Don't know if this actually means anything, or not... monitoring.
arbitrage will bring the price down soon
deluded mETHeads on suicide watch
Why would we sell at the absolute lowest point?
Fucking Wojacks..
HODLing intensifies
Nice, just sold 100k
Well I mean it's already trading @ $232 here
Its 278 on Binance.
Both BTC and ETH are dropping like rocks
Wait till Arbitrage kicks in
China about to make a buncha money off of Binance noobs
cant wait to buy eth at 13$
Its yunbi.
>Why would we sell at the absolute lowest point?
>absolute lowest point
You people are fucking delusional, the 'dip' has only just begun.
acquire ETH on Yunbi for $230
Sell on Binance for $278
Who else doing this?
Yeah I don't know what it is, but for some reason I'm disinclined to believe any of this right now. Sorry.
There is about 5% chance ETH dips to $150 tonight.
good luck with that, eth is going to get hammered with transactions as ICOs refund people : )
you wont see your eth for days
How nice of them to offer a sale before the tech has reason to get a high price and stay there or moon.
Believe what you want, but dips last longer than half a day, if you think we're bouncing back to where it was in a few hours you're retarded. BTC is going to drop to support in th 3000s and alt-coins with suffer alongside.
this man invested in pepecoin.
yep, do what he tells you user. what could possibly go wrong
Bear season is open boys. We've been telling you for weeks and you haven't been listening.
Knowing yunbi your ETH should reach binance sometime Friday.
it's $310 on coinbase wtf , will this actually work to buy cheap sell for more on a different exchange?
My screen doesn't show any red because I've protected myself by loading up on NGR
The bottom line is: I don't you know the future. As much as you, and so many others here like act, nobody knows what the future will bring. I never said it was bouncing back to where it was, I'm simply questioning what's being sold here.
I like this a little better. Speaking in terms of probabilities is far closer to the truth I think.
>falling on Binance as well
>falling on Kraken and on Polo
holy fuck
I'm getting a hardon right now
>The bottom line is: I don't you know the future. As much as you, and so many others here like act, nobody knows what the future will bring. I never said it was bouncing back to where it was, I'm simply questioning what's being sold here.
Of course, but anyone can see a clear trend. Buying in now would be like buying in on subprime mortgage bonds a couple hours after the start of the GFC.
ETH price on Binance is tumbling.
Under 275 now
It will be 270 in 5-10 minutes
It's over johnny
Binance ETH/USDT: 270.22
Took less than 5 minutes
>not even half of a btc
>its over
If you can get fiat onto Exchange A
Theoretically, yes, you can do this.
Your results may vary though
Yeah well, I'm not buying. I'm just not SELL SELL SELLing.
>shes a lifetime bagholder
It's $232 on Kraken, and it's been there for hours, so I don't really know what that means that it's $270 on Binance. It would seem to suggest (although I don't know) that china is still catching up, and not the other way around
ETH/USDT has lost 10% in 3 hours on Binance
it takes at least half an hour (transfer) for arbitrage to kick in.
chinks are smart capitalist beasts, however.
it's definitely falling.
ETH on suicide watch
A hi hhhhhhbbbhbhhbbb
so in an hour it will transfer over to usa prices? thats when the drop will be for us?
Be smart. Take up shorting positions this is going to be the crash that kills crypto. Shorting is a way to profit from its death. R.I.P. crypto, it was good while it lasted.
229 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Oh I guess I was wrong about the Kraken price, it's actually $300 heheh.. ok I'm slightly more concerned now, but I'm still not convinced this means much.
is it normal for crypto to sell for a lot less in China?
in theory that depends on the volume and the supply demand
in practice, panic sells are highly contagious
It already ate a lot of buy depth in binance
>be me
>deposit 2.5 eth on yunbi
>its been 3 months
Slowest fucking support ever
you can see from the chart eth wasnt trading at all for a whole day, who knows what's going on there. Okcoin has eth at 290 and btcc at 260
this me right now
See this thread has been up almost an hour, and there still is no real change on my exchange. So what gives? Is this some kind of trickery? I mean like, if you can just go to a chinese exchange website and effectively predict what's going to happen here in a hour, wouldn't we all be rich? That seems like it would be the ultimate advantage, don't you think. Or maybe this doesn't actually mean what people are claiming it means around here.
some trends are uncertain
but it's pretty clear this situation can only be kept at expense of stupid and uninformed buyers and tends to normalize
Yeah, see? No response. The moral here is: newcomers beware. Very few people here are actually your friend. I may be shining a light on the truth now, but in another thread I might be trying to misdirect you and take your money. So, the game is afoot.
Who gives a fuck about what China does with ETH? Their volume in ETH trading is so tiny, it's borderline insignificant.
Look at Korea, still trading $290. Arbitrage between china exchanges and western exchanges will barely affect the price.
Look here:
Pretty clear downward trend, BTC is nearly below 4k.
uh-huh ok. I'm not saying everyone is unscrupulous. The majority are simply mislead themselves, and repeating the dogma. But they don't know what the fuck is really going on.
>Can't wait even 5 minutes for a response on a slowish board like biz before sperging
You don't have the patience for cypto.
new sell walls appeared on binance
fuck, I'm making accounts there
I could have been that guy
is the graph not loading on this site for anyone?
the websocket data responsible for loading the graph isn't connecting
i think that means Chinese are hitting the site so hard right now with legitimate traffic that they're accidentally DDOSing it
The point of this thread is ETH, so I'm not sure what you're signifying there.
yunbi is a massive scam, good luck getting coin out
Fair point. Same goes for ETH though, you can check the charts yourself.
answer me
ETH/USDT Binance: $255
whens the best price to buy in ether? we going sub 200?
Dont buy in until it's clear we're on an upward trend again.
Better to miss the bottom and buy in 10% up from it than buy at some arbitrary amount some idiot on biz tells you and proceed to drop another 30%
Yeah, you know I tried that, but I couldn't actually find eth charts for bitfinex, strangely enough.
Guys......look at this picture...120 !!
No joke I sold at a loss and started shorting after seeing pic related and other markets selling eth at 240 ish. I dont see how this isnt going down. Comfy short.
>China about to make a buncha money off of Binance noobs
It's happening now
solid advice. Why is everything dropping thought. china didnt ban bitcoin or eth only icos.
Coinwisdom doesn't have it for some reason.
Not as good a tool but still a clear downward trend.
people are not rational
sell before it's triggered
might happen, might not
but if it happens, prepare your diapers
this pic lol
ETH is $242 on Binance
You were warned an hour ago that this would happen.
I hope you put up some short orders
I'll give you that it's dropping. A little. I'm still not all that concerned.
I trust binance
On Binance, there are only 80ETH buy orders between 240 and 188
This could get UGLY
ETH just dipped to $225 on Gemini.
It's likely going sub $80 again before tomorrow morning.
Right, how do I short on bittrex
How come selling on blockfolio doesn't automatically credit you for the amount of ETH/BTC you sold the altcoin for? This is annoying.
this is so messed up
screams fraud all over
Vitalik needs to be jailed. He's the devil incarnated.
fuck I tried to sell my eths to kraken to sell higher
30 confirmations required
still waiting
hes lying. etherium network is clogged as fuck it will take a day to do this.
meanwhile i have 1500 dollars locked in at 370 when i bought in at 360 yesterday. im kinda fucking pissed. but i have 255 left in fiat to buy a coin if it drops that low.
all my sales are locked. i cant trade shit. and probably have to wait a week before eth back to 380 and neo back to .007 sats.
This was all a plot to make us all angry enough to kill Chinese with Relish in WW3.
You sure got a lot to say about it don't ya? One of most vocal people in this thread.
>eth back to 380 in a week
look at the previous falls
several weeks
what about neo?
previous history suggests that it can pump back up to 0.01 in an hour.
How the fuck is it that much lower there compared to here in the us
theyre money is better than us
So don't short all the way down to $230
For the newfags: What's happening on Veeky Forums 24/7, is that people are trying to scare you into making a bad decision; one that will cause you to lose money, which they are poised to take. There are two different kinds of fear, for different situations: FUD and FOMO. Both of these are simply tools used by unscrupulous people (such as those in this thread, and also myself) to manipulate you. So, once again: beware what anyone says, especially those who seem really adamant and/or confident about what they are saying. The advice to 'do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says' may actually get you better returns than say randomly picking.
people also post genuine advice you just have to weigh what people say with the realities of things and judge for yourself instead of getting caught up in emotion
There are a few here and there :)
The majority are either confused, or actually malicious.
as a newfag FOMO is my biggest threat, FUD only empties my wallet on future winners.
Exactly. So the whales, or sharks maybe can come along and scoop it up.
why dont ppl just buy from chinese market and sell on a exchange where its like 10% higher?
explain arbitrage please.
What happens when that kicks in?
crypto without chinks is a good thing you should all be glad
ETH just crashed to $155