What if Italy joined the Central Powers as planned?
What if Italy joined the Central Powers as planned?
nothing changes, italy is shit at fighting
>What if Italy joined the Central Powers
and the USA doesn't enter the war?
Britain gets a brand new chance to try opening stupid fucking theaters.
Why does Italy have South Tyrol, Istria, and parts of Dalmatia in this image? The Austrians were never going to hand that over.
It would be funny if good ol luigi some how ended up fucking germanys master plan over and loses the war for the central powers
France was fully committed to holding back the Germans on the Western Front. If the Italians attacked simultaneously with the Schlieffen Plan, enough troops might have been diverted for the Germans to break through at the Marne and take Paris.
>What if Italy joined the Central Powers as planned?
They would have lost even faster.
>Italy joined the Central Powers as planned
>ever staying on one side
Okay I can't say anything about Dalmatia and Istria, but Italy did Demand Austria to give her Tyrol.
If Austria complied, Italy would have been likely to side with the central powers
What is the meaning of this?
probably a large enough thing to force France to sue for peace
but as we know the Austro-h*ngarian cant even concede some stupid land to secure their alliance
Italy's colonies are invaded by Britain and France and fall fairly quickly. Ethiopia might join the Entente to try and take back Eritrea (they also considered joining the Central Powers when Italy joined the Allies).
While the Italian army was pretty awful, it would be enough to tip the scales towards the Central Powers. France was stretch to her limits and risked losing Paris if they had to send forces to the Italian border. Austria-Hungary could focus on a single front and the Brusilov offensive would have been less successful.
Bulgaria and Greece are NATO members. Ireland isn't.
I know it's not accurate, but it has infinite banter potential
What? Iceland was neutral
then central powers would lose even quicker
>nothing changes
apart from the non collapse of Austro-Hungary
a second front opening with france in the south
Central power would have BTFO entente
>France have to deploy 1M soldiers at the border
>Can't support Serbia and Greeks against Austrian and ottomans
>Austrian can destroy more quickly Serbian and put their all their armies against Russians with the Germans and defeat them
>Ottomans have more troops available against Russians and UK
>Russians are defeated or pushed back more quickly
>Germans can deploys more soldiers against the French
>French can't resist to Italians and Germans combined offensive
>UK and Russia sign treaty of peace
>France is dismembered
But what about the USA?
Reminder that Italy couldn't break through the Austro-Hungarian lines despite outnumbering their enemy 2:1 and having more and better equipment. France would probably be able to stop them with a single army corps.
literally nothing, the Italian front was a sideshow since Austria was defending along the alps and thus could hold back like a bazillon offensives on the isonzo river without a problem despite sometimes massive numerical inferiority
the border with France is also along the alps the exact same thing would have happened
literally a non factor
And the French are ten times the fighters the Austrians are.
being in the war for one year does not make it a non factor.
They could just sail around the alps faggot
Nothing, France is occupied and Russians pushed back in their land before any reinforcement from the US
Have to sign a Treaty peace
And receive a warm welcome from the French and British Mediterranean fleets.
Italian + Austrian navies would be a serious threat in the Mediterranean, and might have kept Greece out of the war.
>and might have kept Greece out of the war.
>implying the Ottoman empire and Bulgaria would have left them alone
>>France have to deploy 1M soldiers at the border
ye no, it could have been defended sufficently with insignificant numbers
The single funniest thing of the great war would never have happened
italy should never be anywhere it isn't because where it is is always fucking hilarious
That fucking feeling when I realized that Luigi was the name of an actual Italian general, when I thought OP was just a Mario faggot
>it*lian """power"""
Austria accepted to give tyrol to italy but italy go full retard and ask for more and more concessions
>citation needed
Austria-Hungary accepted to give Triestro, Tunez and remake the border of South Tyrol when the war end if Italy remains Neutral. But Italy asked for almost the whole Austrian's litoral + Albania even when Austria-Hungary did have a stronger fleet, the retardest thing never done.
I wish i can give you the exact quote but i read about it a long ago. You sure can check it googling Italy and the Central Powers or telegram of 25 September 1914.
I thought the Zimmerman telegram came later
Biggest difference is France would be getting fucked on two fronts (the French Alps are far less arduous than the East Italian/Austrian ones, so maybe they perform better). Italians could also harrow the British effort in Gallippoli, and create another headache.
Honestly, at that point in the war it could've gone either way, the Central Powers and Entente were pretty evenly matched, before the US joined and the offensive started going south.
>that map
No way in hell Austria-Hungary gives up Sudtirol and Carniola, though. The Italians were the least troublesome of the Hapsburg minorities.
i bet that there is some alternate timeline when italy was neutral during WW2 and people would write the same shit about "what if they joined hitler"
protip: italian contribution is always non existent, or even makes things worse
Then the Allies lose WW1, simple
Italy mattered in WW1
They got the attention of a lot of Austrian soldiers
French Alps are that deadly my guy.
And even if they had breached them, the French navy had free reign across the Mediterennean and would've hampered the Italian navy in feeding their men from across the mountain ranges.
They join the central powers in 1917 and claim victory.
It's not the alps dumbass, it's because Italy is stupid