Childhood is idolizing Alexander.
Adulthood is realizing Cyrus was better.
Childhood is idolizing Alexander
If he's so much better, where was the Cyrus-ruled Greece?
The Ionians told Cyrus he already conquered the best of the Greeks.
>Muh human right
Cyrus could have won any of the battles against Alexander if he didn't bitch out every like a timid Persian pushy.
Cyrus was a pampered coward who let his people get destroyed by a bunch of proto yogurtniggers.
You do realize that the Persian King Alexander fought against was Darius III, not Cyrus of any name, right?
>tfw you natively speak the official language of the Achaemenid Empire
>tfw 99% of Persians wn know tf
>be Cyrus
>get killed by a woman's army
lmaoo is this the great hero of the (f)ersian people?
can you faggots stop idolizing a nation just because
>muh civil rights
You were free, until some high king decided you needed to go to battle for him, because you are his vassal.
Meanwhile alexanders army was mostly voluntary.
Needless to say both were megalomaniacs
Childhood is thinking Hitler was crazy.
Adulthood is realising that his aim to spread German genes far and wide was actually entirely logical from an evolutionary point of view.
>Childhood is idolizing Alexander.
>Adulthood is realizing Cyrus was better.
That's some impressive irony, habibi.
>be a retard
>follow a story contradicted by the Father of Lies by even other Greek writers
Dumb roach.
>Cyrus the Great
Wait what? Cyrus became a "high king" because his father was already the King of Anshan, and his grandfather was the High King/ruler of the Median Empire to begin with. And secondly, Cyrus took over at age 15-16 when his father was killed early on during the start of the Persian Revolt against the Medes. His army was entirely made up of native volunteering Persians, Medes, and other Iranic peoples.
There were no forced conscripts in Cyrus's army. And the majority of battles fought by him after vanquishing the Mede Empire were reactionary to the Egyptians, Lydians, and Neo-Babylonian Empires attacking him seeing the threat the Persians were to their own hegemony. It was entirely the same situation as most of Europe going against Republican and Imperial France after the Bourbons were ejected from power.
>You were free
Tell that to the enslaved Israelites tolling under Assyrian and later Babylonian rule.
That might be the case with Darius and more notably Xerxes and subsequent Achaemenid rulers but under Cyrus and Cambyses? Not really no.
>(f)ersian people
>always signing and avatarfagging in your posts
oh you were right about cyrus army. Still though who wants to be some kings bitch
True. Cyrus is underrated and people don't realize Alexander wouldn't get where he was if it wasn't for Cyrus defining his dreams.
>Historians have praised him as being the first Humanist ruler
>The Jews called him the Anointed
>The Babylonians called him the Lawgiver
>Ionian Greeks called him a "just and worthy king"
>The Persians called him simply The Father
Seems pretty good.
Cyrus was quite friendly to the Jews, actually.
And where is Cyrus now??
Still being remembered largely in a extremely positive light and the basis of the Cyrus Cylinder's message being used in the UN's headquarters in New York City over 2500 years later?
No, he's dead.
checkmate zionists
So are you.
In a nice grave senpai unlike alexander the cuck
>You will never be just a GOAT ruler like Cyrus the Great
>You will never inspire another guy whose so autistically obsessed with you that his only dream is to conqueror your empire to feel elevated to your level
It's been looted. I was there last year
>O man, whoever thou art, from wheresoever thou cometh, for I know you shall come, I am Cyrus, who founded the Persian Empire.
>Grudge me not, therefore, this little earth that covers my body.
Such a good tomb inscription
>Soft lands breed soft men.
why can't we just accept both were extremely capable and successful individuals that are incomparable due to being born into different environments at different times?
that is some shitty grave for a "great" man 2bh
wasn't he the king who spread Judaism ?
childhood is idolizing alexander
adolescence is realizing cyrus was better
adulthood is recognizing no mere individual can have any noticeable impact on the world and its history
>Still being remembered largely in a extremely positive light
only because of what he did for a certainly highly influential tribe
That's not true. Yes motions and forces is the bulk of things but individuals do matter in completely autocratic states.
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>comparing glorious Cyrus to the cancer that was Revolutionary France
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