ITT: Historical bad guys that are considered good guys by the populace no matter the overwhelming evidence proving the contrary.
pic very related.
ITT: Historical bad guys that are considered good guys by the populace no matter the overwhelming evidence proving the contrary.
pic very related.
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This genocidal fucker
Have you spent the last fifteen years under a rock?
This so much.
>Started a revolt because he was butthurt that in South Africa "Indians were treated as equal to the khaffirs" (In his words)
>Supported Hitler throughout WW2
>Said shit like "the Jews should've thrown themselves into the butchers' knives" and "If we had the atom bomb we would have used it against Britain"
>Disinherited his son and allowed him to die in poverty for shitty religious reasons
>Was overall a horrible little man, full of hatred, and his successors corrupt socialists that stagnated India
>Considered a saintly symbol of peaceful resistance worldwide
A lot can be forgiven over him just being a straight dumbass. He also did some good promoting scientific projects. Everything else though was a complete failure, and I fucking hate the sleazy wink-and-a-smile standard he set for future Presidents, which now we're seeing at its most mutated and toxic.
>"If we had the atom bomb we would have used it against Britain"
like it or not, he is not a villain, you faggot
you forgot the part about lying naked with per-prebuscent girls. Guy was a total perv
>Everything else though was a complete failure,
ITT: Liberal scum
Name one of his policies that worked
>War on Drugs
Dismal Failure
>Ending Communism
Gave a pithy speech when the USSR was in a tailspin
t. Nigel Hufflepuff
Tie between
(He's still quite popular in Russia for some reason)
Or this man
This. Claiming Reagan ended communism is like walking to some catatonic hobo on the street dying of alcohol poisoning, loudly calling him a faggot and then claiming that's what killed him.
>"If we had the atom bomb we would have used it against Britain"
So Civ was right about him all along?
>defunded important programs to fund Star Wars, a defense program we dropped in the end anyway instead of finishing
What, you thought they were just meming? Never underestimate Gandhi
Now just wait a minute...
Reagan funded Star Wars?
I'm not a tankie or even a communist by any degree btw.
The missile defense program, not the movie
>Defending the one that gave amnesty to 3 million illegals
Kys cuckservative scum
>loudly calling him a faggot and then claiming that's what killed him.
What are you smoking, and can I buy it on ebay?
Om not a stormfag but Churchill was horrible and evil
> Claiming Reagan ended communism is like walking to some catatonic hobo on the street dying of alcohol poisoning, loudly calling him a faggot and then claiming that's what killed him.
This made my day.
I love him, but he was a corrupt socialist.
Pic VERY related.
>steals peoples ideas
>steals peoples inventions
>literally refuses to pay for people making improvements on his inventions under his employment
>plays dirty in all forms of business
>uses the fucking mob and the Pinkertons to get an edge on the competition
Youre a cuckold to the rich man, eagerly jumping into the cuckshed at the promise of overcharged power on faulty lines. The strongman takes and you give him exactly what he wants because youre a spiteful little coward who cant inflict his own misery on the rest of the world, so you worship those who do. Fuck human progress. Fuck common decency. Fuck basic infrastructure.
What kind of civilization needs that? Lets just let the oligarchs rape everyone and laud them for it. Surely that wont lead to problems down the line.
Screen cap 4 you
Wasn't the War on Drugs a Nixon policy that Reagan just escalated?
idk, maybe it's because he lifted the suffering of russians?
I never realised you could climb up the statue, that's pretty cool. Also I'm willing to forgive the mongolians for worshipping Gengis simply because of how irrelevant their country is now.
solid kek
unironically kill yourselves
good bot
You have to go back
>Literally every hero
Can someone tell me where this mao vs sparrow meme comes from?
Nice try, but that man is the polar opposite.
Why do you think Trotsky is evil? Are you a Stalinist?
>post guys that most people consider good but are bad guys
>people start posting notorious villains that are recognised as evil
If you wanna express your autism post it in the correct thread please.
The Four Pests Campaign
lurk moar
>be mao
>want to produce more food
>notice that sparrows eat grain
>tell people to kill all the sparrows because that are little counter-revolutionary fucks and a symbol of the bugeois (not even kidding. Look this shit up)
>People kill a shitton of sparrows
>Sparrows no longer kill real pests
>Crops fail
>btfo out of your own population by accident
So you are a real marxist leninist, right?
No. I just think that he was a bad dude aswell.
For what reasons?
>ended importing sparrows in secret from the soviet union and re-writing The Four Pests Campaing to avoid shame
He was leader of the red army during Lenin's period. Take a look at the war crimes committed by the red army. Many were ordered by Trotsky himself.
These are all wrong or taken out of context.
Like what crimes?
It was one of the messiest, filled with hate civil wars. It was full of "crimes". Especially towards the end when the reds were having enough of the white's bullshit (like trying to bring, and actually bringing a western foreign power, namely Britain, into eastern Russia and executing the local bolshevik Soviet after they stepped down peaceuflly from power to let them have charge)
The whites deserved alot of what they got. But even if they didn't, it was a messy and hateful wars. But I still want to hear what specific crimes you are referring to and why you think Trotsky is comparable to Stalin.
t. burger
Gassing civilians and robbing grain for example. The invasion of Poland in 1920 for example.
>gassing civilians
>robbing grain
robbing grain from your enemies is a sound plan if your people are starving
>"""""invasion""""" of poland
You mean when Poland decided to randomly butt-in the civil war and attacked the reds? dropped dude. You don't know anything of what you're talking about.
His idea of killing everyone and everything getting between him and the world communist revolution, for example.
He gassed villages that didn't want to give into quotas or that rebelled. He killed Cossack and kulak families systemmatically. He robbed grain from his own people.
Arbitrators are kaffirs
He's the contrary
He's viewed as a bad guy by normies while he was a goof guy
Moralfag found. Mommy doesn't lobe naughty children does she. Daddy will punish.
This one for sure
t. Humberto Fontova
How was he bad? Literally a nationalist for his people that had to LARP as a commie for a few years because your retarded government betrayed the Vietnamese to back up the French colonists. Then proceeded to btfo your massive army with a bunch of poor rice farmers and put his country on the path to development. 10/10 historical figure
He's only considered a bad guy in the English speaking world, and even then there's a lot that like him.
I'm not an American for starters. I think he was a cruel dictator that killed thousands.
Only retarded anarchists see them as good.
> a nationalist for his people that had to LARP as a commie
Same with Fidel Castro.
>actually posting alternatehistoryhub as as serious response in a debate about history
kill yourself my man. Cody probably has never taken a history course past HS.
Stalin is very much considered a bad guy though
This is the real answer. So many faggots unironically think "hurr evil stalin stole power from the peace loving and great trotsky!"
Columbus Day is still a holiday in like 40 states
>he lifted the suffering of russians
By killing and starving more of them? Stupid tankie.
Are you retarded?
Literally hundreds of thousands got worked to death and/or executed
t. american education
a thief.
Evil or not Che was based as fuck
>In just two years under Columbus Governorship through murder, mutilation, being worked to death or suicide more than half the 250,000 Indians in Haiti were dead
Howard Zinn
>"Haiti under the Spanish is one of the primary instances of genocide in Human history"
>"Columbus not only sent the first slaves acroiss the Atlantic, he sent more slaves than any other individual"
James Loewen
>There were 60,000 people living on this island [in 1508], including both Spaniards & Indians. So that between 1494 and 1508 more than three million people died from war, slavery and the mines.
>There were 60,000 people living on this island [in 1508], including both Spaniards & Indians. So that between 1494 and 1508 more than three million people died from war, slavery and the mines.
>Who in future generations will believe this?
>I myself as an eyewitness can scarce believe it
>What we committed in the Indies stands out amongst the most unpardonable offences ever committed against God and mankind and this trade [in Indian slaves] as one of the most unjust, evil and cruel among them
Bartolome de las Casas, Columbuses contemporary
this isnt real right? Our school systems arent using "memes" to teach kids, right?
he was an idiot that got lucky. was brutal by even the standards of the day. though he isn't a monster and unlike A Fucking LEIF. He actually caused a massive historical impact on the entire world, because he told the rest of Europe about what he found.
just think about it. thousands of mongolians and others coming out of his crotch every year. Just like when he was alive.
gave europe constitutions, the metric system, sugar beet sugar, and kept a foreign powers from gaining control over france.
how did this idiot manage to keep power ?
>Slavery is genocide
>Conquering is genocide
I think genocide is a very flexible term, don't you think?