Childhood is idolising Nazi Germany
Adulthood is realising that Imperial Germany made more sense
Childhood is idolising Nazi Germany
Get a life loser.
Childhood is idolizing First Post
Adulthood is realizing Original Post made more sense
Sounds about true
quit samefagging
>5 unique posters in the thread
it wasn't flawless, but undoubtedly better than the 3rd Reich and also very aesthetic
>posting this on Veeky Forums
Any good book recommendations about WW1 or at least from veterans of it. I have only read that one book from some Adolf guy
Serious question Veeky Forums what are good historical books to read about the Kaiserreich?
Preferably something that wasn't written by an American going "hurr hurr it was totally proto-Nazi durrr"
Godhood is realizing that The Holy Roman Empire of The German Nation made more sense.
>childhood is idolizing Nazi Germany
You took the short bus to school and had a separate teacher aid in class help you didn't you?
if it was as unified as the Kaiserreich, then yes, but it wasn't.
this, even children should be able to understand the Nazis were not someone to admire...
It's a bit hard to read but it's an alternative to the Sonderweg idea of Best idea would be to read both.
Childhood is idolizing the 3rd Reich
Adulthood is idolizing Willy
Elderlyhood is realizing you were correct as a child
average naziboo intelligence level
in that case you were retarded at every age
Why do they wear the pike
>chimping out in Belgium
Yes, what a disciplined force
Childhood is idolizing Imperial Germany.
Adulthood is realizing that the HRE under Habsburg rule made more sense.
Wisdom is knowing the HRE was the best form of governance
To impale Belgian babies on their heads.
it also gives a +10% firemaking boost to burn down medieval libraries