People like Thomas Mann warned about the Nazis. People didn't listen and the world suffered the consequences...

People like Thomas Mann warned about the Nazis. People didn't listen and the world suffered the consequences. After the war Mann was celebrated as a hero.

People like Joseph McCarthy warned against a possible communist surge in the USA. This time many people and the government listened and cracked down on anyone suspected of aiding a commie takeover. McCarthy of course went down in history as a paranoid lunatic: he got people worked up over the communist threat and got innocent people persecuted for no reason, as it turned out, the American communists never came close to causing any significant harm.

However, it is entirely possible that that McCarthy's efforts were the very reason the communists never got to do any real damage in America. We may never know what would have happened if those measures were never taken. Maybe the price for stopping an evil before it causes any serious harm is that you will be remembered as a villain.

Is there any historical figure who stopped a great future threat in it's infancy and became heroes from it?

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McCarthy was a loudmouth alcoholic retard who got taken down in the time when entire USA was completely anti-communist. That should tell you how retarded and idiotic he was.

McCarthy did some wuestionable shit on his own to ascend the ladder of power but his end goal was justified and his methods, even at paranoid lengths at times, had pretty accurate results.
However he is smeared because, you know, commies in the media and the left's """moral high ground"""".
Truth is that he ultimately failed and all this was a fiasco because leftists infiltrated every aspect of western society and are the generally accepted 'good' guys in media and politics

>pretty accurate results.
>George C. Marshall was a communist spy since before he joined the army
>The U.S. played a decisive role in the Chinese Civil War.

He is smeared because he attempted to organize literal witch hunts against US citizens.

I don't remember Thomas Mann hunting nazi spies.


Being a communist is not a crime, and if you think otherwise you're the one who is unamerican.

he wasnt the John Birch society that thought Eisenhower was a commie

>Being a communist is not a crime, and if you think otherwise you're the one who is unamerican.

This is an intriguing statement, so let's analyze this:

>Being a communist is not a crime

You're kind of right. Calling yourself an antifa tard and retweeting a Marx quote is fine. But being an active participant in an organized and outwardly Communistic union of any sort is forbidden under US law. Is it currently enforced? No. Is it forbidden under US law? Yes. If you hadn't noticed, we're not living in a sane world.

To put it simply, this law was enacted because Communism is the antithesis to free enterprise, true equality and the concept of American Individualism. Communism is outwardly hostile to American ideals. You don't have to be a Rhode's scholar to understand this.

>we should let our way of life be destroyed and

I'm tired of typing this. You're a fucking idiot if you support the idea of America becoming a supergulag free of common sense for the sake of false equality. Fuck you and all the other Marxists.

>look, the boogieman is here
>quick, do everything I say, or the boogieman will get you

Fortunately, most Americans aren't dumb cucks like OP.

>Thinking Dwight D. Eisenhower is a commie is extreme
>But thinking his superior officer he served under for years, and worked closely with was a commie is moderate.

He was also correct. He was a drunken loud mouth who did some crazy shit, but he was right and he literally saved America by doing it.

He's the Captain Kirk in a Star Trek movie of the USA. A rogue with some boorish moments who ultimately loved his in-group and saved it with that very same daring, bold, and uncouth personality.

What? Who exactly is this boogeyman?

Actually no, he wasn't. He never presented any proof for the claims he made. All of his ramblings were completely baseless, and that's why he was publicly BTFO in 1954.
>he literally saved America by doing it
He literally saved nothing. Mc Carthy was seen as a joke even by anti-communists. If anything his actions were useful to any actual communist propaganda inside US because of his baseless claims and retarded demagoguery. He is villified to this day by all sides and McCarthysm has exclusively a negative connation.

Don't forget the massive red baiting and denouncing every leftists as Soviets

>However, it is entirely possible that that McCarthy's efforts were the very reason the communists never got to do any real damage in America. We may never know what would have happened if those measures were never taken. Maybe the price for stopping an evil before it causes any serious harm is that you will be remembered as a villain

possible yes, likely no, extremely unlikely in fact.

and that almost certainly had little to do with mccarthys motivations which were more about personal political ambition and self aggrandisement. He persecuted a great many innocents as well as the guilty.

its also worth considering that it is very dangerous in a democracy to try and censor and control political thought and opinion and whether you agree with them or not most of the 'communists' he targeted were targeted and blacklisted simply for having and expressing political opinions.

Joe McCarthy was proven right in the end. Everyone accused did end up being a commie.

But he was proven right in the end.

It should be.

Communism isn't some boogyman.

Where is the proof that George C. Marshsll was a communist?

A truly enlightening post