If this turns out to be true.. HOLY FUCK NEO IS ROCKETING OFF THIS WORLD
If this turns out to be true.. HOLY FUCK NEO IS ROCKETING OFF THIS WORLD
Just traded my whole portfolio into NEO. When everything is in the red, it's a level playing field to position yourself the best for when the inevitable rebound comes.
I'm excited.
I know all in is a bad move in investing.. but I feel lucky with this one... I went all in as well.
A street shitter posting a reply from an antshares fanboy Twitter account.
I'm sure it will be fair and evenhanded.
lol neo bag holder are getting too desperate
>antshares faggot shill
>"not sure"
cool saged retard
Seems legit
I may well miss a legendary moon mission, but experience and common sense tells me not to trust chinks at the best of times, let alone now.
if its not true then why is NEO rising....
u miss the pump, buy or stay poor fags
I want to believe, but where is the source?
Looks fairly legit to me.
>random shitcoin
>negotiating with the government
yea right
I'm extremely suspicious of any authoritarian actions, moreso from a single-party dictatorship
Mfw this was all a big fucking scam to scare the price way down for accumulation before the rocket to the fucking moon
I'm all in.
I believe the Chinese govt will strike a deal and everything will yo back to normal.
Do you think the Chinks will let the USA or any other country have more influence in a gigantic sector like this?? Fuck no. Wait it out, if you're holding, don't sell. If you've been wanting to get in, might be a good time now. Forget about neo for at least a few weeks. We'll see what happens.
What should I buy to show off my fabulous wealth once the moon mission recommences? A rolex and a Lambo are gimmes
Neo will blast off
>implying I wouldn't trust ahmedbahrain5 with my entire retirement fund
I can't imagine what this will look like... If this happens I'm going to buy a lambo and drive it into a wall.
Stop posting this bitch
You people are dilutional. It's over
its literally some random faggot twitter account trying to save his bags
you guys are fucking retarded holy shit
go back to your shitting street, pajeet
Neo ain't over
It just isn't a non chink thing anymore and therefore overvalued as fuck
This, bagholders would believe anything that gives them hope.
get ready
Why can't he give the announcement now?
Chinese govt already heavily restricts sale of their stocks, real estate etc. Theyll have extremely heavy handed regulation for crypto too
Because hasn't been given his one phonecall
which NEO is well suited for
I am also worried about this.
I pray it's because he's busy signing contracts with the Chinese government.
i really hope so
the fact that he has to wait is a good sign. that means it's not just gonna be some bullshit words that mean nothing.
because its 4:30am in China
Ever heard of monero ?
or he doesn't want you to all sell off and crashing his value before he can pull out
yes, hurf durf, chinks are scammers. cool post bro
he's asking his PR how best to say "you aint getting yo money back nikkas" and book it
>tfw eth has a million shittokens all created as vapourware ico scams
>tfw neo will be regulated and only have high quality dapps with experienced developers and any potential scammers will fuck off back to eth
Feels good
you have to be 18 to post
this. exactly why I invested in NEO and not ETH. I don't want a platform filled with scams.
>i dont want profit, i want actual uses!
this will be the death of you
Enjoy your double digit coin price.
lol. I think you'll both see soon that a platform without scams is going to be more respected and have a higher value.
I think you're a delusional fruitcake.
more Respect, maybe
higher value, absolutely not
nobody cares what you think :)
oh boy...
because big money will want to be on the scammy platform, and not the well respected one that shuts out scammers.
yes. yes they would.
ANTSheads are as pitiful as DGB bagholders.
You chink eth is dead, deal with it.
It'll hover around current levels and that's it.
well one thing that's for sure is China isn't going to tolerate scams :). So ETH will not have China's marketshare. That will be all NEO's.
arent they connected to binance on a more than our coin is on ur exchange lol way?
binance put out a similar thing saying they will speak soon, im tempted to buy a few BNB because fuck it
>china isn't going to tolerate scams
t. Delusional weeb
>literally trusting chinese people to pump your lolcoins
Looks like a Chink Harvey Potter lol @ desperate NEO bag holders