Was my mom right, Veeky Forums?

So... some background... my mom is leftist, and very anti-American. I ended up centre-right, and slightly pro-American, which is ironic.

Anyway, she is always eager to believe any conspiracy theory that is anti-American, and often says things I consider pretty retarded.

However, I remember when I was a kid, and the First Gulf War was going on, that my mom had a theory that stuck with me, and that actually made a lot of sense.

She claimed, that the war on Iraq ended because Saddam set the oil wells on fire. The US would rather pull out than risk one of the largest sources of oil in the world burn out.

It sounds pretty far-fetched, but at the same time it does make some sense.

So... was Saddam's idea to set the oil wells on fire a brilliant gamble or a retarded sideshow?

Was that the cause of the US ending the war Iraq?

Were they too busy extinguishing the fires to keep going?

Was my mom right?

Saddam was already dead, dude.

In the FIRST Gulf War?


ADVANCED conspiracy theory.

Your mom is wrong, the US ended the war because the objective (ejecting Iraqi forces out of Kuwait) was complete, and Bush Sr. decided that continuing to topple Saddam was too much mission creep and wouldn't be a good idea.

Also, while the Coalition received fantastic press coverage at the start and after the liberation of Kuwait city, coverage of the "Highway of Death" gave the impression the Coalition was kicking Iraq for fun after they already got curb-stomped. Calls to stop the killing were getting louder, especially from the other arab countries in the coalition.

Which one?

Because both times the coalition just advanced past the burning oil wells to continue fucking up people's shit.

stop posting this hack

Only if you stop posting like a hack

Teddy is babby's first existentialism plus some shitty pop psych. Only teenage anarchists and 20-something redditors like him

So basically you like it, good to know.

your mom was right

This, Bush had decided (correctly imo) not to go all the way to Baghdad.

This. bush sr wasn't a retard, and knew it would be a endless quiremire. He stoped Iraq from being a bully and sending a message to other countries not to be fuckwits.
bush jr on the other hand was a retard, and started the endless quiremare, where we STILL have troops in Iraq 15 years later and creation of isis and the seria crap is a direct result from the clopass of the Iraqi army, many of who became gorilla fighters and also the clapass of any real Order in the region for 15 plus years. Things like euro refugee problems can be directly chainlinked back to the bush 2 decision to topple Saddam to "out do daddy"
American is just America.sometimes it fucks up, sometimes it does right. Much easier to point out the fuck ups, if that's your leaning. Also is your mom hot?


>gorilla fighters
Hard to take seriously someone that types this

>a endless quiremare
>gorilla fighters
>the bush
>the bush 2 decision to topple Saddam to "out do daddy"

>I was about to have to admit my aurgument was bad, but look here you made a spelling mistake, better luck next time pal.

Your mother is a kook and she shouldn't have bred.

There's nothing the American oil industry would love more than to see every barrel in the Middle East burn up. It would make American oil revenues quintuple overnight.

its actually a solid theory

Are you fucking retarded
I'm gonna take any answer as a yes