I had an argument with a school teacher who stated:
>Women can't be sexist
>Black people can't be racist
Was she right?
I had an argument with a school teacher who stated:
>Women can't be sexist
>Black people can't be racist
Was she right?
Only if redefine the words, thus de-legitimatizing the concepts they represent and alienating people who sympathize with your viewpoints. SJWs have hurt the left much more than any alt-right faggotry.
Some Marxist cunt in some American university in the 1970s tried to redefine the word "racism" to mean "prejudice plus power" instead of simply "prejudice against other races". So SJW are trying to hold onto that mantra and then get pissy when it never catches on.
Most teachers aren't very intelligent.
Well, racial slurs directed from black people towards white people are less effective than the reverse. Like, you can trash talk the cool kid in class, He'll shrug it off, and you all have a laugh. But you'll look like an asshole if you do the same to the nerd in the corner. Blacks have been trodden on through modern history, so any insult one flings at them carries that extra weight. Of course black racism can be a thing, but it's not very effective.
You can barely trust teachers on the subjects they're supposed to teach. Never trust them on other subjects.
Pretty much this. Whoever is highest on the social hierarchy hog (white straight males in the US, in this case) benefits most from the institution of sexism and racism.
Nobody is exempt from being a prejudiced asshole, including man hating women and white hating black people, but only one group directly benefits from racism and sexism. Everything else is just background noise.
No you didn't. Fuck off with those internet roleplay.
It was plenty effective in Rhodesia and Haiti I can tell you that much. You're also pretty retarded if you think slurs are all there is to racism.
Which is indeed quite relevant. A black guy is racist, you might get insulted or beaten up at worst. A white guy is racist, he doesn't give you a job, or puts you into jail. So the consequences of racism is indeed quite asymetrical and depends on power, which is largely in the hands of white guys.
>when a black guy punches a white guy it hurts less than when it's the other way around
>power, which is largely in the hands of jews
Insulting a black is worst than insulting a white, but what about a jew? Where are they in the victim's hierachy?
Blacks have became basically women in American society, completely protected and pampered species that somehow still have the gall to claim they're downtrodden.
Post-modern thinking, if it can be called that, is consumed with power struggles. So if someone has no power, they cannot be x.
By normal people's definitions, anyone can be a racist, and anyone can be a sexist. It's a belief anyone can hold.
It doesn't depend on power.
Its relevant but it doesn't provide an accurate definition of the word "racist."
By redefining racism from "supremacist beliefs" to "systemic advantages," precedent has been set for other words to be redefined.
Then make a new term for that instead of trying to redefine established terms.
You're implying that there are no blacks in places of power fucking racist.
Revising history and changing the meaning of words are weapons of the Left.
I know. They somehow redefined the word bourgeoise from "urban people" to "capitalists who own the means of production" which is quite the fucking leap.
Anybody can be racist. It's completely unhelpful to say it only flows one way.
However, it should be acknowledged that in western countries, there are some institutional biases that exist as remnants of colonialism or slavery that didn't cease until relatively recently.
Please tell me you're joking....imagine if this was a black man (or any man for that matter)
You think swatting only happens to women?
Come on now. I was talking about the US, and modern American black people have very little in common with African slaves or natives by now. What blacks are experiencing today is nowhere near severe enough for them to justify a bloody revolution like Haiti, or the revenge taken out on the Rhodesians.
>man kills a child = jailed for murder
>woman kills a child = walks free
>woman stabs boyfriend 12 times = court frees her because she's a "talented young lady" and prison sentence would "interfere with her career"
Women are literally the aristocracy in this society, and they can't do no wrong.
>I was talking about the US
Your shithole isn't the only country on Earth.
I'm European
>Black people can't be racist
Rwandan genocide
>Whoever is highest on the social hierarchy hog (white straight males in the US, in this case)
Asian Americans have higher educational attainment, Indian Americans have higher incomes, Hispanics have higher life expectancy etc etc
>white straight males
All of my kek
Jews have been the number 1 ally of the white man in the domination over POC. Jews are white. They have never cared about people of color, and they don't deserve our respect or support. In fact, they are committing genocide against People of Color as we speak.
>Jews are white
This. It blows my mind when people think Jews are our allies. No one has helped white men more in the foundation of Capitalism, which they both together used to subjugate non-white peoples.
im saying women have it easier than blacks (and ofcourse, men)
Ah okay then. Yes, they have it the easiest.
Straight question, do you believe Anglos to be the only whites? Because only they allied with the Jew this hard.
>if I just keep making up stuff, like conjuring this institution of sexism and racism, I'll be right!
I'd also like to know where this institution has its HQ. Got a mailing address or anything?
I assume that's why the only institutionalized racism in the US is affirmative action that benefits everyone but straight white males
Affirmative action as it is actually a pretty big detriment to Asians and Jews.
Nice fucking try you disgusting Anglo rat. A Brit has never lifted his finger for a Jew. They supported the Arabs over the Yishuv in the late 30's and 40's. They will never be forgiven for this. They have as much guilt as the Germans as far as i'm concerned. They hung some of the greatest Jewish martyrs of our time with no trial, with no rights, with no humanity. Israel doesn't exist because of Britain, Israel exists because we got rid of Britain.
>They have as much guilt as the Germans as far as i'm concerned.
Oy vey merchant! They should have let Germany win if that would be the case
"Common" used to be a pejorative. "Common man".
I'm a Slav. We did nothing but kill your kind by the hundreds, because you deserved it.
>you might get beaten up at worse
There were a string of serial rapes and murders perpetrated by a young African American man and his younger brother against white teenage girls and their boyfriends. Most notably, the racist shits raped, tortured, and murdered a 12-year-old girl while she was walking to her friend's house or something among those lines.
Don't pull this shit, this is far from the first case. A child getting raped, tortured, and murdered is much worse than not having a fucking job, or going to jail.
You're delusional and feel a pathetic need to victimize and infantilize a group of people.
No you didn't. You might have helped purify the Jewish people by cleansing us of certain sinful secular AshkeNAZIs, but you didn't and you will never put your hands on a Mizrahi Hebrew Warrior. We don't, and we never will take shit from dirty Goys like you.
>damage control
I'm just being honest. I don't have a drop of AshkeNAZI blood. We weren't affected by the Shoah. While that was happening, we were executing British soldiers and Ishmaelite invaders for occupying our homeland.
So you are the jewset of the jew? Interesting, do you hate the khazars?
>Israel vs Rome
That didn't go so well for you faggots, did it now?
>Ashkenazis are such faggots even other jews hate them
That definition is solely used by people who are trying to justify their own prejudice.
The idea that racism against white people is less damaging is bullshit anyway because whites are not a monolithic entity and most have very little power, even those that do could still be dragged out and murdered pretty easily.
If you want to stop racism you don't do it by victimizing and alienating white people, you denounce all of it, a judgement of severity shouldn't even cross your mind.
Shit like this is literally why the alt right exists.
She's insisting you use HER definitions, and not the common definitions. This is hugely mendacious but not actually "wrong" beyond it's obvious moral problems. Just talk about "bigotry on the basis of race", which is what most of us mean by "racist", and avoid using her redefined terms at all.
>Hispanics have a higher life expectancy
I call bullshit on this one.
Stop being retarded because it only brings in equally retarded people, see:
>So you are the jewset of the jew? Interesting, do you hate the khazars?
The whole Khazar thing is an AshkeNAZI myth. It was thought up, invented and pushed solely by them. I don't buy into it. They hate being Hebrews so much they make up stories to disconnect themselves. It's standard AshkenNAZI insecurity.
>That didn't go so well for you faggots, did it now?
It went better than it did for most.
500,000 Roman Gr**ks killed in less than 2 years.
I don't hate all of them, some are my brothers. Menachem Begin and Avraham Stern were Hebrew warriors. However, the AshkeNAZI Hellenistic elite who try to destroy the Jewish people will always be my enemy simply because they are the number one threat to Jews.
first on was meant for
Technically it already has a term: Institutionalized racism. Some leftist types just like to roll it into racism as a whole because it helps obfuscate the issue.
>Hispanics have the highest life expectancy
Not if my abuelita's cooking has anything to say about it. That woman has put 3 husbands in the ground with her empanadas
Incarceration rates for whites vs everyone else for similar crimes are generally lower amongst whites, overpolicing of minority communities, racial profiling by law enforcement agencies (ICE, TSA, DEA, and local branches),access to higher education, representation in consumer media, etc
The united states isn't a white country. Being American =/= Being white. You don't need to get so defensive about it, but the truth is staring you in the face every day.
Well even gay white men enjoy privileges that others don't. My bad.
Females have more power than males.
Hispanic life expectancy is genetic, because they are the result of whites raping blacks raping indigenous people during the colonialization era. They live longer because their genetic makeup is stronger, much like how mutts live longer that purebred dogs.
Asian households tend to place strong emphasis on educational achievement. (they work harder, and generally enjoy many privileges that their white counterparts in america enjoy. Aside from representation in mass media. For every one jackie chan there's seventeen Markie Marks and Tom Cruises)
Not sure where you pulled that indian american statistic out of, but I'm going to assume it's your ass, because white males have the highest earning potential out of any demographic in the States.
Hispanic means people who speak Spanish. I'm Hispanic and I have no nigger or Indian blood.
What the fuck is with Somalis lmao
Now let me just clear up one thing, I'm not trying to say your life can't be hard if you're white. I am white myself, but I am aware that my live isn't hard BECAUSE I'm white. Someone can bitch at me all day about whitey being bad, but at the end of the day, by virtue of being white, I am better off than they are. I just want a level playing field where everybody can achieve, and right now the USA isn't providing that. That said, it's a crazy tangle of a problem with no easy solution.
No idea broham. Asians are the ideal minority in the US, though. They have successfully learned to navigate our systems. It also helps that they don't make up very much of the population, so that kind of skews the average in their favor. Also couple that with the importance they place on education, how they keep money flowing within their own communities and tend to support asian-owned business, and you have a recipe for success albeit on a smaller scale.
The big big money makers in the USA are still wasps and jews, though. The ones that actually have an impact on our lives.
It's dem multiracial genetics.
Look at the link again and search for "English".
Ok. Doesn't change the fact that nearly every billionaire in the states is a white guy. The same ones that directly benefit off of a working class that is fragmented along racial lines.
Out of 10 richest people in America there is only one Anglo.
Bullshit, a black friend once told me that if I went to his home, he would have to explain to his neighbors why a white man was in his house. If that is not racist, what is
>something in the hands of powerful people is more powerful
Stop the fucking presses
All I see in the top 10 are white guys and jews my man
White on black neighborhood racism also doesn't happen anymore, while whenever white people start moving into a black neighborhood they face everything from verbal insults to actual physical attacks. Sometimes I feel like the media and the academia pretend it's still the 1950s.
I love how your dumb ass moved the goal posts from "WASP" to just "white guy".
After generations of slavery and mistrust in law enforcement there's bound to be idiotic black folks that are racist as well. The difference being black people don't benefit from that racism. The status quo that benefits white people benefits from racism against black people, though.
That's not to say black people can't be racist, though. It just doesn't carry the same weight, nor does it end in mass incarceration of whites.
Blacks commiting crime and getting caught is the reason for mass incarceration of blacks.
ok, fellow white guy.
Na, the DEA, overpolicing, the prison industrial complex, and the war on drugs are the reasons for mass incarceration of blacks.
The assumption that blacks are more likely to be criminal because they are black is in itself inherently racist. Just like the assumption that all whites are racist is racist,
>The assumption that blacks are more likely to be criminal because they are black
The amount of blacks in a given area is the single best demographic predictor for high murder rates.
Not enough. Apologize for lying.
Privilege is not a dichotomy, just because you have one privilege does not mean that no one else does, and it also does not mean that every member of your race has those privileges.
To claim otherwise is pretty idiotic and divisive.
Privilege means FORMAL advantage not informal, fuck of with your marxist newspeak Americuck.
How is that relevant? and where do you get that definition from?
I see so you reckon jewish bloodlines have been hijacked by North East Europids? or is it just the slavs?
The origin of the fucking word. Guess what the "lege" part refers to.
Good thing that's not a current definition, no one uses it that way, and it doesn't address my point.
>Teacher takes action based on their experience teaching
"This is good, she should run for the superintendent!"
>Doctor makes a diagnosis based on years of study and experience
"Thanks Doc, I'll be sure to listen right away!"
>Mechanic correctly fixes car thanks to years of experience
"Wow, that's for getting it done so quickly!"
>Police Chief utilizes his resources to best address the problems in his community
>I'm European
Then why do you feel the need to comment? Shouldn't you be busy getting hit by a truck of peace?
You know, if you spesifically screen for black criminals you're probably going to find more black criminals.
Are you saying that police practices developed in a vacuum?
Good post
Racism = privilege + power
Neck yourself, shitlord.
is that way.
Europeans do.
Racial profilong is completely sensible. There's a reason why they profile mostly white males for serial killing and blacks for drug related murders and rapes.
>lower for similar crimes
Complete and utter horseshit. I even know where this meme originates from (drug use anonymous poll vs incarceration rates).
It doesn't fucking matter if power is taken into account. Power isn't some fucking radio transmitted wave that magically oppresses everyone automatically, it's entirely contextual.
You can be the richest son of a bitch ever, the moment someone points a gun to your head, he has power over your life.
Beyond this extreme example, it's entirely possible for a woman or black person to be in a position of power over say a white male, and if they discriminate based on those characteristics, be racist/sexist accordingly.