Wtf, I hate democracy now
Other urls found in this thread:
>when you leak
/pol/ is Veeky Forums though.
Not an argument.
Argue against the first clip if you can...
>they accuse us of being belligerent
>and intolerant
>we are intolerant
>we will pursue our goal fanatically ruthlessly until death
holy fuck i always thought hitler tried to veil his intentions somewhat in his speeches before elections, i had no idea he was basically completely candid about what he wanted to do and people still voted for him
wtf i hate Germans now
stay on your board
germans are inherently evil
>30 parties is too many
>therefore we should get rid of all of them
>scaremongering against nuclear power and blasting /pol/ at the same time
Nice multiple layers, leftycuck.
If it wasn't for an overdosed democracy in Weimar Germany, then H*tler never would've been elected in the first place.
I'm actually not a Nazi but I am an Ethno-Nationalist with Pagan beliefs mixed in with some Occultic imagery/symbolism primarily in the Germanic cause.
You're all same to me
>the edge on him
This may be the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. I pray you're just trolling.
I find it baffling that nobody tried to stop him before it was too late. A dictator in the heart of Europe vividly talking about Lebensraum for the German people. I wonder what would happend if France took affair with the remilitarization of the Rheinland, or took offensive action during the invasion of Poland and Czechoslovakia, or the Anschluss.
Based anti-newfag poster
>Ethno-Nationalist with Pagan beliefs mixed in with some Occultic imagery/symbolism primarily in the Germanic cause
Sounds like Neo-Nazism to me. What would you say is the difference then?
>Ethno-Nationalist with Pagan beliefs
Absolutely ironic.
But they also make the world interesting, so that's fun.
Plenty of people tried to stop him. He was already too powerful.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the most redpilled guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Hitler thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting Stormfuck that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass, so you just past in the link to the video. Oh, and we all know the vid. The "epic" Hitler video, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Veeky Forums posting about fucking Adolf Hitler. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a stormfag. A pathetic stormfag nigger. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
That's a long way to write faggot.
You have to go back
Neo-Nazism is retarded, but there is nothing wrong with ethno-nationalism. If you disagree you're a brainwashed retard or mixed race mongrel
Hahahahaha! My fucking sides.
really juggled my chestnuts
>M-muh parties!
>M-muh freedom
Gas yourself
Welcome in National Socialism Kamerad!!
Btw im not a Neo Nazi-Skinhead those are FAKE National Socialists they would have been seen as degenerates in the Reich, im also not a shitty altrightard.
Long live true old style National Socialism and Fascism!!
Pretty much this.
Like wise friend. ;)
I just see a mass-murderer and a meth junkie in that picture. Neither seem very good role models.
pol is Veeky Forums and people who whine about it all the time are the ones that need to be banned.
why would anyone want to stop him?
we are on our board.
why would they, he made sense. He still does if it weren't for the deathcamps.
It's not murder if the people you kill deserve it.
No matter how much you raid and bait and shitpost, Veeky Forums will never be "your" board. You will always get called out told to get back to .
You are a little more than a pest.
/pol/ is Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums is not /pol/.
Some pretty convincing arguments desu.
Here's a Revelation that may shock you but people post on multiple boards.
>You will always get called out told to get back to .
because that's the only thing you angry leftists can say.
Veeky Forums is pol.
Because you really really really wish it?
/pol/ doesn't belong on other boards.
I'm not a leftist.
pol is on all boards because pol is Veeky Forums.
because it's true.
Don't post your shit where it doesn't belong.
Who's the edgy teen here, the one posting dead nazis like that actually demoralizes us, or the completely rational NatSoc lads?
Because, even if it was a joke, Sideshow Bob was right. People want a brutal tyrant to rule them like a king.
They'd rather have a horrible purpose than none at all.
No. Here I am. Fuck you. But maybe if you post enough redpill threads your dream of a constant tepid circlejerk on the chinese cartoon history board will come true.
Hitler was less bad than Stalin and Communism was a greater threat though.
>rational Nazis
Ha! That's a good one.
There's a reason why your entire narrative is conspiracy-tier
Again the best of Veeky Forums shines forth, with spectacular arguments. And yet somehow your vote still cancels out mine, no wonder democracy has to fail.
>conspiracies don't real
I guess any potential conversation or topic is worth destroying as long as le ebil /pol/ nazis get caught in the buttblast.
Please stop projecting your need for a strong daddy man in a funny hat to dominate your country and your soul onto everyone else.
we can manage
Still waiting for it to happen senpai
There's nothing to argue against. This thread is shit and doesn't belong on Veeky Forums.
When /pol/ sends their men, they're not sending their best. It's always the same low level of discussion. If anything dead Germans have a greater historical value than anything /pol/ posts.
Its not our fault that you're a clueless cuck for Hitler. That's what National Socialism is, its pure cuckolding.
I'm not a fucking German, I literally do not care about the Dresden bombings, or how many dead nazis you jerk off to. I care about the idea, which i'v never heard thoroughly argued against.
Ouch, i'm so hurt by this.
Any minute with these goofballs running amok.
we outnumber you and it doesn't matter how many idiots like you come here from reddit this is still our site.
This thread is pure Ideology
You people who whine about pol are worse than pol.
you belong in a mass grave.
>There's nothing to argue against.
Let me translate, "I can't argue against it."
is that leftypol?
>this thread has been up for over 5 hours
remember to report and ignore shitposting
not like it does anything though since Veeky Forums has no fucking moderation.
>Projecting about inferior memes.
>Constantly bitching about people on another website that doesn't even think about them.
>Autistic gestures about fighting le ebil /pol/
Yep everything checks out here.
Oooh I'm so fucking scared.
Is this autism?
Imagine being this autistic, that your biggest ideological "enemy" is some shitty imageboard for children.
Look, you retards aren't even a real issue. Normally i wouldn't be bothered by edgy teens and spergs who LARP as Nazis on the internet because they've been bullied by niggers at school. It's just that you're really annoying and keep destroying this potentially good board.
Piss on ideology.
Well lets raise the level of discourse in this thread then. Also i'm not racist, i'v actually been in the real world, i'm NatSoc because I see serious problems with mass democracy. no 1488 here, just a guy with a view.
Does anyone want to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of democracy?
Not OP clearly otherwise he wouldn't use a cookie cutter /pol/ shitpost to start the discussion
Fuck off to /pol/ faggot.
Not as bad as the people who come to a place from somewhere else and then whine when they have their own identity and culture.
Isn't that terrible?
Why do you leftists hate the truth?
Either way you're pathetic.
When you talk about democracy, it's helpful to narrow down the actual strain of democracy you want to discuss. Republican democracy? Athenian democracy? Modern democracy?
>it was the "why do leftists hate whites" guy all along AGAIN
Do you use proxies? Or are you friends with mods? Veeky Forums would get rid of 90% of the shitposting just by banning you.
Inb4 why do you want a safespace.
Not that guy, but he's right, even though his delivery is annoying. Veeky Forums should be a history board, it shouldn't be "anti /pol/".
I'll take literally any discussion on any sort of system or example you want, instead of this bait and bite and reverse backgammon hyper-unironic false flag posting.
I submit that a constitutional monarchy with officials that have limited regional power is the ultimate system, and that nationally only a strong hand can guide a nation-state. The complicated nature of a whole state requires more long term administrative stability and time than what elections allow for.
I also submit that the fall of Rome had a lot to do with votes being bought and the complacency that brought about. If you think or know a bunch of strangers are milking the system for your tax dollars, you'll naturally give up investing in the system and just try to milk it too, seeing yourself as just another drop in the flood.
But very local power in the hands of citizens isn't a bad thing. People that live in a community and can see it's problems with their own eyes in their own experienced are capable of voting for solutions. It's when issues become abstract that the public's ability to vote for trustworthy people to handle those issues falls apart.
You're a larper. That's it. Nazism is a dead ideology and has no place in the modern era, much like communism.
I understand the occurrence of Internet Nazis though. It's a perfect medium for such an ideology. No societal stigma, no real-life responsibility and it allows a full immersion into it. Also perfect for propaganda and historical fabrications, which are vital to the Neo-Nazi recruitment. It's completely logical. That's why stormfags particularly love Veeky Forums, because it gives them the power of anonymity necessary for them to act as they wish.
God help us.