottery, cryptotrash or other means.
>m-muh solid investments, healthy 1.3% profits per year!!
Investing in crypto is the smartest thing you could do right now, prove me wrong.
>being bad at investing
That's a problem of your own.
>investing in manipulated FIAT bubbles is the best investment one could do right now
Alrighty then.
>being bad at crypto
That's a problem of your own.
>investing in manipulated FIAT bubbles
Everything is manipulated, you goy.
>bad at crypto
Well yes, I don't know what the manipulators will do. I can at best make a guess and try to ride the manipulator wave and but that would most likely result in one getting burned.
Lmao feels good to be white collars. I just have to show up and then I can fuck around all day and enjoy a luxury field trip once in a while and also I can sit at the coffee machines and watch people work. Rest of the time I'm just sitting at my beast of a pc doing nerdy shit that I would have to pay to do at home and occasionally give advice on babby shit and figure out how my colleagues failed at using my macro this time.
Long hours don't mean you're working hard. Americans fuck around at work in ways that wouldn't be acceptable in a country with less hours like germany
Yo,I'm from a shitty country in East Europe, I make 250 bucks or so a month while working part time in college. I don't smoke or drink, I own a shitty huawei that I got as a gift, I don't have a car and mostly I eat ramen or vegetables. How could I save up money here?
Being poor is not a choice sometimes.
Get a real job
You need an alternative source of income. Options are
>buy things then sell them for more on the internet like ebay
>do an internet job on the side like mechanical turk
To get a good job you need qualifications, which he's working towards now since he's in college. Until he gets some sort of degree, he's fucked.
This is the most upper middle class, everything handed down from parents post I've ever seen. And I'm exactly that
Thanks Sherlock,never thought about it.
I sure as hell want to get out of this country as soon as I get my degree. MTurk isn't available in my country sadly.
what happen when everyone follows this advice?
>I can at best make a guess
You should do a bit of research. Almost every new decent coin follows the same pattern. Initial moon due to massive hype and fomo-ers, then a crash, flatline for awhile, then a possible moon if there's some amazing rumor, repeat.
If you don't get greedy you can easily get a 5x on decent projects, if you get in early.
Yeah well investing in yourself is the most important investment for young people so he's doing it right.
holy shit lol you sound like someone who's entire worldview came out of /pol/ infographics
>doubting /pol/ infographics
You should like a sheltered little marxist. I bet you believe women are cognitively the same as men and that all races are equal too.
Can anyone give me a realistic hypothetical scenario where a person could invest $1000 and turn it into $1 million? You can't because "go invest" is just a meme. You might make a few thousand dollars that's it. Stocks isn't a way to make big money it's just something white people do in their free time.
>i dont understand poverty
Penny stocks could probably make you a millionaire from a couple thousand. They could also make you broke.
Same with crypto.
Not a single "penny stock" in history has ever gone above 1$ and held it. Ever.
No, biopharm companies on the very bottom-tier of NASDAQ being 1 dollar and going to ten dollars is not a penny stock. I mean pink, gray, caveat emptor penny stocks. You cann't name a single one that has become a real company, because it's never happened. They exist to sell shares, pure and simple. Securities are a scam inherently.
ITT: "poor people are not like me at all!"
the only exception to the rule that everyone pretty much has the same opportunities and lifestyle is if you are currently forced by your government to do some task. war, slavery, etc.
indicators of quality of life are only marginally different between countries, age groups, or even socioeconomic classes. whether or not you attribute that to poor measurement, natural adjustment to environment, or fair distribution of wealth, you will never be able to argue that one single group lives very differently from another. poor people gossip and celebrate and decorate themselves. rich people usually have to work just as hard as anyone else.
the argument falls apart even further if you compare across time.
what you are really discussing are the costs/benefits of migration and transitioning into other careers/lifestyles. less than 4% of fat people lose the extra weight in their lifetimes, but that doesn't mean that somebody who tries to lose weight only has 4% chance of losing it. poor people have reasonably easy lives, or else they would not live them. look at what happened in ukraine or venezuela or the middle east for reference.
>work simple manual labor for 8 hours
>go home, get drunk beat your wife and watch tv
sure hard work
Are you b8ing m8?
This is especially noticeable with the road maintenance workers. Watched a group of them (about 6 people) for a whole day while I was doing roofing work. Most of the workers were just walking/standing around. Only one or two people actually worked at any given time and they did it very casually.
Sell something of use. Most of the people I knew around there who were a bit better off were selling something, like good quality, insulated glass windows, shit like that. Even cars. Food. You can get good grants sometimes to develop your business. Pretty competitive though.
So many disguised left wing threads today.
Fuck off, faggots.
>This is what upper middle class people think poor people problems are
>just stop buying stuff and going on vacations and you'll be fine! :DD
Found the leftist poor retard.
Hey, fuck head, can't you see that living pay check to pay check isn't sustainable and you are going to die(probably early) as a poor fuck if you keep living it like that?