How did Poland go from being one of the most tolerant, progressive and multicultural great powers of the world to a fascist, poor shithole full of low IQ skinheads and destined to be a literal who for the rest of its eternity?
What happened?
Cucktholics did it
Unironically this.
Go back.
>tolerant, progressive and multicultural
So you're saying they improved since then?
Totally. Poland is an ebin white /pol/ paradise right now.
>overwhelmingly white
>free of jews
>extremely low crime
What's the problem? Their only issue is being poor but I'd take being poor over living in a criminal shithole.
t. Hans Hindenburg
They lost a bunch of their virtuous Slavic homelands to Belorus and Ukraine, and were forced to take on a bunch of G*rms, naturally they suffered morally as a nation integrating such filth.
Doesn't change the fact that the average polack would do anything to clean shit in a >le cucked XD western european country "full of crime".
different religions started to be associated with different enemies
protestants received most of the hate because they they often found themselves collaborating with foreign invaders (also prussia)
orthodox serfs started to be associated with muscovite schismatics and cossacks
Their tolerance etc. enabled them to be carved up, holocaust-ed, etc. Why the fuck wouldn't they change their minds about that ya piece of shit Nazi?
You mean East Slavs?
>western countries filtering others' trash
Nothing wrong with that. America does the same with Mexico.
"Subhuman and treacherous "neighbours" + idiotic policy ("democracy" in times of kingdoms and empires) + imbecile rulers + being cucked by Vatican, which resulted in:
- 123 years of non-existence
- 50 years of communism
- countless wars and uprisings
- total destruction and theft of Polish culture, genocides of our elites, intelligentsia etc
And somehow we are still here.
Poland and the PLC were great reservoirs of culture and development throughout the entire 15th and 16th centuries. It was rich and (relatively) stable, and was probably one of if not the nicest place to live during those centuries in the middle of the last millennium.
Swedeshitters ruined it though, they looted and burnt almost every palace, library, archive and gallery in the PLC, they massacred, in some places, up to 3/4 of the population, and are the reason Poland in the last few centuries has gone from France-Tier to what it is now.
It was quite unique and showed that Poland was the most free country in Europe. And oh, it wasn't really szlachta that mostly fucked up the Commonwealth, they were actually the soul of the nation and cultural and knowledge propagators, but some magnate families like the Radziwiłł's.
Actually the protestants and calvinists like the Radziwiłł's wanted the Cossacks (a warrior class of refugees to the borderland (U+kraina) of mostly Ruthenian but also Polish, Lithuanian, Scottish, Dutch ethnicity as well) to rise up against the Catholic majority so the protestants from the north could overtake the country, then later the Radziwiłł's literally begged Sweden to invade and are partly responsible for causing the Deluge - all in the name of destroying Catholicism.
Prussians were supported by other protestants, mostly Britain through proxies like Sweden and Prussia. The protestants wanted to destroy Catholic Poland because it was the largest and most powerful country loyal to the Vatican. The Brits were the 4th partitioner of Poland through funding Prussia.
Poland was partitioned before wave of nationalism took place in Europe, so we couldn't romanticize world-wide our history, achievements and heritage like other countries.
People probably don't even know that we're one of the oldest countries in Europe and that we used to be the biggest country in Europe with traditions well beyond their time.
For majority of people Poland is a new country created from fallen German Empire, Russia and Austria. We lost the race for relevance, we have to deal with it.
Why are there still poles in Poland then? EU has open borders and free movement, every single one of them could up and leave today if they wanted too.
Also, you have to go back.
They're not bending backwards for "refugees" and other EU directive and are purging their old communist system of constitutional judge appointments so they're not appointed by other judges (who in turn are voted in by other judges, who in turn were voted by other judges going all the way back to communist times) but would instead be appointed by a 2/3 parliament majority, which apparently is not democratic.
Ergo they're totally fascists now.
To the leftard, anything that isn't communism or a cucked liberal democracy, is fascism.
I know what Law&Justice is doing, I'm a Pole myself. I'm just curious if western media really portray my country as some fascist hellhole.
It's not. Poles just see the mistakes of multiculturalism. There are some racist incidents but nothing major. Polish nationalist party received under 1% in the last elections (and it's not a racist party anyway just very conservative on social issues). Basically nothing too out of ordinary but OP started this thread with a retarded hyperbole.
I've read that they call them "far right" or "nationalistic populists"
All of them are wrong. L&J is probably even more normie-tier than American Republicans.
EU is a bunch of unelected tyrants calling legitimate, democratically elected leaders dictators and fascists.
Stop suck the EU cock for their money and leave the union then?
Chimp out and go to war/bomb Germany like terrorist if they don't want to let you?
underrated posts
I'm not Polish, you subhuman jew.
The best known anecdote about Stańczyk is that of a hunting incident. In 1533 King Sigismund the Old had a huge bear brought for him from Lithuania. The bear was released in the forest of Niepołomice near Kraków so that the king could hunt it. During the hunt, the animal charged at the king, the queen and their courtiers which caused panic and mayhem. Queen Bona fell from her horse which resulted in her miscarriage. Later, the king criticized Stańczyk for having run away instead of attacking the bear. The jester is said to have replied that "it is a greater folly to let out a bear that was already in a cage." This remark is often interpreted as an allusion to the king's policy toward Prussia which was defeated by Poland but not fully incorporated into the Crown.
Well, actual youth is more tolerant and progressive, but that doesn't mean they'll believe every bullshit they're told.
P.S Don't fall for /pol memes
When was Poland tolerant? I really hope you don't mean during communism.
you cant be tolerent and multicultural when surrounded by enemies. else you get btfo and become a shithole
>extremely low crime
Oh they legalized corruption?
Yeah, corruption doesn't exist in the west.
Meanwhile terrorist attacks, rape gangs and acid attacks are part and parcel, luv.
because being one of the most tolerant, progressive and multicultural resulted in a weak state followed by centuries of ocupation and repression by foreign powers
Partitions. II Polish Republic wasn't exactly tolerant.
Depends on the party really. National Democrats even wanted a smaller country if it meant having a nation state.
we weren't AS tolerant as leftists meme. Yes we had jews {what a great fucking idea that was) but they lived in designated parts of towns, yes we had some religious freedom but calvinists were kicked out of the country because they were blamed for something I don't remember if it was a plague or war so you might as well say that USA during apartheid was tolerant and multicultural.
Seriously the only good post
It's not a shithole and it's not full of low IQ skinheads, if anything you're the one with wavering IQ considering you seem to believe everything you read on the internet and take memes as a reliable source of information. Poland is a beautiful county but just as every beautiful country there is a slum, there is a ghetto, a run down black spot on it's shining glory, this goes for alot of countries on our decliningly green earth. But to get to the question at hand I am gonna quote this one answer that summed it up pretty well, EVEN though Poland is doing grand (because the lack of """"refugees""") the blame goes to *drum roll*
Pretty much this.
most people also believe we lost most wars when in reality we BTFO'd enemies unless either 3 armies dogpilled at us at once or some asshole backstabbed us, often that asshole was polish by the way.
Not many Poles seem to remember this but during the Deluge a lot of polish soldiers (including fucking Sobieski himself) fought on swedish side at least for a while.
>yes we had some religious freedom but calvinists were kicked out of the country because they were blamed for something I don't remember if it was a plague or war
>It doesn't count, because after 150 years some religious minority was exiled... but I am just guessing, because I don't remember
Calvinism was third most popular religion in Poland (after catholic and orthodox ones), liked especially by nobility. It become less popular and started to disappear, after Deluge, because they openly supported invasion.
And the ones exiled were Arians(Polish Brethren). They were given the choice
>You have 3 years to either convert or GTFO
I guess Jews in Poland are also a meme, because after 600 years Pogroms started, after 700 there were few millions of them in Poland, but after 800 there are close to none.
>Not many Poles seem to remember this but during the Deluge a lot of polish soldiers (including fucking Sobieski himself) fought on swedish side at least for a while.
Uh, are you sure? Because you know, Sienkiewicz's Potop, which is mandatory lecture in Poland, kinda is about that.
>It's not a shithole
Thousands of Poles emigrated from the country to UK/France/Germany, because Poland IS fucking shithole with bad economy, just like Romania/Hungary/Baltic states/Russia/Balkanshit
>Paint simulator
>No source
>No numbers
>walls of text about personal expectations of someone from /pol/
I don't gonna read this
Okay, here GDP PPP
Human Development Index, just look for Poland
You can go now back to /pol/ hypocrite
Yeah, compared to the Wester powers aka the 1st world. Would you call Romania/Russia/Croatia a shithole? Then Poland is shithole too.
>Using outdated terminology
>If you are not from Norway, you live in shithole!
>Would you call Romania/Russia/Croatia a shithole?
Literally no.
Hello /pol/, but now please check out what is 25 years rule.
>What happened?
Swedish deluge, and the fact that the majority of traitors were Protestants.
Blame the Sven
>Subhuman and treacherous "neighbours"
> idiotic policy ("democracy" in times of kingdoms and empires)
Actually, our system was Good until majority of nobles got the "wonderful" idea of trying to synthesise West with East and as always dumber won. Saxon kings with thier German civilisation were the worst thing that happened to us after Deluge and before WWII.
Rember, British empire modeled thier union and parlament after Polish one.
>imbecile rulers
Mostly Saxons. Even Stanslav Cuck Poniatowski was better.
>being cucked by Vatican
You mean being fucked by treacherous protestants with satan in human form Cromwell on top who urged Sweden to do Deluge.
Vatican did nothing wrong, we should have destroyed Husitism and take back Silesia when we had a chance. And have our version of St. Bartholomew's Day too but done properly, like St. Thomas would like.
>Stanslav Cuck Poniatowski
widze fan Historii bez Cenzury
A oglądam czasem. Choć "ciota" to raczej angielskie "sissy" niźli "cuck"