just post me your Waves adress :)
Also in stock :
Get some PENIS - Literally the coin of ((( The Patriarchy™ ))) !!!!! Woohoooo - INTENSE daberoni goyim on there !!
Just post me your waves adress :)
just post me your Waves adress :)
Also in stock :
Get some PENIS - Literally the coin of ((( The Patriarchy™ ))) !!!!! Woohoooo - INTENSE daberoni goyim on there !!
Just post me your waves adress :)
I think there's a min. deposit :P
Any NGR coin available?
woowoowowoooo, i literally sent u some cancer, son :DDD
and some PENIS. Enjoy yourself xDDD
no ... i just sent 0.5 waves to the waves plattform.
BUT what u mean is the min depo in BTC, which is 0.01 BTC which is a wopping 40$ !
but no prob if u send waves directly, son, then u can send 1$ or less, no probs... :)
my 0.5 waves are 2$, so ... np at all.
Thanks senpai love me some cancer
u got some extra big portion for asking so nicely :DDD
you sure woulndt spare some nice PENIS tho, now would u, son ?! :DDDD
a dickload is on the way ....
fuck yes, you the best
more please.
i know, son :D
>> you recieves 1 KikeCoin (KIKE)
ONE ? who the fuck sends just O N E ?!
must be a ....kike ... :|
it don't have more, only this one posted in another thread
sorry sempai
pls send dickcoin
whores need to perform.
i dislike whoring, whore ...
that whore doesnt really have some sweet feminime penis as it looks like. in that regard she's a trap. but not that one with a feminine p3nis.
go whore somewhere else.
we're a serious community here.
oh wait ... i could ofc send u some CANCER actually .......
Well, thanks for the cancer of course!
0.5 Waves was the min. deposit I meant actually. Don't know shit about this coin lol.
BUT... The more the better, I love living in the extremes. Just how long does it take for cancer to arrive at the destination?
i actually dont know. u would expect it should be there already.
could u recheck the adress u posted there ??
Will you send me some AIDS
>Just how long does it take for cancer to arrive at the destination?
u should definitively have them, thats whyt my log shows at least ..
TX ID: DJGjz2pKxrQ3VWXRN6j8cD9cK11ash7zqhfMphTERyiW | TYPE: Outgoing Transfer | DATE: 9/5/2017 4:53:44 | SENDER ADDRESS: 3PQnbfMC7NZXUFrNrAbz67EkvvcHYxmr4aG | TX AMOUNT: 5000 CANCER | RECIPIENT ADDRESS: 3PKssTUNmFSs9qqGoFD7YaDUx33kLZ7BVXL | TX FEE: 0.001 Waves | ATTACHMENT: 3vxqozDeRQpS26BorC1awA4MtQ8BMQVEyPc5gyPwTxb1pGuASNw
Well, cryptos take their confirmation times. Will show up eventually. Waves address is alright. Thanks for your generosity, appreciate it, your cancer will be put to good use and eventually spread! :P
>>> you recieves 1 KikeCoin (KIKE)
sent u some nore actualy :D
just to make sure ...
>sent u some nore actualy :D
>just to make sure ...
that post was actually ment for
Cheers maht
can ANYONE confirm he received some conage ??!
hit me with that cancer desu