Who or what caused the Thirty Years war?
Who or what caused the Thirty Years war?
Martin Luther.
Some dudes jumping off a window and blaming other dudes
How did Martin Luther cause it? Because he created Lutheranism? That's like saying Jesus Christ caused the Crusades.
praque window dive + some royal shit + the lower class had a riot duo the tax system causing riots/civil war all across german lands
some citys bought them out like oldenburg they argued that the farmers should pay less to the landlord
Luther rewriting the bible to fit his sins and decadence because he was mad that the church didn't promote him to bishop
And while GErmans were too busy fighting each other we had to fight Ottomans on our own... and by us, I mean Slavic people.
>czech/palatine revolt
Martin Luther
>actual 30 years war, the devastating world conflict
The Eternal Frog
He opened the pandora's box for any kind of fuckery. The lutheran problem was kinda solved by then, the problem was the meme tier stuff that had spawned. The war was started by calvinists and (german) lutherans only entered the war when pressed by external forces, they were loyal to the emperor before.
>The war was started by calvinists
Hussites actually.
lol he didn't 'open pandora's box' the Church was already warring against hussites in bohemia long before Luther was a twinkle in Hans' eye. The Chruch's power, and its ability to combat heresy, just waned over time and the printing pressed killed it altogether.
Not really. Heirs of hussites, no doubt for that, but I don't think it's okay to talk about hussites in the 17th century.
Being the first doesn't make you the one to open the doors. There's plenty of medieval heresies there. Luther transformed being heretic into being a protestant or whatever you want to call it. It started this "interpret the bible yourself" trend and was the one to make it popular. Huss is just a precedent, not comparable to Luther unless we're gonna talk specifically about Czechia.
(von altgriechisch ἡγεμονία hēgemonía ‚ Heerführung, Hegemonie, Oberbefehl‘; dieses von ἡγεμών hēgemṓn ‚ Führer, Anführer‘)
the 30 year war was primarly the farmer revolution in germany
it happens while europe had war
netherlands-spain 1568-1648
french-spain 1635-1659
swedes-denmark 1643-1545
and some inner-dynasty conflicts
royal protest against the habsburger in böhm
Not that guy, but Hussites were so significant they needed to call several crusades against them, which all got BTFO and the empire was forced to acknowledge the Hussites and give them rights. They definitely opened the door.
Jo was Alter?
The emperor attacked Bohemia that had invited Frederick V, the Calvanist Elector of the Palatinate the crown of Bohemia
I think you mean "the pope"
>The war was started by calvinists and (german) lutherans
That's like saying the WW2 was started by Poland
How many crusades were called after Luther and co? Zero? One? That's what makes him being the starter. Nobody liked hussites outside of Czechia.
Historical example of Germans ruining Europe. nothing special
Poland didn't rebel it's rightful and legal ruler.
>Sheep on Veeky Forums actually ate up the "Martin Luther ruined everything" meme
Holy shit, how can you be so damn brainless? How did you even come to this board with such an infantile view of history?
But the rest of catholic europe was fine with Gustavus raping poland
it was autism
so yes, Luther
The opportunity to seize power
Ferdinand II
>Martin Luther
>Czech revolt
Czechs have been protestant before Luther was born.
Depends on what stage exactly you're talking about.
The first stage - the Bohemian Revolt - was the result of religious animosity on both sides and a Hapsburg heir who seemed intent to undo the Peace of Augsburg. The religious animosity of the time saw the formation of the Protestant Union (Brandenberg, Palatinate being the larger powers involved) in reaction to the Catholic League and the slow movement of Catholic elements in the HRE to undo much of the Peace of Augsburg. Ferdinand II was being maneuvered into place to be elected to the crowns of Bohemia, Hungary, and the HRE all at once by the sitting Kaiser at the time (Matthias), but he was virulently pro-Catholic and threatened to undo many of the concessions gained by the large protestant population in Bohemia. As a result, many protestant nobles favored Frederick V, elector Palatinate and leader of the Protestant Union. Frederick took the offer, setting off the first phase of the war.
So that whole clusterfuck was
>Autistic heir who hated proddies threatening to undo the precarious balance that kept the Empire at peace
>formation of armed leagues by both the Catholics and Protestants that made open war over what amounted to a dynastic dispute feasible
Sure he was the only factor. Doesn't sound like constructed history at all
I try to make sense of this but I can't
Hussites actually
The eternal enemy of all that is good. The kraut.
>catholic church accepted most of Luther's criticisms and promised to fix them like they had with previous reformers, but asked Luther to retract a few of the heretical statements
>Luther spergs out and wants to destroy the church now and form a new one because they didn't completely agree with him
It literally is Luther's fault lad. the whole schism was caused because Luther was too autistic (read: german) to even consider that perhaps not all of his ideas were good.
Perhaps the Church shouldn't have been telling people that they could buy their way into heaven, then.
That never happened retard, council of Trent happened after Luther's death. In fact Luther was originally a devout papist and said the pope would be appaled if he knew what Tetzel is doing. He had no idea the pope was behind it all.
I'm not talking about Trent but the Exsurge Domin. How about not making assumptions, huh sweetie?
>sweetieposting already
I think it's high time for you to fuck off.
Ironic how the Eternal Anglos also sprouted from them.
What the fuck is wrong with the G*rmanics?
Anglos are just retarded Celts speaking a Germano-French pidgin.
>being Protestant = rebellion
Same blonde different country.
Nothing. Stop memeing your secular nonsense.
Why did you chose to write a German sentence containing ancient Greek on an English board?
Sickular nonsense from globalist presstitutes.
same as every war thots thots are the root of all eveil