Guys, I am getting my first bottle of this stuff any day now. Anyone experienced with this stuff have any tips for a first time user?
should have just got adderall or meth you fucking faggot. at least those will give you euphoria alongside the god-like attentionspan
I don't like heart attacks or prison rape, but thanks! Nice feedback!
No. Tell me more user.
modafinil isn't going to make you feel like you're on adderall, vyvance, or ritalin but it will make you feel fully awake if you're a person who doesn't get too much and/or good quality of sleep.
Drink lots of water or you get a headache. Also don't take it when writing an exam, you will need to piss every ten minutes (diuretic)
Take with coffee and its better than meth desu.
Have a schedule b/c it turns you into a sperg and you might find yourself distracted by something like browsing Veeky Forums for hours
Is it ok to buy on the clearnet and is pajeet brand good enough?
Take only half a pill at first. Drink lots of water and watch what you eat. No caffeine.
You can change this later but contrary to what I read online, it made me slightly jittery and I had trouble sleeping. However the smart drug does work as promised, so I used it carefully by controlling caffeine and only taking it in the morning so that I could easily get to sleep at night. Good sleep is more important than any smart drug, former student here.
my first few experiences with modafinil were with provigil that a friend gave me and they made me feel "normal" in that i wasn't a dead zombie all day. For the past couple of years I've been taking modafinil in form of modalert that i purchased with bitty money from modafinilcat/afinilexpress and I haven't been able to tell much of a difference between the real stuff and some pajeet brand. so take that how you will
It's like sleep in a pill. No need for tips. Just drink water and don't mix with other drugs like alcohol/caffeine ect
50 mg modafinil + 100-300 mg caffeine (depending on how much you already consume)
don't take it daily, tolerance builds up fast, do it only when needed. i recomend max 3 times a week.
How to get some addy so I can super hyper focus on nothing but business and build an empire and become rich?
It's not bad with other drugs if you use them in small amounts to turn off parts of your mind. A small amount of alcohol can uninhibit your thoughts. Caffeine can be a bit much though.
Bonus points if you're older and mixing in racetams.
Amphetamine psychosis can fuck up your judgement.
Has it actually made you more productive? Any negative side effects?
Don't want to do to much just a bit
directed to
I've taken it. It's pretty taxing on the liver, so don't take it and go out binge drinking or something. It makes my pee weird too.
It definitely doesn't feel like an amohetamine, it just makes you a bit more productive. If you're sleepy it brings you up to the same productivity point.
It isn't really a fun drug at all, but it works.
What if you've gotten enough sleep? Does it still improve your productivity?
its not going to make you productive if you're already lazy but for me it helps my mind feel less sluggish so I can perform tasks better. On days I take it, I set goals for the day and try to accomplish them. Ive found that if I don't have a clear idea on what I need to do that day I will just end up wasting my time doing mundane shit.
I've only taken it a few times. I like it. Definitely makes you feel sharper than usual. A few of my trader and lawyer friends swear by it, but it's not something I would take every day. Once took modafinel, Adderall, coke, smoked weed, and had several cocktails one night. The next day at was defintely a trip, but I ended up selling everyone who came into my office.