Was she really that bad?

So all I've ever seen and heard of her is brits shit talking her in movies, books, and tv shows but they never say why, I've never seen her mentioned in a positive light.

What did she do to piss people off, was she really that terrible

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She's just the British Reagan. Neocons love her for her economics and her reaction to the falklands crisis but her detractors say the op

The only thing that people keep saying is that she shut down some coal mines. So what? People don't even like coal mines anymore. They cause global warming. They should all be shut down.

She funded terrorist organizations to murder british citizens.

What a shitty question.

An actual question would be the exact opposite.

"Was she really that brilliant at running the UK?"

Leftists hate her because she BTFO them. Just look at Britain in the 70s and you can see how bad it was getting under socialist policies with unions holding the country hostage. She was a lot less right wing than people realise, less right wing than your average run of the mill republican senator for example.

Was she? Alan Moore thinks she's the literal devil, and that guys seems like he's got it all figured out.

>a hippie loser thinks she's the devil

The fact is, she was a good prime minister. Milk memes aside. Britain was going through some rough times in the late 70's and she kicked ass.


Also, she and Gorbachev ended the Cold War. An often overlooked fact seeing as how Reagan took all the plaudits.

>unions holding the country hostage

>Hippie loser

The man is living a far more rich and comfy life than you are son, and he's a warlock

m8, your democrats are average rightwingers in the civilised world.

She also completely destroyed the northern economy, leading to a massive walth difference, where the capital has more money than the rest of the country put together, and has the average spending costs per citizen far greater than any northern area, despite holding 1 tenth of the population of the entire country.

>unions holding the country hostage
I think you mean "Workers holding their employers to account"
If the boss should have the arbitrary ability to dock pay, and kick off staff, the workers should ahve the ability to organize.

>thread about Britain
>posts stats for the USA

Is it several cerebral palsy?

Yes, that is totally what was going on in the 70s and 80s in Britain...

>posts a country with a relevant industrial base.

Because labour politics in the US and UK are exactly the same, right?

She was neither bad nor good

Yeah, it was, just becasue there were blackouts and prices rose doesn't change that, prices must be high in order to ensure we can all live as decent men.

>leave corpses unburied
>let the power go out during the coldest winter for years
>stop patients getting to hospital
>all for a bit more money
>decent men

From my foreign perspective I just like her because she made the argies kiss her pale wrinkly ass for thinking they could fuck about with a western power.

Was the UK in the 70s a typical socialist failure?

>She also completely destroyed the northern economy
Explain yourself.

Yes. Big time.
t. oldfag

Old = 19

>permanently wrecks half of England's economy
>introduces a colonial-style head tax
>makes inequality skyrocket

She was really that bad.

>supported the worst kind of dictators all over the world

Unlike now where it is the international capital holding UK hostage

Thatcher can't see the forest from all the trees. Fucking hyper individualist.

Based Maggie should have just gone through with nuking the Argies instead of listening to Reagan

She wasn't a good leader
I don't care how much you detest labour, thatcher was not good
she ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands all over the country
that she had to remember every day her husband died is nowhere near punishment enough for that bitch

She didn't. Labour closed far more mines than Thatcher. They wore a red badge while doing it though, so other people who also wear red badges didn't mind.

Pretty sure my econ prof jerks off to her.

Great woman
Defended British interests in the falklands war unlike those of the suez crisis
Stopped Britain flipping to the eastern block
She pisses people off because there's just that many more of the unwashed masses than those that saw the benefit to her time, she shut down mines because the state was paying for them and it was considerably cheaper to buy American coal and pay job seekers allowance to brits than keep subsiding these coal mines
She's not that liked due to milk shortages and keeping unemployment high to weaken the unions, but that's far better than what had happened in even the year before she was elected
Also acted slowly with HIV education because she didn't want homosexuality to be taught in schools
T. Southern Brit

>it was considerably cheaper to buy American coal and pay job seekers allowance to brits than keep subsiding these coal mines
Yeah, real far-sighted genius there mate.

Labour in the 1960s&70s shut down more mines than Thatcher did in her 3 terms.

There's a sort of ingrained working class hatred of the Tories regardless of the facts. People don't really know why they hate her, it's just what everyone does.

Privatizing everything hasn't done the country massive good either though, British Rail & Nuclear sectors used to be top notch, now we're reduced to looking abroad to have Italians supply our trains and Chinamen build our reactors.

No, lazy people just hate her because she got rid of cancerous unions.

When faced with bankruptcy and 4 year parliaments how long term will you go
We'll hopefully we're close to the stage to getting it back if brexit goes well

>brexit goes well

well you're arguing for US tier labour politics being good so...

Margaret Thatcher was a huge threat to the leftist ethos, she was almost impervious to intellectual attacks so they could only resort to dirt slinging which they pushed to an extreme.

The first female Prime Minister was a conservative woman who said "the battle for women's rights has largely been won" and opposed "strident tones" amongst the left, thwarting the left's efforts to hijack the feminist movement.

Growing up in her father's grocery she saw capitalism at work, shelves stocked with products from all over the world, efficiently balancing supply, demand, quality and cost, attention to detail sorely lacking in government bureaucracy. He was also a John Stuart Mill (early feminist) classical liberal. How did the socialist left help her achieve "social mobility"? They would limit her freedom as they tried to do with Ayn Rand.

In Oxford she was a Hayek fangirl and amongst the early critics of Keynesian and socialist economics then 30 years later their predictions panned out. All the burdens the unions and successive labour governments had placed on the economy combined with the oil crisis sunk it to rock bottom and no amount of "boosting aggregate demand" on paper could change the reality of it. Leftist ideologues dream of bing this right in their predictions about the "collapse of capitalism", imagine the ruckus they'd make if it actuall happened, yet Maggie never said "I told you so". I think, in the end, that is what gets to them the most. She was just a much better person and it makes them look at themselves.


You think there is a switch under every country leader's desk that says 'give the means of productions to the people'?

>We'll hopefully we're close to the stage to getting it back if brexit goes well
I don't know if you know this but there's only one place in the UK where the rails are going to be publicly owned again
Hint - it's not where the tories are in charge of.

she was of no consequence

People forget how stagnated and inefficient the British socialist economy of the 1970s and early 1980s was. Britain was being left behind, Thatcher saved it with her reforms.

This is GDP per capita in 1980.

Which, btw, is where we get mass immigration from. So yeah, if you like Thatcher, you netter welcome the Caliphate.

She was good and bad.

Good for Falklands and stronk-PR.
Bad for taking all British power out of Northern Ireland. Bad for ruining the lives of thousands of British workers.
Good for movie material. Good for stronk womyn.

Actually most British railway lines are owned publicly. Just not the British public. The train I get to work is owned by the Dutch government, I think.

>the famous voyage of the Windrush, 1980.

She wasnt bad at all. She saved her nation's economy as well as rightful clay.

He's a lunatic who can't hold the respect of his peers who write comics

Leftist history revision has killed this board Jesus Christ

/int/ will always make you rejects look like pol

She pretended to be right wing and libertarian while funneling enormous sums of taxpayer cash into the civil service, the police and the armed forces and pretty much every other arm of the government that would support her authoritarian rampage.

Leftists love her, look how much she was worshipped by Brown and Blair.

She drank the chicago school kool-aid.

I know right hey let's talk about comedians you know my favorites have always been Carlin/Pryor/Hicks why do all the good guys have to die :'(

Mass immigration isn't a problem if you don't give them and their children voting rights and welfare.

>the workers should ahve the ability to organize.
I would agree but the trouble with unions is they're anti-competitive and seek legislation to fuck with the worker market. They act just like monopolies.

>prices must be high in order to ensure we can all live as decent men.
Prices have no meaning when they're decided on arbitrarily by unions. I can say that "decent living" requires a minimum of 500 million dollars a day.
All that does when implemented is change the meaning of 500 million dollars.

Alan Moore's a lunatic who worships a snake god and believes that he's met John Constantine in the flesh.

Britain can't handle a woman in power.


It goes the other way as well

>It goes the other way as well

Explain it again to me?

A woman in power can't handle Britain.

Best leader Britannia had since Churchill and still since.

what is globalism?

We are the civilized world. Europe has gone off the deep end with leftism.

She kept buying Aids inflected blood from America
She stole milk from little kids
She turned the UK into the neoliberal shithole it is today

What products did she use in order to keep her hair like that ?

she saved the UK from post-sovok future

>Just look at Britain in the 70s and you can see how bad it was getting under socialist policies
>Socialist policies

Northern tears.



Based maggie

At least 50% of Brits really like her and think she is great, another 25% don't understand, and the final 25% violently hate her.

Those final 25% never shut the fuck up and mention it as much as possible because they're extremely left wing liberals and that is their methodology.

Basically they hate her for a few simple reasons.

1. She closed down mines which were tanking and lots of people lost their jobs
2. She was contrary to the feminist movements because she didn't believe in any of their bullshit and took power through her own hard work rather than ideas of sisterhood and leftism
3. She actually massively improved the country and the economy by using ideas contrary to leftism

There's also the removal of many public luxuries that were only given after the wars because of the fact the lower classes had been in two horrible, horrible wars and wanted some fucking recompense for it
Also the selling off of everything she could get her hands on for a pittance to her chums
Of course, the fucking disgraceful treatment of unions, ensuring that people went cold and hungry so the top could scrape pennies off them
and, you know, ireland

I'm curious though, how did she massively improve the country using ideas contrary to "leftism"?


Nigga writes some decent comic books.

Never said he didn't, just that we shouldn't take his word on politics.

>50 percent really like her and think she is great

The economy was growing rapidly in the late 70s, then she came along and plunged us into recession for the early part of the 80s

She broke the unions and killed off a bunch of failing industries like mining (good), but then didn't bother to actually replace those failed industries with anything in the regions where they were the biggest employers (bad). Her policies helped London to become the tumor sucking in the wealth and development of the entire UK towards itself, and created the conditions for Brexit to happen.

>was she really that bad

She wasn't bad at all. Leftists are just braindead.

Destruction of overpayed unions that forced electricity rationing thus destroying productivity for the country

Unions leech wealth. They create none.

All unions are cancerous and should cease to exist.

The UK was heavily socialist in the 70s. They even had a national steel concern.

Not all

Some unions have boosted productivity though this is in high skill labour markets where unions would be well educated

Socialism doesn't mean "when the government does stuff" it means "worker owned economy".

For Marxism specifically, socialism means "worker owned economy with no commodity production or market forces."

What I find hilarious is that she was everything wrong with Hillary Clinton but worse (a vicious warmonger who hates workers, promoted globalization, and empowered Islamists) but /pol/types are too far up their own asses to realize.

>unions have boosted productivity

No, they haven't. Unions do nothing but leech.

>a vicious warmonger

Do I detect an Argentinian among us?

Pretty sure I'm the only Argentine ITT and I wrote a post in support of Maggie.

Economic reforms that caused short-term pain but long-term high growth
Defended her country
Ended the Cold War
Stomped down the IRA
Ended the dictatorship here

What's not to love about the woman?
Brits were lucky she rescued them from irrelevance.

if you look closely you will notice she's actually Ronald Reagan with a wig, earrings and bra

>the winter of discontent was during Maggy's premiership

Yeah, suuuuuuuuure.

Unless there are riots overthrowing the government why won't it
>SNP is so weak labour can openly lie and they do fuck all
>implying we won't nationalise them once we are stable again

What's up with Gabon?

>brown and Blair aren't BASED centrists xd