Its your fault for using a bank account rather than a credit card. Rest in piece my friend.

Kek I went through my 10k limit today fuckk

>complains about precious metals shipping times
>buys a digital token that takes 8 days to arrive

This is the future user? fomo till the sun comes up everyday on repeat till eternity? Help us all.


Help yourself by going to amagimetals.com, providentmetals.com, or jmbullion.com and convert your crypto tokens into silver and gold. I promise you'll get it in less than 8 days.

Credit cards have 4 % charge and max at 500 a week. WTF you smokin?

Honestly, why not just buy BTC and then choose to buy ETH accordingly? Either I'm missing something or you're stupid.

>using cuckbase

Why bother with that hoopla when I could just call up the mine on my rotary telephone and have them race out a couple bars directly to me on horseback

1. Remove bank account from your payment methods
2. Buy gets canceled

>using cuckbase
>using BoA

So... this is why people are poor.

only do bank account buys for long term holds. my shit looks like the exact same but with credit card buys for todays quick day trades

my credit/debit limit is $2k a week on coinbase, normie


because btc was at literally an ath? also it takes forever to transfer should i want to trade? ethereum has no developments coming in september? duh

might want to give it a shot, worth a try since it looks like thigns are going lower.

but who knows, what if cbase flags your acct for suspicious activity


up to you bro

let me know if this works

4% above coinbase's high prices


>new coinbase user
>only able to purchase $250
>can't purchase any more with credit or bank until the purchase clears in 8 fucking days

Is coinbase trying to crash crypto with no survivors? It seems like it.

A new user like me can't even purchase 1 BTC or 1 ETH because of their limits in place.

That banter

>he still acts like he doesn't need gold/silver in the technology he uses to trade coinz