Who here /not selling/


Fuck that I sold right when the dip started, bought back at the bottom, sold again at the top of the car bounce. First time I've ever predicted correctly.

You have to be an idiot to sell right now. Hodl and acquire patience

I don't know the meaning of the word sell.

>collectivist snowflake god summoning
>21 million alt coins
>8 days to get digital coins

My abacus can do math faster than this user

there are two types of investors. those who wait and those who lose.

>yfw you're all in usdt

>forgot those who wait to lose

What did he mean by this?

Quite the opposite. I wish I had some more cash to buy BTC right now

>complete newfag to btc and investments in general
>get on the hype train and buy $600 of btc on friday
>oh fuck it's crashing, I guess I'll hold off on selling for the moment
>continues to crash, sell my shit
>oh fuck it's going up again, I have to buy back
>it crashes harder

I'm learning the hard way, boys

You will lose hundreds before you stop chasing charts and pumps and realize holding is the only option

>buy high, sell low
Never change Veeky Forums

>hodls and waits for comets and pizzas only

You will to be posting pink wojaks when your portfolio is drained 60% by the end of the month

If you're going to sell it shouldve been yesterday.

now we're on a train with no brakes

It's the dotcom bubble for millianials. How could you possibly know better? The general advice thus far has been just to throw money at BTC.

You should have sold when it broke support, and held off on any buying until the market decides what it's going to do.

you mean hope. pretty stupid to hold strong during a decline imo

if I just held I would have lost even more by now, though

like I'm just talking out my ass but I don't think "just hold" is good advice for investments in general??

Always remember this quote anons,
This mindset is what got me to a 760k portfolio from a 4k initial investment back in april.

>It's the dotcom bubble for millianials
people actually believe this

yes there's plenty of shit icos and they tanked way harder than everything else. this has literally happened 5+ times

if someone is in crypto and isn't buying cheap rn i have no idea why they were in it in the first place. grow some balls or get out of the way

lol you wouldn't play stocks that way. you would get cut in a heartbeat.

It's not. That user is talking out of his ass. You don't ever hold during panic and market uncertainty. These user's are counting on the fact that BTC has always came back, which is true, it has, but it's a bad practice as there may come a day when holding and buying during a sharp decline could liquidate their accounts.

You did well by selling, but should have done it much earlier, especially when it broke support and fell like a knife.

You should have waited for it to find new support, as well as momentum on the upside. I wouldn't have traded today period. I would stand back, observe, and look at where it's going. Market's typically follow the news and China's news on BTC has been bearish. People are afraid of losing their investment, and naturally they are selling.

It may come back, just as it has in the past, but it's a bad practice to continue holding during the decline. When they user's will talk about how "balls", and "profitable" they are when crypto's reward them for the poor trading behavior, and they learn the wrong lessons. but when it doesn't and they get cut, you see them here contemplating suicide.

For these anons, just throwing money at BTC has been a viable strategy so far. Eventually they will not be so lucky.

If you kill your enemies, they win.

If everyone holding btc shorted the market we would hit 0 and never rebound. It might be bad trade advice but you do need some ACTUAL "investors" to keep a stock alive in the real exchange, crypto is basically forex, and if 100% of people shorted a fiat there would be no return

sure, but I'm just some dork hoping to pay off my student loan faster, I don't think it would make sense for me to go down with the ship

what a bunch of bullshit. strategy depends on assumptions and you don't know our assumptions so youre talking out your ass

Ok, it's not that you shills weren't saying the same thing 2 months ago.

Nah you did the right thing I only held because i didn't sell in time, chances are that I could still technically short but it gets riskier by the minute. 80% of my portfolio is OMG though so I'm like 51% comfy that I won't lose much .

>CAPTCHA : boccherini practical

The correct answer is HODL


if youre selling after the crash, it's because you invested money you couldnt afford to lose.

I am a CryptoMarine
I'm not fucking selling
If you want me to sell you're going to have to come over here and put a fucking gun to my temple and force me to initiate sell orders on my bittrex account

Good job, user.

I feel like we don't congratulate one another enough around here or bother helping one another make wise moves. You did good, my man.

Keep up the good work.


Veeky Forums psychology

Norman checking in.

I don't even open the Coinbase app more than once a month. Don't plan on selling for 10 years.

fapped too much
praise jesus, shiva, dionysus

Not just /notselling/ but /buying/ here
Already got some BTC on the cheap, waiting to see if prices fall even further so I can buy even more

why would everybody short the market?

Exactly how much do you need to lose before you cut your losses?

Still holding. Send it to 0 I don't care. It's this or slavery for the rest of my life.

It did create a taxable event when you sold though.

USDT isn't taxable, retard