I have this. What ethnicities/haplogroups is this associated with?
I'm principally of Castilian descent on my father's side and Valencian, Italian, French, and some black on my mother's side.
I have this. What ethnicities/haplogroups is this associated with?
I'm principally of Castilian descent on my father's side and Valencian, Italian, French, and some black on my mother's side.
You misclicked faggot, this is not /int/.
>& Humanities
>haplogroups are humanities
Fuck off.
Why doesn't gookmoot create a board for talking about haplomemes? We could call it /hbd/
>We could call it /hbd/
Handsome boy dick?
human biodiversity, brainlet
That'd be a terrible idea. We don't need a board for everything.
Go to redd!t or 8gag for that.
>calls user brainlet
>can't realize it's bait
Anyways user, though this might be ideal, I don't see how the popularity would rise to it besides the basic We Wuzing posts, muh Aryan master races, and a daily general of "define white".
That would the point, create a containment board
Fuck off faggot. There already are two containment boards for it, /int/ and /pol/. Stop spreading the cancer here.
All righty then, I'll just continue to create Africa threads ;^)
Veeky Forums is a containment for society
Fuck off back to plebbit then, beaner.
I mostly associate it with people from the British Isles.
Although I've seen it in other ethnic groups, even in non-Europeans
It's 100% spanish. It's not that everyone here got it, not even most guys, but I've never seen it elsewhere. I got this myself. It looks like it's gonna be brown the first day/s and gets red when it grows, right?
I've never seen a brit with a gingerbeard that wasn't a ginger. Whole ginger I mean.
Really? I see them all the time.
They're often blonde, a light brown that would be blonde here or ron weasley gingers. And they come in the thousands so it's not like I see a small amount of them. May be that it's rare for you brits to be bearded compared to Spaniards, my stereotype of brit also has quite a baby face.
Also, this dude is not ever ginger-bearded, he's fucking blonde.
I'm not a britbong I just study there.
Maybe I didn't put a good picture, although to me that man clearly has ginger hair in his beard and brown hair on his head
French here
I'm dark blond but my beard can be kinda orangish in the sun when not trimmed short
I used to be very light blond as a kid btw
It seems it may be a western euro or "atlantic" thing (although I'm from the mediterranean part of Spain and so has been my family for ages).
Dunno man, look at this dude and OP's. Clearly very different colors from who has a yellowish beard. Lighter than his hair, yeah, but not red or orange.
You're kidding? They're very common
It's pretty clearly a red beard. You sound like you're color blind or a ginger in denial.
It's most common in the British isles, also appears less commonly in the rest of Western Europe.
Its common in the Netherlands. I suppose its a general European thing.
How about we call it /aut/
I'm an Anglo, I'm the same
Get a bit of stubble and it's black, suits me quite well. Then it grows a bit more and the sides of my chin seem to go a reddish-brown
Get a full beard and I have a full red bushy mess, with a blond moustached and blonde streak down beneath my bottom lip
Bell Beaker masterrace
My cousin has it. He's Assyrian
My dad and a few of my cousins are like this. Brown hair with red beard. We are Americans but I believe our ancestry (at least our paternal side) is mostly English and Scottish. My surname is Scottish and my paternal grandma's maiden name was London
I'm the outlier simply because I'm full ginger
Someone do the brainwave meme of /int/ /pol/ /Veeky Forums/ being a containment board.
Celtic blood