What are some approved Veeky Forums movies?
Already seen Margin Call, Wolf of Wall Street and Boiler Room.
What are some approved Veeky Forums movies?
Already seen Margin Call, Wolf of Wall Street and Boiler Room.
the big short, although id suggest you read the book as well
inside job and money for nothing (inside the fed) are pretty decent too
wall street is a classic. the sequel is a bit shit though
Inside job is great. It's the actual, real life Inside Job story, told through interviews of the actual people involved.
99 homes
what I meant to say was 'the actual real life Big Short story'.
looking at the bagholders here id recommend rogue trader
Peewees Big Adventure
Yeah fuck i forgot about that one
>tfw nick gleeson becomes margin buu
Blair with project. Teaches you how to buy high sell low
>Peewees Big Adventure
>Wolf of Wall Street
I really don't like this film. Some unscrupulous manlet's fantasy autobiography where he gets to be played by DiCaprio. It's not a Veeky Forums-approved film, it's just The Hangover in a stock brokerage.
this movie was great.
Too Big To Fail is pretty good.
wall street (original) is the best
there's a documentary on netflix about commodity trading
i had no idea commodity trading was like that before everything went online
hahahahhahaha watch movies then roleplay...
bahahahhaha you fags
Go play chicken little!
Your crypto sky is falling!
Wow you're kind of an asshole, aren't ya?
actually the big short is jewish propaganda where the kikes who crashed everything are played by white people.
The Pit?
For /biz? The Game is a must to watch. Winning at crypto is about playing the game, not playing yourself. Judging by how pink the catalog is, a good half of bizraelis need to watch it to try to comprehend what the fuck is going on in their heads. You're welcome
Back to /pol/ with you
just a mad nocoiner feeling vindicated by a 20% drop forgetting that most people here have made over 100% in the past few months while his normie stocks only made single digits over the whole year.
that's the one
Trading places
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Fuck off to your safespace if you can't tolerate people speaking without censoring themselves.
He's right, this isn't a place for stormniggers, get your ass back to /pol
God I hate that fucking movie.
>Jewish banker who has been in Wall Street for 20 years and runs a successful fund cant wrap his head around people screwing other people out of their money for their own gain, thats just how moral we are
I imagine most people on Veeky Forums are like Patrick Bateman, but fat, ugly and agoraphobic.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Must be tough to live your life being so small minded that when you hear someone commit "wrong think" you demand they leave.
you're literally breaking the rules of this board though. it has nothing to do with your opinions
kike detected. get gassed.
motherfuckin' Trading Places
Try watching "Wall Street Warriors"
First season is great Timothy Sykes is /ourkike/
The Road
Question is will you carry the light or will you be one of the rapist cannibals
I will carry the light and slaughter any fucking rapist cannibal looking at me the wrong way...or anyone else for that matter. Such a good movie.
There are no rules being broken. You are just a weak minded loser who can't operate in an environment where he isn't protected from divergent opinions offending your delicate sensibilities. You would be more at home at reddit
being racist is against the rules. havent you read them? cmon now
Banking on Bitcoin and Inside Job are good
watching margin call now with my ice cream and gdax on btc and eth :^)
It's semi biz related, look up Breaking Vegas...it was a documentary on the History Channel about the MIT team taking on Vegas and counting cards at the blackjack tables. It should be on youtube.
Aka a timeline where crypto is crushed by daddy fed
A cautionary tale
Is this board kike friendly?
you'd have a better life sucking homeless dudes dicks than being a card counter
...get the shopping carts ready...
I'd rather skim profits on shitcoins and asstokens honestly....
and the only person whos concerned about the crashing markets is a jew lmao
>dat scene where the jew trader is sitting on his terrace in the end
>his broker tells him he needs to sell his short options its the last chance
>hes so conflicted because he knows hes part of this shady deal
>eventually gives in and takes the shitload of money, buries his head in his hands
absolutely ridiculous jew propaganda
oh and the big, bad boss banker is a chink lol
apart from that its still a preddy entertaining movie
/pol/ can't even stop the betas on /r9k/ from infecting everything
>jews crash the market
>point it out
fuck this world
oh no you're being persecuted
come see the violence inherent in the system!
come see the violence inherent in the system!
>movie suggestion thread
>/pol/ blasts diarrhea all over it
And you underage reddit faggots wonder why everyone hates you.
It's not racist when it's against chinks though because they have no soul.
Check out the 4 part bbc series "million dollar traders" its uploaded on youtube
and ownership ain't one.
Betting on Zero. Lessons:
>Good fundamental analysis is not the means to an end
>Wall Street is irrational, macho dick swinging contest (short squeeze a shit stock out of spite)
>People are fucking stupid.