Considering the widespread suffering and degeneracy of the Weimar Republic, what was the Papal response?
What was the Papal response to the disaster of Weimar Germany?
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>what was the Papal response?
Secretly backing the Nazis.
>disaster of Weimar Germany
Tell me how it was a disaster. You can't use buzzwords like duhjenuracy.
It was a disaster in that it brought in the environment that spawned Nazi Germany. There was constant unrest by those unsatisfied with the country, like communists and fascists. That's not a healthy environment.
Just because a decent percent of the population was fine with wallowing in hedonism doesn't mean it was stable.
Is that true of the Weimar period though? I don't think they "backed" the Nazis until after they took power.
Ok, starvation, hopelessness, child prostitution, open homosexuality/transgenderism, Communist revolts, other Western countries predating on the weak German economy with hard foreign currency. Just off the top of my head.
I'm sure he was okay with this considering prostitution was illegal until 1927 and homosexual behavior was penalized. Even Polish law was more liberal.
>this kills the prod
Most of these things were actually very rare. It was easily worse in most East European countries or in Spain.
Slavs voted Hitler in.
>Most of these things were actually very rare.
>eastern europe
>homosexuals, transsexuals, chid prostitution
So much pop history it hurts.
Ok, give me a better source then, it'd be a Mitzvah.
>starvation, hopelessness, child prostitution, open homosexuality/transgenderism
This meme again.
>Between 1930 and 1932, the Christian youth organizations had about one and a half million members, the Communist about 50,000, the Social Democratic about 60,000, the National Socialist about 40,000. According to the "Proletarische Freidenkerstimme" of April, 1932, the figures were as follows:
Der katholische Jungmännerverbund Deutschlands - 386,879
Der Zentralverband katholischer Jungfrauenvereinigungen Deutschlands - 800,000
Der Verband katholischer Junggesellenvereine - 93,000
Der Verband katholischer weiblicher süddeutscher Jugend vereine - 25,000
Der Verband katholischer Büchervereine Bayerns - 35,220
Der Verband katholischer Schüler der höheren Lehranstalten "Neudeutschland" - 15,290
Katholischer Jugendbund werktätiger Mädchen Deutschlands - 8,000
Reichsverband deutscher Windhorstbünde - 10,000
Mmhm. That's the real tragedy of Weimar Germany right there.
Chip prostitution? Definitely. Other things? Not so much. But men dressing as women was actually quite a popular entertainment of the 1920s. For example in films.
And like I said, homosexuality was illegal in Weimar Republic.
They probably just said nothing.
That is, four fifths of the members were of adolescent and post-adolescent age. While in the struggle for winning over these youths the Communists stressed the class angle at the expense of ideological problems, the Catholic organization did the exact opposite: its stand was with the cultural and ideological front. The Communists wrote:
>If clear-cut, consistent work is done, the cultivation of class consciousness will prove stronger even in young Catholics than the questions of Weltanschauung . . . We must not put ideological problems in the foreground, but the class problem, the misery which binds us all together.
The leadership of Catholic youth, on the other hand, wrote (in Jungarbeiter, Nr. 17, 1931):
>Reaching of young workers and workers' children at an early age is the strongest point and the greatest danger of the Communist party. We welcome the fact that the Reich government . . . opposes the Communist party with the strongest measures. In particular, we expect the German government to take the strongest measures against the Communists' fight against the church and religion.
In Berlin there were, in the censorship offices for the "protection of youth" from obscene literature, representatives of eight Catholic organizations. In an appeal of the Catholic Center youth in 1932 we find the following:
>We demand that the State protect the Christian cultural heritage with all available means against a poisonous press, pornographic literature and against an erotic film production which debases or falsifies the National character . . .
>The church, then, defended its mystical function at a different point from the focus of attack by the Communist movement.
>It is the task of freethinking proletarian youth to show to the young Christian workers the role of the church and its organizations in the carrying out of fascisization measures . .
and nice touch rearranging child prostitution at the end to draw a connection and look less pedantic
There was no child prostitution in eastern europe at that time. That shit only started with the collapse of the USSR.
An important point is the social composition. In the Catholic Young Men's Association it was as follows:
Workers 45.6%
Artisans 21.6%
Agricultural Youth 18.7%
Business 5.9% Students 4.8%
Salaried employees 3.3%
The industrial workers constituted the overwhelming majority. The age distribution in 1929 was the following:
14-17 years 51.0%
17-21 years 28.3%
21-25 years 13.5%
Above 25 years 7.1%
Do you consider 13 years old prostitutes children? Because there were that young prostitutes in East Europe.
There are always child prostitutes in poor countries. people do what they have to do to survive when shit gets bad.
>Catholic Young Men's Association
That sounds gay as fuck.
>14-17 years 51.0%
Why are catholics so creepy?
Is there anyone in this thread besides teenage tankies who think Weimar Germany was a paradise and anyone claiming otherwise is somehow suspect and using hostile/bad sources? If you have other sources, post them, otherwise, don't bring it up. I was trying to ask a serious question about the historical fact of the issues of the Weimar Republic and how the Catholic Church responded.
might as well say there were no poor people
It's a youth organization.
It wasn't a paradise, but it wasn't a hellhole either. Your 'communist revolts' was a small revolt in 1919 and even smaller Ruhr uprising few years later. Both were easily crushed by the government.
Nobody is saying it was paradise, you're saying it was homo hell.
Plus all of Europe (and to a lesser degree America), not just Germany, was dealing with those kind of issues in those times.
>Weimar Germany
Nigga what the fuck are you smoking?
This thread is a malinformed stormie post about muh Weimar duhjeneracy. The truth is though, Weimar state wasn't exactly "degenerate". Christian conservatism was prevalent among the population, especially among youth. The Weimar's longest-ruling president was the fucking Hindenburg, staunchly conservative WW1 national hero.
You stormtards twist and turn anything that could go your way. Present me the facts, how Weimar was exactly degenerate, and what made it different from other countries at the time. Berlin was a libertine-oriented city even during Kaiser's age, with cafes and cabarets on par with Belle Epoque Paris. Does that mean 2nd Reich was degenerate?
>starvation, hopelessness
This has nothing to do with the Republic itself and more to do with the huge fucking war the country just lost and the terrible economic conditions they were being imposed upon. In fact, up until the crash of 28 the economy improved considerably under the Republic because their industry was left untouched but the war reparation was being paid with American loans that promptly collapsed
>child prostitution
The same causes as above, similr conditions were common in post WW2 Germany too
>open homosexuality/transgenderism
Nothing wrong with this
>Communist revolts
Every European country had communists insurrections in the post war, Germany was in a much worse condition to combat it which is why it got so far
>other Western countries predating on the weak German economy with hard foreign currency
Once again, nothing to do with the Republic itself. Any government in Germany set up after the war would have the exact same problems
>wasn't a hellhole
It was pretty widely regarded as a disaster by all sides compared to the Kaiserreich. Berlin was practically the Philippines of it's age in terms of sex tourism you could buy just about anything with hard foreign currency. What was good about it.
Not just Homohell, it was a pretty hopeless and violent place with widespread despair, easily the worst of the industrialized Western nations.
I hope you realize that hyperinflation started in 1922/1923 and ended in 1924? So no, in 1925 you couldn't buy anything with foreign currency.
There seems to be a bunch of Marxist apologetics for Weimar Germany ITT, who are super butthurt that I'm saying that Weimar Germany was not a super positive place.
>Weimar state wasn't exactly "degenerate".
Really? It wasn't a radical departure from what came before?
>2nd Reich was degenerate?
So, they had tranny institutes and child prositution in the Kaiserreich?
>weimar germany spawned nazi germany because they didn't crack down on degeneracy hard enough
I would say that it was worse in Hungary where the communists took over the country for like a month.
I'm asking about how the Papacy responded to these issues, not just trying to smear the Weimar Republic, though I am no fan. Do you think traditional Catholicism looked kindly on any of the "progress" of Weimar Germany?
If only they'd had some political party that could have put a stop to all that degeneracy and save Germany.
From all the period sources I've read, hard currency was a very valuable and highly sought after commodity, even if there were periods when you couldn't buy anything with hard currency as you state, the periods where you could were a real opportunity for rapacious capitalists with foreign backing.
I'm neither a tankie nor a Marxist apologetic. Christ, learn your buzzwords before you use them you ignorant poltard.
>I'm saying that Weimar Germany was not a super positive place.
We know what you're saying, its da jooz, muh duhgeneracy, heil hitler, blah blah blah.
Find new topics for your shitposts.
Why are you so dense? What progress? Prostitution was illegal, same with homosexuality. Do you think Weimar Germany was some lawless hole, without politicians making laws, without the police or normal life? It wasn't.
I can tell you that Zentrum (a catholic party) wasn't happy about laws legalizing prostitution or homosexual behavior (this one did not pass).
You responded to none of my questions and answered only with adhoms back. Lame.
>We know what you're saying, its da jooz, muh duhgeneracy, heil hitler, blah blah blah.
I was seriously interested in the Papal response to all of this as I've begun learning about Catholicism and I'd never heard anything about the Papal response to the suffering of the Germans during this period. You're all so mad that I used the word "degeneracy" that you've all gone rage blind and derailed the thread. Thanks.
>Prostitution was illegal
It wasn't illegal throughout Weimar, in fact it was regulated by the cops, check your facts.
>same with homosexuality.
So why were all those gay clubs up and running in the open then?
>Do you think Weimar Germany was some lawless hole, without politicians making laws, without the police or normal life? It wasn't.
It depends on the period, but you had open street battles between political parties and assassinations with the government dissolving every few months, it was a fucking mess, admit it.
The point is: this suffering was mostly in right-wingers heads. Berliners were quite happy about all of this.
>The point is: this suffering was mostly in right-wingers heads. Berliners were quite happy about all of this.
Please give me literally any source for this.
The reason why you won't find Pope's reaction is because it didn't exist. I already presented to you an opinion of Catholic organizations in Weimar and how vast exactly their influence was. If you were seriously interested in this Papal response you could've easily researched it on your own (since you stormtards are known experts on Weimar) and saw that it doesn't exist. But you just wanted to "redpill"
>it was regulated by cops
Like in the second Reich.
1932 was the bloodiest year for politics violence. Roughly 150 people were killed, a lot of them by the communists. Guess what, Islamists kill more people in one attack today than the Nazis and communists in the bloodiest year of Weimar Republic. Truly a borderline civil war.
Look at elections.
>poor people means kid prostitution
I'm sorry Billy Bob but your vacation in Thailand cannot be applied to the entirety of history.
*a lot of them by the police
The really awkward thing about this thread is that the Germans actually did stop degeneracy. Yeah.
They were probably degenerate.
Even when threatened by economic crises and political extremists plotting its demise, Weimar State was still a positive place full of life. The Germans wanted to live, not be soulless machines fighting pointless wars.
This is why fascists hated Weimar, because it was so full of life. Fascism is inherently scared of life and happiness. Fascism only celebrates death, murder and destruction. They brand "degeneracy" whatever triggers their frustrated sexuality. Apparently it's not degenerate to murder, destroy, burn and loot. Nope, those are all positive traits in the fascist death cult.
The Weimar State produced more culture and art than anomaly that was Hitler's state could ever hope for. Thomas Mann, Remarque, Arnold Schoenberg, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Paul Klee, Bertold Brecht, these are only some of the names from Weimar that are celebrated for their work to this day. Hitler's Germany produced nothing of value except destruction, they were all thugs and bandits in shiny uniforms.
The clash between Weimar and the Nazis was the school example of Eros and Thanatos. Where Weimar created, the Nazis destroyed. Where there was joy, the Nazis replaced it with sadism. Where there was life, the Nazis replaced it with death.
You can believe what you want. Like I said, I very earnestly was curious what the Catholic response was because this is a period of history that I am interested in and I've been talking with a lot of TradCaths lately. I wasn't trying to "redpill" it's a known fact that Weimar was a fucked up place, even if it's dressed up as "Cabaret" or whatever.
>Like in the second Reich.
At least you can argue and offer counterfacts instead of crying.
>1932 was the bloodiest year for politics violence.
What is your source for that? I remember reading in Peter Gay's book that the number was much higher than 150 though it's been awhile since I read it.
The NSDAP was the most popular party with the Communists getting only barely better than the Catholic Centre Party?
Mass democracy is unironically degenerate, yes.
>Weimar State was still a positive place full of life.
Yeah, and real life Cheese Pizza walking the streets
>The Germans wanted to live, not be soulless machines fighting pointless wars.
Holy fuck, juniorhighAPclasshyperbole.txt
>Fascism only celebrates death, murder and destruction.
Oh yeah, dang, you nailed it dude, got a real Fascism Scholar here.
>The Weimar State produced more culture and art than anomaly
By that metric slavery was good because it produced the blues, suffering creates art, that's not always a positive for the average person living it.
>Thomas Mann
Ernst Jünger was better
>Arnold Schoenberg
Literally unlistenable trash, there's no way you really listen to that stuff.
>Otto Dix, George Grosz, Paul Klee,
More a product of the violence and suffering that they endured, not really an endorsement of Weimar Germany, I do like their work though.
>Bertold Brecht
Disgusting coward who sold out his people and lived in luxury in East Germany.
>Hitler's Germany produced nothing of value except destruction
Well, they were in a war for most of their existence, that's kind of natural, I'm not the biggest fan of NS, but you don't know what they would have produced culturally if they hadn't been on a war footing. Silly.
>the school example
See me after class, C+
Certainly a lot better than being afraid to say anything negative about your government without being hauled off to jail by a secret police.
There were more elections in Weimar Germany than one. Look at the elections before 1930s. In 1928 the Nazis got 2.6% votes.
Political Violence in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933, Dirk Schumann
About prostitution:
>regulated prostitution
>prostitutes were social pariahs
>they couldn't travel
>forced medical exams for sexually transmited diseases
Does this sound like a progressive sex paradies?
Pius XI condemned Action Française, so I can only assume he was a cuck willing to suck off the biggest, fattest cocks, wether they be Jewish, socialist, or pearl clutching passsive conservative.
No one is happy in degeneracy. Some might pretend like they are, but you only have to dig a tiny bit to see deep existential despair. Consciously or not, they know that what they are doing is wrong, selfish, self destructing and against nature.
Heroin addicts are happy while they're high.
>muh duhjenuracy
>duhjenuracy is just a nazi meme guise
>Ignoring that the centerparty supported Hitler
It is. What is even your source? Some adverts? How does it prove anything? Hard numbers and events are more reliable.
you mean before the economic crash of 29 and before hitler even managed to establish himself as the leader of the party?
>It is. What is even your source? Some adverts? How does it prove anything? Hard numbers and events are more reliable.
Fucking brats. Watch a fucking classic film once in awhile.
Most films are based on pop history. Especially films made 50 years later.
This is a film made in Weimar Germany showing everyday life of citizens of Berlin.
>We're talking about degenerate night life, he posts a vid that's 90% daylight footage
>assuming a film like this would actually show anything bad and make the city look negative rather than how the two jewish writers wanted it to look.
You're the flipside of the NS kids who think everything in NS Germany looked like Triumph of the Will.
They backed the catholic centre party which backed the Nazis as long as Catholics could keep their schools
Reminder Germany breaking itself up was a real thing
>muh duhjenuracy
>muh freeze peach
What is with SA Goons thinking intentional misspelling is some kind of pinnacle of humor?