wtf i like being a millennial now !
Wtf i like being a millennial now !
That's nice dear and did you make any new friends at school today?
Fuck i wish i was a little girl.
>i don't know what a millennial is: the post
Rei is an incoherent retard and none the stuff he says makes sense. Stop shilling him.
t. millennial
How's that full poopy diaper of yours subhuman cretin?
But it's hilarious to watch his diseased mental processes work. It's like Chris Chandler, except a different flavor of crazy retarded.
The youngest millennials should now finishing high school. The oldest are in their late forties.
No, the youngest millennials are now in their early to mid thirties.
Reminder that millenials are those that grew up with the internet existing but not yet integrated into the average kids life.
Only a Millennial could be this vapid, and I'm a millennial.
Gen Z is actually competent
Millenials only go up to 1996. There's a new genration from 1997 to today whose name I've forgotten. I think one of its nicknames was the App Generation.
Your point?
Gen Z is Jake Paul.
Fuck off. 1997 here, I am not Generation Z just because half the (corporate) media says I am, I'm Generation Y/Millennial Then again, generations that aren't Baby Boomers don't matter to the government. If anything, Generation Z if it started in 1995 would be over now, if we're going by the 15 or even 20 years. I personally consider the people being born after the year 2001 as being Gen Z, and this includes the youngest members being born right now.
You know what would make it easier? Just make it a 10 year gap between the generations.
Most demographers place it at 2000 or 2002.
>new generation inherits societal problems of older generations
>tries to fix them
>inadvertently create new societal problems for next generation to fix
>ad infinitum
The way I heard it is that if you remember growing up with Pokemon and Harry Potter when they were first released then you're a millenial
I hear its remembering before 9/11
Generations are not determined by such arbitrary criteria as "remembering certain popculture phenomena". Millennials were born between circa 1984, and 1995, give or take a few years at either end, which are the intergenerational transitional years.
The media just wants a millennial vs boomer shit fight, they don't really care what the definitions or boundaries are, as long as people click on salacious articles
The amount of societal shaping that is done by ad revenue is terrifying
>a generation of 9 years
I see that you whippersnappers aren't going to address what I brought up. Why are you subhuman millennials keep filling your rearz with poop? Are that mentally ill and inferior to previous generations that you just ignore an old timer that misses the good old days when youngsters like you weren't wearing poopy diapers all the time and you were working and shoveling coal for 10 cents an hour.
Sometimes on Veeky Forums there will be a post where you can really stare into the heart of madness. There'll just be something very off about the occasional post. Stuff like
>filling your rearz
I just can't imagine a fully sane person typing that out, shitpost or no.
I'm just larping and mimicking you diaper wearing subhuman millennials on here.