What's a good bank in Sweden for sending large amounts of money to crypto exchanges and for cashing out?
Please recommend a bank
Why the fuck would you put anything in rape capital Swedistan? Sand people will take your money and rape it so your fiat will be all full of rape holes.
Because I live here now. The bank I'm using is a real pain, but I don't know which one is good
All smart Swedes are moving their money out of the country.
Self bump
So did themselfs
I hear al hamas jihad bank of Stockholm will take care of all your needs op
nordea is decent, i know for a fact they are familiar with crypto, so it should be no problem
Frankly Swedish banks are good and fast if you choose the top 3 or 4 or whatever.
However, be careful for nazi tax man. One of the worst in the world. They will definitely go after you if you send a big amount to crypto. Much like USA IRS
Swedbank kompis. Se till att skaffa swish också om du behöver köpa in snabbt någon gång kan du köpa eth och btc från bt.cx. får alltid mina eth inom 20 min med swish, dock rätt dyrt men det kan vara händigt när det dippar mycket.
Ps. Bankerna rapporterar till skatteverket om de ser insättningar från exchanges, så sälj helst via localbitcoins och töm inte mer än 50k per år på ditt konto
They wont go after you for buying crypto though, but if the bank see that you are cashing out a lot from a exchange they will tell tax man
Don't reply to him. He's that annoying Romanian on KC.
I know what bank secrecy is dude but like you said, they need to report "suspicious transaction" and while cryptocurrency is not malicious in and off itself, by nature it could be devastating in the wrong hands. Thus, high risk so low threshold to report to financial crime unit and internal revenue service. It doesn't mean you will get in trouble, it just means they keep you on track to follow leads in case you are suspected in the future for something.
Nope according to Lagen om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism (2009:62), kapitel 1, paragraf 5, that is clearly not the case. It states clearly that the bank is relieved from this responsibility and the burden to report terrorism is now at the exchange.
And I thought this was mutual. Both the bank and the exchange. Valuable to know, thanks
Danske bank
I have also Danish Danske bank where tax on crypto is 0%
I'm actually a customer there now, and I really dislike it. It might just be the local office, but they seem like they've never seen an international transfer before.
Thanks a lot, I'll check them out.
Actually now I remember seeing some articles about Nordea supporting bitcoin. But I'll check both.
swedbank fungerar bra. dock aldrig tagit ut vinst till sek, bara fört över mer och mer till crypto
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