Why do all Leftists fantastise about killing white people?
Why do all Leftists fantastise about killing white people?
>learn to identify racists
Unless a person explicitly uses the word "nigger' instead of black irl, that's rather hard
>white supremacy may be disguised as color blindness
now this is making me think
Wrong board, friend. Political discussion goes on
Because all white people are racists and fascists.
not your safespace, leftypol
/pol/ is the safest place on the internet, friend. You're free to post your bullshit there.
>black nail polish
It's like a warning sign saying "I'm fucked in the head". I've never met a person wearing that shit who wasn't batshit.
kill yourself, Veeky Forums isn't your anti white safespace
1. Internalized racial guilt (real and/or imagined)
2. histrionic personality disorder
3. Marxist class-based view of reality
4. The desire to purify through fire.
It's basically the merging of Anglo white guilt with Marxist class warfare (and replacing economic classes with races).
In short, Anglos fuck everything up once again.
Aww shit, i know a guy who can't tell blue from green.
Why do all righties fantasize that all lefties want to kill whities? : o
Disliking racist trumpcucks =/= disliking white people
You mean the French. It's always the French. Their politicians and their academics. Sometimes Germans, too, but even they tend to be Francophiles.
>color blindness
>if you ignore that racial differences exist, you're a racist
Well there you go.
becasue you leftists want to kill all whites
then why do you want to import millions of illegals?
>when extremist liberals call moderate liberals "racist"
I love liberal cannibalism.
But you're wrong, OP.
sage and report
This is a history board, take your autism to the right board,
inferiority complex
not your safespace, leftypol
White people are cancer of the Earth. They destroy everything they touch, they only bring hate, destruction, misery, poverty. They are all potentially racists and Nazis and thus must be preemptively killed. It's like dealing with a pest.
You better hide friend. With those brave opinions the lefty internet police is bound to come and take you :c
>mom i did it again, i posted my white master-race/alt-right/2017 politics in the history board
Hope mods actually do their jobs for once since this thread is just so fucking obviously belongs in /pol/.
>there are words that only certain ethical groups can say
America never ceases to amaze me
Why do you leftists want an anti white safespace?
This is one of the most ban-friendly boards on Veeky Forums.
>Color blindness
As a person that lives in the rural south I feel a lot of our current racists are just eating the same pie their grandparents cooked for them though lot of them don't even know the flavour anymore and just call it "southern."
Also a lot of the casual racists here really just don't know any better, propaganda and just lack of real exposure combined with a general closed minded attitude is why the south is still as racist as it is.
A really common thing I've been hearing the last 4 years is that "the north is more racist than the south, you don't hear about any of these race problems down here." The people I hear this from are all above the age of 40 and live in neighbourhoods where there is usually 1-2 black families at the most. Admittedly we do not live in a major city and the closest ones are all over an hour and a half drive away.
The world is too complex for a simple people so absorbed in their own worlds that I really don't know how to help these people get out of this mindset.
Why do you act like a fucking subhuman and post non-history related matters in a fucking history board?
So fucking ironic
How the fuck can your brain even coordinate breathing
go back to facebook
I'm from Cincinnati and I'm younger than 40. Believe me, the racial tensions are brutal in the northern cities.
If you judge people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin you are a racist. Behold the power of doublethink.
>fucking lefties antiwhitespacing me out of my retarded shit by talking about history
Fucking mouth-breathers I swear
No wonder this tosspot keeps coming back when people give him the attention he craves.
Fuck you and your shit thread
>that fat hand
captcha: rise clinton LOL
I always forget to input sage. And I figured the thread would be deleted by now, given that I reported it half an hour ago.
go away evil dogger
nice job jannies
really nice job
This is one of those blooboards where you can post /b/ tier threads and get away with it. Retarded jannies don't give a shit.
Come home Eurasian man
no one gives a shit
/pol/ will give a shit though, you will be well-received at /pol/,
Don't come back please.
look at these mad leftypol shills!
why do you want an SJW safespace so badly?
Mods are niggers who have repeatedly shown they approve, if not outright support the /pol/tards.
They constantly ban racism.
>mfw this leftypol retard has /pol/ living in his puny little mind RENT FREE
>people actually take nazbol seriously
The only reason Dugin is even in that pic is because he's pals with Eddie
How old are you?
/pol/ is living eternally within your subconscious, it has no age
Eddie at least is realistic (as realistic you can be with a meme movement like nazbol) Dugin is batshit insane
>color blindness
>starts a /pol/ thread
Is it severe Down's syndrome?
Do you get tired of doing this?
>fuck off faggot
>thread deleted, OP gets a one day ban at most
>he makes it again, it's deleted again after an hour
There's no fantasy about it, the other elders and I have set a date for 2040 to 2050 for the eventual extermination of all white people. Once this is complete we will institute a worldwide Communist state.
Get rekt goytoy, there is nothing that you can do except complain about our masterplan on the interwebs.
>he thinks this is one poster
There are some fringe loonies on the left pushing this all whites are racist stuff. The right wing holds them up as an example of the left to corrupt the message. The message lost is the one pertaining to the fact that U.S.A., Britain and rest of E.U. are White Supremecist Organsiations. What this means is that there are people who are in the majority white people running the world to suit their personal ambition and agenda and black people are getting hurt and dying because of it. If you saw what goes on in those parts of the world to which we export our weapons and political sabotage, you would cry and you would scream to God to make it stop. You need to free yourselves. Accept that the Devil runs the world and that the Devil is white, and renounce him. Renounce the patriarchy. Know that societal expectiations and portrayals of women amounts to violence against them, know that the animals fear and hope and suffer for selfishness and greed. Know that babies are being burned alive right now because white people created Hell and sold their weapons to the poor and desperate and once you get this, you're free, so long as you swear down you will change the world for the better and for everyone and that means stopping playing the Devil's game. And if you choose not to, then good luck with God because you're going to need it.
Why do sunburned supremacists ask dumbass questions
It might be two, I don't know. But it's the same garbage template thread every day. At least be original with your shitposting.