Why did the Chinese do this Veeky Forums? Did not one of them think this might have been a bad idea, the repercusions?
Why did the Chinese do this Veeky Forums? Did not one of them think this might have been a bad idea, the repercusions?
Do or die.
Do and die.
So Mao threatened the population with Military intervention if they didn't do as he said?
*Memeing hard*
because communism is so god awful, that it would create mass famine and death all because one man said so. I know capitalism has its problems but stagnant wages, loss of job security, higher cost of living, the emergence of theocracy, media everyone loathes, the end of social welfare programs, eternal warfare, are all better than literal famine which can only be caused by communism
next time someone wants to raise taxes or spend money to help the lower classes I will think back to the .png some user posted on a history board of a chinese cartoon enthusiast image board.
thanks user for educating me on the horrors of communism.
>be commie
>fetishize and venerate the qualities of the working class while deriding the intellectuals
>put intellectuals who know nothing about labor in charge of running the country while refusing to listen to the working class
The USSR with their farmland confiscations, Mao with his pigeons, Pol Pot with everything. Why do they do it?
Who is more powerful: The chairman of a communist state, the CEO of a big, international cooperation like Nestlé, or the CEO of a global bank? All three are cases of central planners affecting the lifes of millions or billions.
Clearly the chairman of a Communist state.
Nestle is tiny compared even to a modern Capitalist state in terms of its resources and so is a global bank.
>Trump sees Coal is cheap
>He tells 380 million Americans to waste resources like there is no tomorrow
>380 million Americans drive huge cars, use AC constantly, pure consumerism
>the global climate changes
>x million poor people
Imagine you told someone back then how stupid it is what they are doing, you would get a similar reaction as if you told the average American about environmental issues nowadays. It seems obvious from the outside, but you can't stop the large mass of stupid, uneducated people who cheer for their leader and see everyone disagreeing as a traitor.
Maybe in the case of China, but not in the case of Cuba or some small communist state.
hahahaha you are salty as fuck, killing millions of sparrows is nowhere comparable to your example, it's as stupid as killing cats in middle ages and then die from the black plague
Because China is a near endless mass of largely interchangeable ant people, no one, two or million of which have any value to the collective. Like the sucker feet on a starfish, once enough of them get going in the same direction, any dissenters will be torn from their roots and discarded. Get enough of them on an idea, even a totally shit idea, and they will follow it off the nearest cliff.
Did no one tel Hitler that invaded Russia was retarded?
Yes. Yes some did. Some Chinese told Mao that he was stupid as well.
They didn't live very long.
Disregarding all scientific evidence, all intellectuals, all other civilized countries because you simply don't like what they say is at last as bad.
I'm not salty, I had, once again, a fantastic summer. Nearly every day was great. It's just weird how people seem to think things back then were so obvious and people so stupid for falling for those things, as if everything is black and white at all times.
You need to go back to wherever it is you came from.
I've worked with Chinese. They are not individuals.
he said. Then went back to his spot in the kekistani phalanx.
>killing millions of sparrows is nowhere comparable to your example
That's true, the effects are a blip on the radar compared to global climate change, which precipitates the extinction of innumerable species.
Love these threads. Lefties always get triggered as fuck and devolve into either whataboutisms and/or sperging.
Anyway, china is the main cause of this again because if they stop using fossil fuel they literally go starving again
Edgy little cuck
Thank you for proving the point.
Back then people also just went with the majority, what was popular back then. They didn't thin about the consequences. Just feel like you are part of something and feeling superior over others is enough.
I think you need to read the post I was replying to. Or if you read it already, you need to work on your reading comprehension up to at least high-school level.
Ah, yes, trump is bad, should've voted for sanders, you totally convinced me this time you limp wristed faggot.
>They didn't think about the consequences.
>he probably supports chavez and maduro venezuela
just lol
Moron, this is the guy I was replying to:
"*Memeing hard*
because communism is so god awful, that it would create mass famine and death all because one man said so. I know capitalism has its problems but stagnant wages, loss of job security, higher cost of living, the emergence of theocracy, media everyone loathes, the end of social welfare programs, eternal warfare, are all better than literal famine which can only be caused by communism
next time someone wants to raise taxes or spend money to help the lower classes I will think back to the .png some user posted on a history board of a chinese cartoon enthusiast image board.
thanks user for educating me on the horrors of communism."
Are you having a hard time understanding how he was being ironic and therefore my reply is not defending communism?
You're probably gonna reply with another post pushing down harder rather than acknowledge your mistake, so 'fuck you' in advance.
>inb4 was pretending to be retarded
Maybe you should shitpost in your containment board nigger
>ahh you don't like glorious leader Mao, you must be a capitalist
>you disagree with glorious leader X, therefore you must be a member of the opposite party, an enemy of the country, a traitor and so on
This is exactly the kind of thinking that made it possible for millions of people to ignore common sense.
If you told someone back then that killing all sparrows was stupid they would have lynched you for being a capitalist anti-revolutionist, nowadays they get mad and call you a communist (in a thread shitting on communists for their stupidity).
When murdering 75 million people for every reason from ethnic cleansing to genuine retardation isn't unethical but murdering 6 million Jews is the worst atrocity ever committed by humankind
says a faggot, go back to your gay discords
>ha yeah I know mao was a retard that was responsible for the death of tens of millions of humans
>but let's talk about how Trump is way worse
Don't even try and pretend you're not a faggot leftie, it's the only reason you brought Trump into this. Fucking kill yourself.
>he said something mean to trump so he's a communist that loves to kill 75 million people and he loves Jews
/pol/ logic, best logic.
go back to plebbit.
I don't know how to feel about Scott Adams any more.
Fake news, very fake news
hey :D, it´s me again, let me tell you about the gooks to understand *ao
chinese people are soulless, they don´t think like humans with need´s, they have been turned into machines
>everything that ever happened was due to capitalism
>Cannibalize 30,000 civilians
>Decisive strategic victory
Chinese empathy in a nutshell
Many weren´t like this, and you can see in asians in the US the diferances, most of them died of starvations and were shunned
Gooks are so soulless they commit forced abortions
faggot faggot faggot
>there are leftypol on this board, RIGHT NOW, who unironically shill for Mao
>conquest done under a monarchy, in a mercantilist system
>absolute majority of deaths was due to disease
>somehow to blame on Capitalism
Glad I don't need to read the rest.
Maoists fear the feathered warrior
Why did Mao do it tough? If you see the facts you will know he was a comunist!!! And he managed to win a cultural revolution and a actual revolution. Being fully triumphant he forged the chinese will onto that of a comunist, and behold, it´s this, machines that lag to see it´s immidiate proximity and completly and people that don´t actually give a shit about being murderers
This gif´s are your society on comunism
Turned into machines?
I'm pretty sure they've always been like that.
The problem is rice farming and the relative scarcity of arable land to do it on in China. Rice farming on a non-industrial scale requires an entire community working towards one goal. It is incredibly labor intensive. If more than a few people in the village fuck off, the whole bunch starves. Once ancient Chinese people started farming rice, conformity became synonymous with life. After that, entire leadership systems sprang up to take advantage of that. Several thousand years later, we have the modern Chinese.
It's actually that Mao purged the entire elite class of the society and was hoping to give a fresh start for the new china. But then people lost moral standards without elites, then this happens. It's likely to happen anywhere in the world actually.
Chinese culture wasn't always like this. They used to have compassion and standards of common decency just like everyone else. Then came Mao and collectivization, and when the program failed came the paranoia, the looking for traitors and saboteurs under the bed, the purges, the totalitarian police state, the ideological purity spirals and the Struggle Sessions.
People get used to everything. After a while you even get used to seeing your neighbors and relatives get dragged out of their homes by secret police at 3 in the morning. If you are smart, you learn to look the other way and do nothing. Eventually this permeates into the culture and people start to internalize that what happens to others, no matter how terrible, is none of their business, and that getting involved will only make things worse for everyone.
Mainlanders' have a reputation for callousness and selfishness in places like Singapore and Taiwan because, again, Chinese culture wasn't always like this.
This is why you need to embrace national socialism, even if larping, to stamp out comunism as one fight once and for all
Why didn't they just eat the insects?
>It's actually that Mao purged the entire elite class of the society and was hoping to give a fresh start for the new china.
Cultural revolution no?
Life was like that in europe to, that all changed when you we became more urbanized, i would bet on the same for them
There are no "Good Samaritan" laws in China to protect people who aid others. In the US or Europe, if you help someone and you're acting in good faith you are relatively protected from civil torts. Id est: if you pull me out of a wrecked car I can't really sue you for my broken neck.
In most places in China, such protections do not exist. If you drag a person out of an intersection after an accident, they absolutely can sue you for damages you might have inflicted upon them. I'm not saying that's the only thing keeping them from helping each other, but it's certainly a causative factor. If the person lying injured in the street can financially end you just for touching them, the best course of action may be to just pretend that you never saw her and keep trucking.
The same thing happened here in the States before we enacted laws protecting Samaritans.
he looks like the type of person that if you were in a room with him and it was really quite, you would hear him breathing
Even then I would say a communist state is more powerful. They may have less economic wealth, but they have access to means of expressing power like military, police and political forces that a company can't directly control.
A country can directly influence the life of its citizens through legislation and enforcement. A company doesn't have any ability to do that sort of thing.
>faggot faggot faggot
You wonder what being bombarded with Western media is doing to them.
Here the Chinese are, trying to make inroads into Hollywood but you can't just cram Maoist propaganda down American audiences' throats. And you can't very well spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a summer blockbuster solely for export. So, like it or not, the Chinese will be unwittingly inoculating their own population with all these Western values. Who knows? Maybe in fifty years they'll stop being these weird robotic chicken people and start resembling us.
Mods need to do their job desu senpai
Maybe in 50 years white people will finally be extinct, god willing of course.
You think Hollywood is giving Asia good western principles?
I feel like it's more sexual openness and lots of action movie explosions.
What western principles do you think Asia is getting from Hollywood? I spent time in Korea and the big movies were any Marvel Movie, Deadpool, Get Out, Danish Girl, stuff like that.
>even with made up numbers and blaming capitalism for everything bad that ever happened outside of the Soviet Union and China, it still only killed 3 times as many people as communism, in 5x the time
the absolute state of tankies
I think they are a race in denial on the lies that have built themselves on. Quoted sad but then they are just robots
t. janus-faced (((joopanese))) and/or pathetic neckbeard permavirgin virgin weeb who is too pleb to understand the intricacies of Chinese civilization.
Oh look, an autistic /pol/ weeb faggot who is too brainwashed by his Jap masturbation toons to really appreciate the Chinese culture that begot your infernal archipelago of preference.
Butthurt chink, your made in china shouldnt be long till you break down and need repair...seems like thats already the case.
You are literally on nip inspired image board ragging on animu nonsense. How insipid and persistent are on proving your detractors correct?
Maybe i shouldnt ask that question to some mentally retarded commie chink.
Also Journey to the East is full of literal ripoff characters and plots from the hindu Ramayana
he was trying to draw the situation by comparing -Mao with Trump
it's a reaction from giving shit to Mao, otherwise he wouldn't give a shit about replying at all, you autismo
Maoism had the reverse problem with intellectuals, in that they (and their expertise) were considered useless, and instead fetishized the working man.
The Soviet Union was big on using the latest academic/scientific methods, and implemented them without considering the real life circumstances/the human factor. So you had corn being introduced to places where it doesn't grow well, grown with the latest methods that the farmers couldn't implement because they were unfamiliar with corn.
Mao's China had the idea that anything is possible if you try hard enough, and the intellectuals were prevent the working man from reaching their full potential. So you had people working really hard to make shitty steel by melting down their pots and pans. You had the 4 pests campaign where people worked really hard to eradicate sparrows. Lastly, you had college educated professionals (which China didn't have a lot of at the time) being yanked out of their offices and relocated to a rural village to become farmers. The white collar workers sucked at farming, and their former management/research/teaching positions were left vacant or staffed by incompetents.
When Deng Xiaoping reformed the country, he had to scour the records for which villages the college professors had been assigned to, and had to send people to find them and bring them back to the universities (which had effectively been closed by Mao). More than a few had died in the villages from malnutrition or poor living conditions.
China was the most prosperous country until the 19th century. How can they be genetically inferior? Gee, maybe you just want to continue sucking Japanese cock so they can provide you with your hentai fetish cartoon porn: you know you aren't getting action in real life so you have it force-fed passively on your sweat-ridden chair, pants down and microscopic dingleberries smearing across the room as your sweaty hands let a certain brand of putrid cum ejaculate onto the screen of a fucking fictional CARTOON CHARACTER. It's the (((Joopanese))) who are promulgating this degeneracy, and you've been hoodwinked into accepting them and becoming subservient to their lies. Japanese culture is nothing more than a perversion of Chinese culture for plebeians who can only derive their knowledge from flashing colors on the screen like a toddler, an irony considering your weight is probably 200x that of an infant. You vile cretin.
>You are literally on nip inspired image board ragging on animu nonsense.
So? Everyone here is a loser, myself included, but at least I'm not a damn weeaboo.
>it's a fucking pajeet
Now this shitty thread makes sense
>Congolese Civil War
Wrong, and a gross over simplification even if it wasn't
I regret making this thread.I should have known better, what it would turn into.
I'm wasting my time on this board.
are you clinically retarded, or just pretending to be? their entire schtick was literally anti-internationalism aka anti-capitalism
I love you
You forgot Genghis Khan. He did it all for the love of Capitalism.
>"Odd sexual habits"
Wait...was that a thing with Mao?
Several years ago there was a very well publicized case in China where a guy was helping an old woman off of a bus and she fell and injured himself, he then carried her to a hospital. Afterwards she sued him for causing the fall and he was ordered to pay a ridiculously massive sum.
The story was so widely circulated in China that it led to a complete breakdown of any kind of good samaritan activities. It later turned out that the story was a bit more complicated and the guy had actually caused the fall while trying to push the woman out of the way, but the damage had already been done.
fun fact
During the cultural revolution Fei Xiaotong, China's most prominent sociologist, was reassigned from being a university professor to being a janitor at a primary school.
to answer your question, many knew it was a bad idea but were too afraid to speak up against Mao after the purges of intellectuals who had criticized earlier policies. This was especially true after the Lushan conference, a meeting that was called 6 months into the great leap forward to discuss its progress, where Peng Duhai (the commander in chief of the PLA during the Korean war and a long time personal friend of Mao) openly spoke about how the GLF had clearly gone off the rails and needed to be drastically and immediately curtailed. For this Mao purged him, and despite coming into Lushan with plans of scaling back the GLF decided to expand it, apparently out of spite that someone dared to criticize it.
One of these has nuclear weapons.
Thank you for a post that is actually informative.I wish more on this board could be like this.
>Trump says coal is cheap
>All 13 states that are still blue get mad, pass their own emissions regulations
>US now on course to meet its Paris Accord goals, without having to subsidize post-colonial hellholes
wtf I hate federal government now
Chinks couldn't into science. I'm sure this seemed groundbreaking.
He believed that having sex would replenish his Yin-Yang energy or something so he started doing it more often as he got older and with progressively younger women. He had his own specially made sex bed which was slightly tilted and would have women read erotic literature before he got down to business. Mao watched naked girls do synchronized swimming and would fuck teenagers (the youngest was 14). He banned ballroom dancing as "bourgeois" but he did it himself with young ladies. He even told one of his party members to put a bed next to the ballroom for efficiency reasons. Peasant girls would line up to have sex with him and getting STDs from the Chairman was seen as a badge of honor.
Are you retarded? Did you even read the post that you're replying to?
The guy is answering OP's question about why Chinese people listened to Mao's retarded policies, explaining that people tend to formulate an us vs. them narrative that goes beyond any rationality when a charismatic leader is in power, and you go ahead an prove him right.
>He believed that having sex would replenish his Yin-Yang energy
So what happened with the destruction of the 4 old? Including defunct tradtions and supertision?
Also wtf is it with Chinese Emperors and being obsesed with death..
A major factor for the great leap forward was that Mao wanted to modernize China's economy in a way similar to the Soviet Union's massive investment into heavy industry under Stalin, however China lacked the capital and technical expertise to accomplish this. The great leap forward was seen as an alternate path to the same goal of modernization. China would use its one advantage, vast pools of manpower, rural people used to hardship who were extremely idealistic and wanted to do whatever it took to improve their country. After all, the collectivization of agriculture into communal farms a couple years earlier had actually been far more successful a transition than predicted, so there was general optimism that the spirit of rural people could meet any challenge.
Where the real problems started was that all the adult men (who were needed to work the fields) were mobilized into working the backyard iron forges, while the work of cultivating was left to women and children, who simply could not handle all of the work alone. This lead to large amounts of produce spoiling on the vine. Making matters worse many local officials swept up in the utopian feelings of the moment got into competition with one another claiming their municipality's harvests would be ever more ridiculously large. When the harvests had actually fallen instead of reporting this and being disgraced they simply reported to the central government the made up figures, they then taxed the municipalities according to the made up numbers, often taking so much that there was nothing left to feed the farmers and people began to starve. Some of that huge grain surplus was used to pay down debts owed to the USSR, but most of it just rotted in granaries. This was what lead to the great famine, the worst famine in human history, and while there was drought in some areas, it was almost entirely a man made disaster.
You are forgetting the sparrow genocide.
If you want to know more about what it was like to live through this era I strongly recommend reading "Wild Swans" by Jung Chang, an excellent primary source. Here's a description of the famine in Sichuan province China in 1959
>In Chengdu, the monthly food ration was reduced to 19 pounds of rice, a third of an ounce of cooking oil, and 3.5 ounces of meat when there was any. Scarcely anything else was available, not even cabbage. Many people were afflicted by edema, a condition in which fluid accumulates under the skin because of malnutrition. The patient turns yellow and sells up. The most popular remedy was eating chlorella, which was supposed to be rich in protein. Chlorella fed on human urine, so many people stopped going to the toilet and peed into spittoons instead, then dropped the chlorella seed in. They grew into something looking like green fish roe in a couple of days, and were scooped out of the urine, washed, and cooked with rice. They were truly disgusting to eat, but did reduce the swelling.
the sparrow genocide wasn't actually as large a factor in the great famine as you might think. The bigger issue was that traditionally in China when a region was hit by a natural disaster like a flood or famine it would be extensively evacuated, with its dispossessed residents becoming beggars throughout the rest of the country until the situation improved and they could return home. The great famine was unique in that the government now had a far greater level of control over its rural population, since they were in government run collectivized farms. Mao gave the order that he didn't want people leaving their farms to go begging because he was worried people would lose confidence in him and the GLF. So people in regions unaffected by famine had no idea there even was a famine, and people in regions hit hard simply had to stay in their homes and die.
>communism killed a billion people
They want to rule forever.