Best way to reach financial independence? How to make enough money to ensure a good life?
Money Gains
Stop spending money on things you don't need, buy crypto.
buy shitcoins backed by monopoly money
wonder who could be behind this post
Stay poor or start investing in something.
Buy a shitload of NAK, it's going to go up around 10% within the next week.
Fuck off mom
I dont know how to buy crypto, what is a good exchange that wont scam me out of my funds I ear marked for toaster strudel.
gotta study the right thing though
>I ear marked for toaster strudel
Holy shit I keked
I set aside 25 dollars each week to keep my freezer full of toaster strudel. How ever at the moment my fridge is full so I have some discretionary toaster strudel fund surplus that I can spend on what ever I want. I think crypto coin would be a good use for these moneys.
is this some new joke?
Nice meme.
No, I just really like toaster strudel.
How do I buy?
May your life be filled with toaster strudel surpluses, user
>strapped in
Its like the only sweet I allow my self to have, I make deals with my self were I allow my self one a day 2 if I really pushed it hard that day. Sometimes I go to the store and they're out of them which is really annoying.
>want to make just enough money to live comfortably
>don't want to work for a living
sigh, why can't some rich bastard just give me $1500 a month neetbux?
LOL, I invest in real companies kiddo. Ever heard of the stock market? That is where big boys with real shekels make money. Not playing around with internet coins.
stay poor nerd
You sound pretty autistic, have your self tested. Get neet bux.
whats that app?
Ye, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad time to buy. Bitcoin dropped a lot after it hit 4500 then came back to surpass 5k. It's volatile in the short term but *so far* it's been a pretty profitable medium term investment. Who knows where it'll go from here.
Run a business and bring it to a point where if you don't work in the business you still make money
Suppose - in the best case for you - that that is actually legit. It still means you're seeking validation from neets on a Mongolian basketry forum. So however wealthy you are, you're ultimately still an insecure little baby.
Have an excellent day
>Investing in gigantic Bubbles
What would happen if you used the money that you would save in a bank account to put a down payment on a house that you rented out? You could rent it for more than the monthly payments of the mortgage, the interest on the loan, repairs, and property tax. You could eventually make back the down payment and suddenly you have a profit stream to go with your big chunk of money.
The secret to increasing your savings isn't to increase your income, it's decreasing your expenses. Make a spreadsheet and record on it everything you buy every day for a month. You'll be astonished at how much you spend and even more at how much you could have saved if you didn't buy some of it.
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
I don't think you understand financial instruments.
Stocks, especially those with neither voting rights nor dividends, are only worth capital gains. Essentially, they're only as valuable as what people would pay for them. This is why once there is market instability trillions of dollars of value disappear; it wasn't real in the first place.
>So, why buy Crypto?
Crypto, like stocks, is inherently worthless, but people are buying it with the same goal of capital gains. For the average buyer, crypto is for most intents and purposes simply risky stock. Like with all risks, they're relative to their reward, and thus you can make good returns trading crypto... or you can loose everything.
>What buy?
Check out crypto exchanges and make a gut pick, honestly. If you don't wish to deal in cryptos GBTC is an etf that is priced according to bitcoin; it's also volatile as fuck. For instance, if you bought GBTC two weeks ago you could have had something like 20-40% returns. There are also efforts underway to create a short security on bitcoin.
Decide what sort of money you wish to have and what sort of risk you're willing to take. Generally, you either sleep well, or eat well; not both.
Make investments accordingly.
1) Stop being a NEET.
2) Get a job and save money.
3) Use savings to invest/start a business.
Stocks are backed by the assets of the underlying company you fucking retard. What does crypto have other than artificial scarcity?
> $928 debt
You'll never make it kiddo lmao
>Stocks are backed by the assets of the underlying company
On paper, yes. The problem is that stocks are on the very bottom of the totem pole of debt repayment.
You're essentially promised a portion of assets that is either
>Laughably minuscule and irrelevant due to inability to steer decisions
>During times of instability or company collapse irrelevant.
>What do crypto currencies have?
The fact that people accept them as currency.
>big boy
Maybe on here lmao
the end of bitcoin is zero and it will happen within a year or 2 when its replaced by fed coin
dividend stocks
why do you have so much cash?
How to stay poor with 4000% gains?
yo wtf why do some posts here have no ids
my house cost double than yours i live in sydney
Yeah but you're still poor in crypto.
The thread was moved to biz.
>600k for a house in Sydney
Do you live in a cardboard box?