Historical good guys
Historical good guys
He only wanted peace and quiet.
Can Veeky Forums resist doing it?
i want to brutaly rape her dirrty asshole and cum in it. i want to watch my cum mixed with her shit come out of her asshole.
Spotted the anglo
She was raped btw, by a heroic Anglo soldier. If only he came inside.
spotted the asexual smelly frenchie
only a fag wouldn't fuck her.
Not sure how someone giving into their most base animalistic urges makes them heroic but ok
>Missing the joke
The 100 years war was between the english and french, Retard. The anglo was spotted because he wanted to rape the hero of the French side.
Christ you people here are fucking useless.
he was the hero they needed
but he wasn't the one they deserved ;_;7
Raped softly or raped like what she did to the English forces? By all accounts no rape happen as her virginity was brought up many times during trial.
Post a pic of yourself
nope, 11 posts in isn't too bad though
Magrethe II, her majesty the queen of Denmark
I might disagree with her choice of husband, but every other action has been benign and just, she also made the cover art for the first translated edition of The Lord of The Rings in Denmark
Enough with this meme.
The Brazilian Empire was a complete third world shithole, a gigantic plantation state. 2/3rds of Brazilian casualties in the war against Paraguay were from cholera, disentery and other tropical diseases.
You all know that he was a good guy
he improved everything
I really like how you fetishise 1860's style photography
It's the only photostyle worth noting desu
>Post a pic of yourself
are you a faggot? perhaps out of your mind? only a fool would post his face on mongolian throat singing board.
>tfw you will never see a Prussian lead German State with Bismarck as the dictator of
Why even live desu
Sam Watkins, CSA
Is that why he attacked north africa and got BTFO by the big brown berber warrior.
Who else
Burgeoise whore of capital
Such a criminal family did not deserve to live.
>Louis's actions were inspired by Christian values and Catholic devotion. He decided to punish blasphemy, gambling, interest-bearing loans and prostitution, and bought presumed relics of Christ for which he built the Sainte-Chapelle. He also expanded the scope of the Inquisition and ordered the burning of Talmuds. He is the only canonized king of France, and there are consequently many places named after him.
Tunisian here
I don't blame him for attacking us since we were piratesand attacked christians constantly
He still got BTFO though