Alright Veeky Forums bros. Want to destroy reddit faggots?
Let's start an organized, massive SHILL shitposting campaign about Walton Chain.
Whether you like it or not, r/cryptocurrency is tired of Walton shill threads.
If you want to pis off faggot redditors, get in here goys.
>we can do this
>his name was walton
They have no mods over there, it's a free for all
why would i give a fuck about reddit?
I'll do it for 0.01 bitcoins per thread I upvote
dude these sell walls are too big at 500+
i like this long term, like one year plus, but this isnt pumping for a while man
Waltcoin is the shit.
we will be having an organized shill campaign with help from /pol/ over on r/cryptocurrency later. we will destroy normies with misinfo and shilling,
NEW FAG, sell walls are fake. This means buy!
as previously stated
A. pay us to do mercenary work for you
B. fuck off and/or kill yourself
do you hate NORMIES? CHADS? this is your chance for revenge!!!
the time is ripe, boys. let us take action
holy shit they really are triggered, ill help even though i own no waltys
Kill yourself le_donald poster
Your life is not even worth that total amount of bitcoin kek
>"I lost everything so I am gonna try and make someone else take responsibility for my fuck-up" the thread everybody.
Go straight to hell faggot
alright boys. time and place? or let's just start creating reddit accounts/ threads?
>GET IN HERE Veeky Forums
they'll notice the join dates though. we need seasoned accounts
You guys realise someone is going to snitch you and you will ruin potential for actual gains? You guys special or what?
WHO GIVE A FUCK. Every thread, we mention the glory of walton. every. single. thread.\
>this could change Veeky Forums as we know it.
>give Veeky Forums shitposting glory.
his name was walton
we can both thrive.
difference is this guy hasnt pumped
Just bought another 2k of this.
His name is robert walton