Let's say you are given a small island and a loyal population, Veeky Forums. It doesn't have many resources for trade but plenty to sustain itself in terms of food and infrastructure. What historical form of government do you base your little kingdom on?
Let's say you are given a small island and a loyal population, Veeky Forums...
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Who are my people? Polynesians with a cargo-cult around me? Afro-Caribbeans?
Where am I? Is my state recognized? Am I left alone by the government, if not?
Also, how big is the island? The population? Only one island?
Without real need of a military and no merchant class then I guess the clergy would have the upper hand
I would put a lesbian priestess as a figurehead and rule in the shadow
platonic republic mixed with meritocracy
only most competent and reliable people are promoted, and if you are part of elite you are allowed to practice polygamy to spread your good chad genes far and wide
Brutal fascism.
Let's just say it's whatever people your particular ethnicity is, to avoid ethnic tensions.
About 10 times the size of that island, a couple hundred people to a thousand, one island.
Enjoy spreading the good genes among the commoners and being overthrown in a generation.
Athenian democracy, of course.
representative democracy
do you prefer inbreeding then
nomadic pastoralism
The leader of the island would be determined by an athletic competition.
Genes are the ruling class's most precious capital. Dysgenics for the commoners, eugenics for the ruling class. Civilization 101.
If it's full of white Yankees with my particular viewpoints, I'd probably enact a true democracy. With so few, it'd be easy. I'd give a vote to everyone who worked and was over 20.
Can I have at least 3000? I don't want to be too inbred.
Republican Roman Oligarchic Democracy.
Oligarchic Merchant Republic like Genoa
>a loyal population
Absolute monarchy, but delegating all the actual work to a standard tripartite system of councilmen, executives and judges.
Do fuckall all day long, exert my power when some issue actually matters to me.
i'd rape literally everyone
None. I'm gonna be completely honest, if I was given control of an island, I would literally become the Mad Hatter and that island would be my Wonderland. I'd wear the 10/6 hat, I would randomly shout CHANGE PLACES while everyone is drinking tea at the table, we'd celebrate unbirthdays, and prime minister would be a literal rabbit that I hate a little coat made for. Then I'd even new ways of madness. We'd have regular orgies where everyone is required to wear a silly hat. 2+2 would equal 5 and 2+3 would equal 6, but 2+1 would obviously equal 3 because to have it be otherwise makes no sense. The color purple and even mentioning the word purple will be forbidden except when including polka dots.
It will be the first civilization founded on the absurd. Who will join me?
Only if you develop a system of ethics and religion based on Camus.
Can our god still be a giant hookah-smoking caterpillar?
Yes, and religious rites will be strongly based on whatever drugs are available.
Of course. And remember, you never use mustard to fix a watch, that's just silly
Fuck yeah
Why was he mad anyway?
Mercury poisoning. Felt hats back then used mercury in their production and it infects the brain, hence the old phrase "mad as a hatter" since the people who produced hats were so prone to it. As for his actions, in the original story he was a singer that was sentenced to death for "murdering the time", but in order to avoid it he and the March Hare basically locked themselves in the time of 6 pm, having tea time forever because to leave tea time meant time has advanced, and if time has advanced then it is soon time to be executed.
Because mercury was used in making felt for hats, and mercury is neurotoxic.
Why absolutism of course! What sense is having a little island kingdom, if you can't LARP as Louis XIV
Even if his brain hadn't been poisoned, being forced to live only in the act of tea time for decades would probably drive a person mad anyway through sheer repetition.
Thank you Satan
>What form of government for my little kingdom
>For my little kingdom
>My little kingdom
>Little kingdom
A stateless monarchy.
Communism would work in this scenario, wouldn't it? I've always found that for the modern world the nations are simply too large for the scope of the ideology, yet colonial environments tended to thrive based around this sort of governance. On that basis, I'd consider Communism (which would be like the only time).
Firm alternative is English styled constitutional monarchy. We've had our little island and conquered the world with it, cant go wrong doing it again.
Sparta. Fuck all the boys and arbitrarily designate 90% of the population as murder-slaves.
service to the state grants citizenship.your service will be determined to best meet the needs of the state.
civilians and citizens are equal, except for the ability to vote and hold public office.
Divide all of the island's population into groups of 10. Isolate them, in vaults, so to speak. Set up different rules and arbitrary settings for each of the isolated vaults with groups. One of them will be of 10 women. Another of 10 men. Another of 1 man and 9 women. And another of 1 woman and 9 men. Etc. See how the different social experiments go.
Venetian style aristocratic elective monarchy.
t. Brettonian satan
National Socialist with me as Fuhrer ofc, btw i wouldnt let degenerated neo nazis-skinheads immigrate because they are just shit and i dont want to become fucking Kekkistanshit, only old style Nat Soc and Fascists allowed !!!
Mein bruder. By the way, how do we rid ourselves of kukistan faggots and their like? /bant/ apparently didn't do shit to stop that
Ya gonna base them all on modifications of sex? Because that experiments gonna get old quick.
At least 1 vault will add a panther to spice things up
Everything and everyone in the island is considered my personal property.
In practice though, they can mostly do whatever they want.
Anime Spartiate Democracy.
Every is obliged to be a cute as possible at all times. Insulting anime will result in ten years exile.
All decisions are made in Congress, but they can be vetoed by an 2/3 vote from the elected Anichrons, who are chosen for their knowledge in practical matters, i.e. ecology and farming.
Our island's motto shall be "All men are born free, yet everywhere he is in chains nippah~"
Tsarist autocracy or bust.
Council of village elders combined with direct democracy