you faggots can enjoy losing your shirts every month while i sit comfortably on 350k in cash and stocks.
you faggots can enjoy losing your shirts every month while i sit comfortably on 350k in cash and stocks.
>tfw made more than that this year alone on eth
ok gramps its past your bed time
what stocks are you holding right now
Your portfolio is less than I make in a month, not bad compared to the average American, let alone the average person. Don't stop OP, at the same time don't get too comfortable, always aim for more.
bunch of fucking blue chips he's gonna bag hold until the market collapses when NK nukes Japan
Your bank account looks very tasty, Sure would be a shame of some negative interest were to gobble it up.
MmmooooooMmmM wwheere aare myyy shiiiirrrRRtttsss REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee
nice larp
Shut up you broke faggot
>he thinks stocks are safe
nice man, how long have you been investing for?
Hang on I'm not done shitting on this guy
Just this year in the stock market. I'm a fan of commercial real estate mostly, but some guys I respect suggested that I diversify a bit... So I put $2m in the market. Waiting for the dip to buy in with the rest of the cash. Like everyone else, I'm expecting a correction
Which broker is this? Clean layout
I hate you fucking assholes, only because I'm jealous.
Fuck you guys.
I'll give you a ride in my lambo
How do you make your money?
By larping
pressing f12
>3% annual return
Don't talk shit on crypto. If you want 8 figures you must use any means necessary.
You've been in crypto too long. In the real world, 4-8% returns are pretty decent in terms of investments depending on the amount of risk you're willing to take
Atta boy!
Look at you! You'll probably make $100 this month just by holding onto those. Wow!
It's baffling how much money some people have. Are you rich folks born into the sorts of families who do this as a profession (trading/investing)? Are most of you already born into wealth?
Yup. I dropped 100k into crypto. 75k in fiat and 25k in miners. It's a long shot, but I needed some risk in my life. If I end up at 0 I'll be upset, but it won't cripple me
start something that a million people will use
I don't think I would have the drive to get to where I am if I was already born into money. Me and my parents are first generation immigrants in the US.
wonder how many LARPers are there ITT
>start something that a million people will use
software, or...?
do you think it's worth leaving a well paid job and taking risks to try something that could be very useful for lots of people (something that requires a mix of hardware/software)?
I didn't think many full time larping positions existed anymore?! man you must be something else!