Why do people still believe in the "Europeans were illegal immigrants trope"?
Why do people still believe in the "Europeans were illegal immigrants trope"?
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Because people are unable to comprehend how things have changed over time.
They cant comprehend how morality has changed, or how things like citizenship and immigration have changed.
They deal in absolutes in their 21st century viewpoint on everything.
Incas were superior to Europeans though.
Because white people don't want to accept that they're invaders.
>got btfo by europeans
OP here. Not only did they not have laws against "immigration" (a concept that would have been meaningless for tribal North American societies) most Native American tribes killed and enslaved other tribes in order to gain the land they lived on when Europeans arrived in North America. The now worn out cliche of "huh dur white people are the original illegal immigrants" has zero basis in history and cannot be produced by any analysis of the relevant facts.
Look at all of these fucking autists taking it literally
Who would win? 100 europeans or the entire inca civilization?
What I don't get it how you can support mass immigration if this is your world view.
>white men "illegally" enter foreign land
>plague, war, genocide
>brown men illegally enter foreign land
Because whitey is evil whereas non-whites are noble and righteous
guilt inspired self-flagellating comeuppance
Is more like:
Who would win? smallpox or the entire inca civilization?
Europeans are superior to the incas for their immunity to diseases. Case closed.
I fucking love this argument
>Be against illegal immigration
>''But Europeans were illegals too!!"
>So ''illegal" European immigration into Americas was bad?
>"Yes of course, millions were genocided!!"
>So you're against illegal immigration, then?
So you agree that colonialism was bad.
Immigration is an odd topic, and here is my take on it:
Let's say that the theory of Homo Sapiens originating from Africa is true. This would mean that the chance of the rest of the world being uninhabited is highly likely, and the first humans to establish a marked area were the first claimers. Immigrants are individuals who are entering land that is not theirs, and if they are strong enough, they can usurp control from the owners of the land they are invading. I am not certain why the Europeans did not completely obliterate the Native Americans, but they didn't and here they are today, non-owner residents in a land that was originally theirs. If the Europeans had completely killed off the Native Americans, then they would be the last living owners of the land, and they would be the rightful owners as the original owners could not claim ownership due to an older history with the land in question.
Is it the disadvantage of mercy?
In another example, the latest wars in th e Middle East has been unwinable, or unfinishible at least, conflicts with us trying to fight like we are the good guys and win hearts and minds. Whereas if we had gone full total war we might actually beat them into submission.
>Whereas if we had gone full total war
We would've if genocide didn't become a dirty concept
The problem is ISIS isn't a state, even though they declared a literal islamic state. What I mean is they aren't a national army, they're around 30,000 individuals who have banded together. Individuals are trickier to fight because they don't have a governing body that can tell them the war is over and they have to stop fighting, it's more like a giant force comprised of thousands of the Japanese soldier in the cave that kept fighting WW2 until the 1970s.
Pigs must be the pinacle of humanity by eurangutan standards.
fuck off, OP.
Indians were a bunch of stupid assholes who conducted slavery on each other and couldn't unite against the europeans in any useful way even under the threat of genocide.
Genociding and replacing natives putting them under social selection for centuries. Isn't this what is happening right now with brown people?
It's more like any kind of POV lead to the same conclusion. Let brown people in.
Pigs get BTFO by a fuckload of diseases. You wouldn't know because intensive animal husbandry was beyond your ancestor's capabilities.
>mfw Chad Euro raises pigs for ten millenium, gains immunity to all the diseases, fucking SNEEZES on the new world and woops 90% dead lol
Pigs are disease carriers, which was the point of the post.
>10k yago
Knowing that amerindians had 15000 years less to domesticate specimens, that seems normal. Actually there are several domesticated species.
>disease deaths
So you admit that might is right?
>Actually there are several domesticated species
Having some Llamas in the field you put a pen around isn't the same thing as what Europeans were doing at the same time.
>the Virgin Amerindian, arrives over Beringa too late to domesticate shit and gets BTFOd by the first eurochad they see sneezing in their general direction
It's simple. Amerindians had 15000 years less to domesticate such animals yet they did it quicker than europeans.
So, do you agree with might makes right?
>Is it the disadvantage of mercy?
If the Native Americans had been completely obliterated, then the Europeans would have been considered the oldest inhabitants of the land. Sparing the Native Americans means that they are still the oldest inhabitants of these lands and they can use the argument that everyone but them must be deported to make America fully original.
It's more like America belongs to the Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Isn't this right?
>the ability to defeat somebody physically proves that they're superior
Actually, neither militar nor tactical superiority happened against the Inca empire. The Inca state resisted 40 years of epidemics after the campaign of the kidnappers but the mortality rate was causing a lot of problems. The last Inca was caught with several diseases too.
It mostly became a trope because of people thinking it's a really 'clever' comeback to anyone who might oppose immigration.
If it's true it's valid.
>he says while speaking a european language
bait harder
>communicating with subhumans
Is this your brainlet attempt of an argument, subhuman?
there is no argument because you're baiting lmao but go ahead and give me another (You) like a good shitskin
It's simple. I reminded you about Inca superiority. It seems that therer are a lot of fact deniers over here. Big surprise, eurangutan brainlets deny facts!
intellectually dishonest terrorists make fake arguments and absurd comparisons because they want our country to become another Iraq where our dictator leader digs holes for all the minorities they dont like (whites in this case) and fill them with so many bodies and blood that all you can see is red water from Google Maps. In the mexicans case they want us to be carved up like a butcher would carve up meat so the cartels can kill inncoent whtie americans who have done nothing wrong except dare to not be raped by the diversity hordes
What's the basis of your delusions?
CAIR is a terrorist organization, along with antifa who defend mexicans. Both approved of Saddam Hussein's blood lakes and defended the actions of Mexican child-butchering, mass-hanging, cannibalistic cartels by defending any and all immigrants and by waging war against the USA on the behalf of the mexicans, which by extension suupports the cartel's goals of mudering all opppoistion to them. Which the US is the greatest
The argument of OP's: "Europeans were illegal immigrants trope", doesn't belong to them though.
I just wanted to make it clear.
the people who carry water for both of those groups use the OP's argument. Ive even read and watched people support those groups and say they're in those groups
Yet, it doesn't belong to them, the argument.
Whites know, and they think that those new immigrants are actually planning the same thing, e.g. destroy the existing society, kill most of its inhabitants, and build their own society on top of it. Same thing with antisemitism. All white peoples were building colonial empires trying to dominate the world, so they though that the Jews must also secretely trying to dominate the world. And since they are not building empires, their "empire" must be hidden in the media and financial industry. Same thing with "Arabs are rapists" meme. White men fantasizing about rape projecting their own desires onto the Arabs.
So what is racism?
--> white guys projecting.
the only reason people believe in the argument is because the aforementioned murderous terrorists amoung other mobocartic murderors promote the idea in the demagogic fashion that they do. All who support this line of thinking, that the Europeons whom God gave their land to, are illegal, is purely from the realm of blasphemous and amoral groups. That have no understanding of what the law actually is, and still label the brave pioneers the equivalent of suicide bombers and human butcherers.
everything you just said is pure anti-white, pro-terrorist bullshit and conjecture. Then you say only whites are rascist? Look in a mirror, as you excuse and smear the heroes who slayed on the behalf of God the filthy brown hordes that disobeyed the laws of Gods from their legacy.
My ancestors were legal immigrants who settled with permission from Massasoit. They later started a war with his confederation, murdered his son and heir, and genocided his people.
>excuse and smear the heroes who slayed on the behalf of God the filthy brown hordes that disobeyed the laws of Gods from their legacy.
If you seriously believe that all civilizations that developed some kind of savagery should have been immediately eradicated, then I can agree with you as the early bronze age populations of europe wouldn't have put a basis to other cultures.
>People still get baited by the incatard
This board is fucking retarded
they were eradicated, by the Roman Empire which was formed during the Iron Age. As a side note, there was never any 'bronze age' merely civilizations that did not use for whatever reason, iron technology
>were eradicated
>iron age
Why not eradicating them in the early bronze age, before spreading population, culture and development to other zones?
there was never a bronze age
There is also this in american art wide spread motive of a house, that has been build on a native american graveyard, that is being haunted by the ghosts of those natives. This is a quite clear proof of a sense of guilt in the collective american consciousness. Americans are building their houses -literally- ontop of the native's dead body and think they need to be punished for that (e.g. haunted by the ghosts of the dead natives).
the earth was formed shortly before teh trojan war, which happend around 900BC
As I said before, the argument doesn't belong to them, assuming such implications aren't a valid answer in this thread.
A social construct based on past consensus valid for those who submit to the state coercion and authority.
>suicide bombers human butcherers
You still didn't focus on their argument.
You mean God taught europeans, iron metal-working?
He still teaches it, so yes.
Iron is for monotheist virgins. Chads used pagan bronze weapons.
So, God gave Amerindians the ability to discover iron metal-working, but spoonfed europeans with this same topic?
Im not assuming, those are the major groups that support the argument. You obviously have no respect for the law, or innocent life, or God, so why should anyone respect the wishes or votes or legal ambitions of filth that defend such an argument like you? You're no better than the savages that roam this earth, looting, raping, and then there children and whores defend them because they're a part of the tribe of savages. The enemy at teh gates to Rome, if you will.
He taught them too you stupid piece of garbage, do you think they also discovered archery, horseback riding, farming, language because they weren't God's chidlren? He may have loved them, but that doesn't mean you don't punish them for their crimes and sins
>innocent life
The thing is that all past events and consequences that had the same cause, genocide of amerindians and population displacement, are seen today. If we use the argument and ignore the past consequences, they could say the same thing about it, then tell the european survivors: "don't threaten on our state, now, don't be a terrorist".
>respect for law
You mean submission to the state authority? Is your law an idol? All those laws and your constitution had a purpose, why don't you bring them up?
>taught them too
No evidence of that.
>punish them
Actually europeans are being punished now for their crimes against amerindians.
You are an idiot if you think God's law is punishing someone for a crime after they commit it. Wouldn't you stop the crime, if they were God? Or rectify it during that very conflict? Being some anarchist, savage-apologist who has no concept of nobility or a civilization that doens't commit infanticide so they can grow up as children who refuse to actually get a a job and instead forage for food like hobos in a city dump. The evidence is all around us that God taught all people, have you ever heard of self-taught? They can just teach themselves whatever they want because God gave them that power and are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, as further proof, he sent men to conquer their tribes of murderers and then gave the survivors educations that weren't competently lost in sin through schools et al.
You also accused all people of claming to be good, when they are actually savages (which is false, the savages call the civilized by names like kaffir in todays world, and white-man and europeons) and that might makes right, well, if they are given a mandate by God to conquer then that might be true, but that only happens when the civilization murders and commits crime like the christians in rome or the savages in mexico and the middle east.
>punishing someone for a crime after they commit it
That's the point. After the replacement, there couldn't be a punishment.
>nobility/ civilization
Which happened on America.
So you admit that genocide provoked this?
>he sent men
To destroy this state built on lands that don't belong to them and genocide.
>civilization murders and commits crime
So you agree that europeans that commited sacrifice should have been eraticated immediately?
God would've not allowed the native americans to be humiliated if they were innocent. But they weren't so he humbled their murderous savage ways.America never had noble savages that is a myth, even when they trapized as emperors and confederations it was always just human sacrifices, tyrants, infghting, and eventually, the whoelsale slaughter and ensalvement of their people which they deserved for being savages that defied God's laws. The savages have always been foragers even in their suppsoed empires because they would forage for human sacrifices or berries or buts because they refused to get a job like any human should. All land belongs to God because he made it, so it is his right to give it away as he pleases, and punish those break his laws. Europeons that comitted human sacrifice should be eradicated immedaitly, yes. The civilization that did that were as was the case with the Carthagians.
You're just trying to cover up your white guilt
>God would've not allowed the native americans to be humiliated if they were innocent.
That's why the same is happening to europeans.
>refused to get a job like any human should.
The Inca empire was based on community family work.
>be eradicated immedaitly, yes
If they were, there wouldn't have been a mycenaean civilization nor the subsequent egyptian civilization nor the basis of iron-age development. Do you agree with such circumstances? Also, which part of the bible says that the world started with trojans? You are wrong.
>the bible
effectively entirely lies, nietzsche held more truths than the bible. The trinity is a pagan sham
The Europeon countries are being tortured, yes, but that is for their sins, and they were more disgusting in the past which only lead to the conquest of Spain adn some of the balkans. Even then, most were not converted, so their adoption of pacifism will lead to that at most. Probably less since the muslim countries are the ones being bombed into submission andm ade into western-style democracies. I don't care about what apologies you make for savages that worshipped Gold and cadavers more than men, don't lie to me. There were no human sacrifices in Egypt and crete is irelevant and no amount of science fiction fanfiction regarding their ruined socities will change that. Humanity devolpes through piety, not forgiving people for being abominations and hoping that they stop, which they wouldn't, unless they were punished with extermination, and were in all cases.
>The trinity is a pagan sham
It's more valid than saying that the world started with the trojans though.
>worshipped gold and cadavers
They worshipped them less than spaniards did.
>not forgiving people for being abominations
That's why europeans are being replaced.
>were in all cases
That's wrong. None of them commited sacrifice.
God made the bible, and the bible confirmed the savagery of europeans invading the middle east. It's obvious God is punishing europeans right now, decimating their population for all the atrocities they commited.
Earth is not the world tehre are other realms. The spanairds didn't commit human sacrifices for Gold like the Natives did. Retainer sacrifices are literally fake, they never happend and even if they did they weren't as heinous as the perversion that was the heart sacrifice. If they were Egypt would have been leveled just as the savages were. White people are made with the same skin tone as God which was found all across teh Roman Empire, proving they are not abominations like the filthy third-worlders who lived on a tiny plot of land and never did anything with their lives for tousands of years save Mongolia which is today somewhat developed which defines who is white. Since the dawn of man no Europeon country on europeon soil has ever been tainted with the impurity of savages, and never will for they are the closest to God in form. All savages commit human sacrifice whether it be to retain their lifestyle or please the Gods. Why do you think there were so few of them and they had rituals that promoted killing people if not to perform human sacrifice?
There is no savagey in invading the middle east as they are in need of punishment from the east to the north to the west to the south save those that are jewish or humbled like iraq. The europeon population has been rising since the dark ages and will continue to along with the newly made white countries who will turn white over time should they be worthy enough of it.
Most of them understand that and want mass immigration so that white Americans (all of which had nothing to do with the treatment of Indians) face hardship for something their ancestors did.
By saying this, they imply that brown people WILL cause trouble and that white people deserve this because of nothing more than their race.
This makes mainstream leftists far more racist than their mainstream right counterparts.
>human sacrifices
That's a lie.
they were, by nubians
> for tousands of years
They did more than europeans in less time.
>There is no savagey in invading the middle east
Oh yes it is. The bible narrates the savagery of europeans and demonstrates how they deserve God's punishment.
>god is white
Humans were made by god's image. If europeans are subhumans, how could god look like them? That's nonsense.
>treatment of indians
It's more like this: America belongs to the Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Don't you agree?
>By saying this, they imply that brown people WILL cause trouble and that white people deserve this because of nothing more than their race.
That has nothing to do with the argument, you are putting irrelevant implications to the argument.
Christfuckers go make your own thread.
After your pagan sect make their own thread. After all, the last will be the first in heaven.
A land belongs to whoever can control it. I'd prefer Muslims not controlling Europe since they will inevitably do a worse job than Europeans.
>nothing to do with the argument,
I can't help it if you're not smart enough to properly work your arguments to not make yourself appear racist. But don't try to blatantly lie to me and day it's irrelevant because it's based entirely on the argument YOU make.
>A land belongs to whoever can control it
Might makes right then.
>worse job
Worse than a social-democracy stagnant economy and the failure of two world wars before getting their entire population birth rate reduced completely? I don't think so.
>not appear racist
You just implied muslims will do a worse job...
The argument I make is this one: America belongs to the Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Don't you agree?
>Worse than a social-democracy stagnant economy and the failure of two world wars before getting their entire population birth rate reduced completely?
This is way better than the current state of Muslim societies.
>You just implied muslims will do a worse job...
Muslims aren't a race.
>The argument I make is this one: America belongs to the Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Don't you agree?
No, because the Indians were wiped out and no longer hold it.
I don't know why you think this must mean that I should think that Muslims should own Europe, which will be your next point.
Might makes right, and Europe has the might to fight off Muslims. I'm only of the opinion that they should use that might.
Go LARP somewhere else, faggot.
>muslim societies
Well, they are obviously better because they are eclipsing western society.
>muslims aren't a race
Now we can agree that race has nothing to do with society tendencies?
>no longer hold it
This is the same story muslims will tell their kids in europe when they populate all of it.
>i don't know
It's simple. If might makes right, then why are you complaining that an inferior society is being replaced by another that didn't let itself to collapse?
>europe has the might
I think europe has nothing to stop muslims.
I think you are the one larping here, little guy.
Why do anti-white leftists want to make Veeky Forums their safe space?
You don't see how history is repeating itself. Sure it's unfair. But the double-think in reactionaries is absurd. It wasn't fair for the natives or the victims of the slave trade. "B-but *WE* brought civilization to them!" No, they were conquered through force and a way of life was imposed upon them by their conquerors. "B-but they killed each other too!" That doesn't negate the aforementioned fact, in the slightest, nor is it a logical argument that justifies the subjugation of another people.. The europeans killed each other before conquering the new world as well. "B-but whites invented technology!" No, modernity did. Science as we know it is a continuity of many different advancements made by many different cultures. Having white skin does not make you interchangeable with all of the various cultures of the world.
So the main point is those westerners of European ancestry today are being bred, brutalized, and demonized in their own nations by foreign hordes. I agree this is wrong. But the typical reactionary isn't effective in his resistance against the tides of change. He abandoned his heritage long ago, as did the West as a whole for something else entirely. He refuses to adapt, instead making a roundabout turn towards tribalism under the guise of cardinality. Your ancestors would spit on you for living the way you do regardless; this isn't the old world. This is the beginning of the millennial world. Information and what people do with that information --- that is what decides who is on whom's team. Skill. Personality. Community. Affinity. The pales and darks will kill each other off while the new nobility is prospering in plain site.
>the pales
You mean the europeans and the muslims, the rest aren't getting that much involved.
why were all your favorite abominations that you coddle and hold like a rotten sandwhich jokes that were exterminated and wiped out then adn the stories of their chief crime being savages exist? Why didnt your God of justice do anything to save them, did he just want to murder people for doing a ebtter job than he did? Why is the middle east still Europe's bitch since the dawn of man? Have you ever considered that your God is dead?
Are you asking me? That's obviously a made up story.
>your god
There are no "gods". Only one. The one who is punishing europeans for their crimes against humanity.
>middle east
Exactly. Less population but still resisting today against the crimes and corruption of western society.
>god is dead
European "god", surely is.
For now.
Why do Redditors act like they belong on Veeky Forums?
Yes, relatively for now, as most societal changes, that affect the world.
Why do you subhuman anti-white cuck leftist want to make Veeky Forums your safe-space?
It WAS fair because God deemed it just which is why he allowed other people to torture and punish them and wipe away their old world for centuries. It's not just in this case because they bear the skin tone of God for them to be conquered by foreign hordes and converted as those religions (just like chrsitianity) are merely the same, savage notion of a local God doing things for your own people while forsaking the rest in hellfire (think allah and the pagan trinity). Europeons are the one invading and conquering these degenerates (ME, latin America) not the savages of the modern day conquering the west. You cry of the salve trade and the native americans, but do you truly beileve they would've become better without our help? Do you think their crimes should've gone unpunished just so you can spite the people who worked for the things they wanted when those civilziations formed the renassiance and the Roman Empire and the 'modern' you like so much? All the foreign aid in the world as espoused by 'modernity' has failed to do so which is why charities have failed to bring civlization or uplift people in any manginful way. HAven't you seen how a new plague breaks out in Africa, one after the other? How the west is punished by God with the plagues as well should we refuse to accept God's judgement upon them? Just look at what they've reverted into since the west stopped admisntering these savages, the Latin Americans went right back to butchering people like animals for the whole world to see. The Middle East to mass executions so that their rivals will bow to them. Africa to local warlords that kill and starve children. And you think this is 'modern' civilization?
Upvoted fellow MAGApede!
Then why are they all dead if they did nothing wrong? Why didn't your God protect these civlizations you claim were so innocent and righteous? Did he just want all people to die? liek you do? Is the middle east really resisting? when it blows itself to simthreens over tribal differences, when the place is reduced is selling drugs and each other's organs to pay for bread? Where are these resistances? The leaders of the middle east were all executed in the arab spring, the rest gave them bribes which will only ambolden them. The ME is in a reckoning, Europe is just in punishment to those who carry water for your bloodthirsty and savage ilk. your god is obviosuly dead or doesn't exist, as he doens't protect you, the people you care about, the land you claim was stolen. Or even your dignity as you apologize and apologize and dissauade people from documented fact that was proven in court before Gods and men.
Stop whining.
>skin tone of God
Humans were made by god's image. If europeans are subhumans, how could god look like them? That's nonsense.
>savages of modern day
They are the instruments of God to punish europeans.
>better without our help
They developed faster than europeans. Obviously yes.
>crimes unpunished
I think we all agree already that europeans are being punished, is it still doubted?
>roman empire, renaissance
It will happen too, after europeans receive their punishment.
>foreign aid
If you are worried the european survivors won't get foreign aid, I think they will get from other countries.
>west is punished by the plagues
And today it's being punished by their replacement.
>latin americans
Aren't those european mongrels?
>middle east mass executions
>middle east is europe bitch
There you have another example of european corruption and crimes.
Modern civilization is what God defines. If God wants to punish the subhumans that commited crimes against humanity, be it. God's plans will bring us to a better world after the replacement.
>they are all dead
Not all are dead. You see, God let people have what we call: "will". People have the freedom to commit crimes and hurt people.
>your god
As I said before, there is only one God.
>middle east
If you can't see how their populations are still alive after numerous evil interferences from europe, it's obvious God has plans with these people.
>when the place
A made up story. Sorry but you aren't a prophet.
>leaders of the middle east
>middle east is europe bitch
As I said before, another example of european crimes against humanity.
Another made up story.
Wasn't europe controlling middle-east? As you see, europeans are evil, that's why God is punishing them.
>your god is dead
God is putting the subhumans where they belong, in the list of extinct ethnic groups.
And God will punish the thiefs.
Why are you even replying to the austist ranting about God?
Don't give him (You)s. It's a troll LARPer and even if he isn't you can't debate with someone like that.
Way to derail the thread faggots.
Do you mean this guy?
the people who are being punished are all those that defend islam in its current statem whieverver they may be, all across the earth the abominations of islam and those that laud them are being ensalved, tortured, and your greatest instruments of punishment are blowing themselves up and being devoured by your fellow muslims as food. Which lauds muhammed as second only to God in their own demagogic and heathounous fashion. It is no wonder they needed a priestly caste to decipher their own holy books for them and when The mongol EMpire humbled them they fell into ruin that lasted until the ottomans. Now, they are once again in ruin because the refuse to allow the qoran to be taken from each every idiot in the middle east that lacks reading comphrension as they claim that they will form a new isalmic rome and renaissance which they have never truly had. Those that you call subhumans conquered the entire earth and brought each and everyone of your empires to ruin, and now you beg to punish your masters for daring to enact God's justice because muslims have no honor and don't beileve in justice. You even blame the west for your own leader's and poeple's crimes when it was a defaceto and dejure leader executing muslims and other faiths on giant lakes of blood not unlike that of the timruids or ottomans. You deny, and deny, and deny, but the death toll in the middle east continues to stack up, along with its westernization, democratization, and have forced many muslims to flee their own homes to beg europeons for everything they want reducing them to pets. Some rebel and kill themselves in a murder-suicide like some jilted ex-lover. In respose, the muslims death toll is counted by city, and country, and war, bombed and conquered by the west. Does your God let crimes occur? You claim they have free will which allows them to murder, then where is the "victim's" free will if it was a murder. Wouldn't they resist? Or did you and your God lie down like dogs?