I've tried filling it with frivolous things that I like, traveling, work, people, love, buying whatever shit I like, video games. Nothing fills the void. What do you guys do?
How do you guys fill the void?
Fat bug porn.
Drugs and alcohol to forget there's a void to fill.
Just remember that nothing matters.
Reading. playing vidya and arguing with retards over the internet.
Have kids.
>wahh wahh I'm so special and depressed and a unique snowflake whos soul is empty and I see no meaning in life wahh
Shut the fuck up cunt.
Just because you're a semi-conscious robot with no soul or feelings it doesn't mean others have to be like that too.
Yep, drugs may be the last option for me.
I don't really register the existence of a void to be quite honest with you.
I just kinda do things I enjoy, or things that allow me to further pursue what I enjoy in the future.
Ok but what if you don't enjoy anything?
Unironically this. My attitude and mindset has seriously made an upturn when I had my daughter, and I got to slow down. I don't constantly try to fill every waking moment anymore, I can finally just enjoy sitting outside, or holding her and just rocking in a chair. It's the best thing ever.
>wahh im smarter than you because I played too much vidya and I'm bored with life now
Get a job and a girlfriend you sad cunt
I don't exactly know how to answer that.
If you're physically incapable of feeling the emotion of joy, go see if you can find a therapist or something.
Alternatively,your handicap may open up opportunities for yourself. Without the temptation of good feelings to get in your way, you could pursue the fulfillment of several different philosophies unimpeded and become, say, the most self-realized Stoic possible, for one example.
if i could you really think i would be here at 3:44am
>wahh stop thinking about things be a dumb slave like me
Did the relationship and love thing, in a good relationship but it doesn't fill the void and it makes me feel bad for my s.o. cause they feel inadequate cause they don't make me completely happy. It's not their fault though, I can't depend on anyone to fulfill me.
I've just finished work now I'm going to my girlfriend's house so she can suck my dick haha u mad
Every day I get infinitesimally closer to sucking my own dick, but I never reach it. That way I never become """"""""""gay"""""""""", but the possibility of my penis reaching beyond my lips stays within the grasp, of my lips.
>wahh too much Internet and time on my hands has convinced me im a special unfulfilled snowflake
nah but i hope u give her better advice then me
PS get happy or something