What made the Catholic church so successful?
What made the Catholic church so successful?
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Because it's the correct answer to everything.
white people
Violence, Clovis I, Charlemagne, and the fact that it was the successor to the Rome Emperor
Its priests and bishops were more and more men moulded to creeds and dogmas and set procedures; by the time they became popes they were usually oldish men, habituated to a politic struggle for immediate ends and no longer capable of worldwide views. They had forgotten about the Fatherhood of God; they wanted to see the power of the Church, which was their own power, dominating men's lives.
Stylish hats
They destroyed their enemies with extreme prejudice.
where'd he go?
>What made the Catholic church so successful?
Ironically that it was so inclusive.
He saw the growing number of Prods and Muslims and gave up on saving Humanity. Maybe the Alpha Centaurians are less retarded
>implying islam isn't the last and true version of god's faith
Hey but if you want to turn children into dragqueens and shit go ahead.
Never got Islam'd, unlike Constantinople.
And Conquistadors.
That's not a feature of Christendom, that's Communism. They're doing to you too, Ahmed, go look at all the gay Imams in the west.
Inshallah, my agendered queer life companion and may Mohammad (Praise be upon Xir) Bless you
Sure thing Poojeet.
If they downgrade jacking off, contraception, and premarital sex to venial sins and allow priests to marry, the church would have an enormous boom in membership while still keeping their saintly idealism.
What about women priests and gay marriage?
Nah, the family should always come first and foremost
>women priests
That's even worse than abortions.
What is it with Catholic and family cuckery? The Bible never put emphasis on family, in fact it says Jesus is coming to put son against father, daughter against mother etc. And that you have no father other than the one in heaven. Fuck family.
>What made the Catholic church so successful?
Worshiping the devil brings worldly rewards.
The support of Satan
the love of women to be moral without doing much work
>23 replies
>no mention of Constantine
God this board is a disappointment