*creates the perfect system*

*creates the perfect system*
pssssst...nichts persönliches..... kapitalismus

are you trying to trigger the whole damn board?

not an argument

Mfw capitalism is doomed to fail.

Wrong pic

Man. Marx was based


>Creates perfect system to sieze the means of production from the people because going after banks would be antisemitic

Karl Marx was your typical Talmud reading jew. To him everyone non jewish was subhuman but he despised negroes more than others.

Hello leftypol.

I think marx was more a selfhating jew

Don't know about his system. He did make a great fat-losing diet though.

>Perfect system
>Couldn't solve the breadline problem
>Kills 100+ million people

>perfect system

>fails horribly every single time it is implemented

what did Marx mean by this?

It's never been implemented though.

>actually using the "not muh real gommunism!" meme

How come there's so many trannies, homos, diaperfags and other degenerates on /leftypol/? I honestly think even /lgbt/ doesn't have that many literal faggots.


>over half of /leftypol/ are faggots
Thanks for confirming.



Leftypol has all the cancerousness of /pol/ with none of the self awareness


Jesus is this the /leftypol/ raid you're keep talking about? A bunch of threads full of tankie propaganda no one takes seriously? I think it should be treated equally with potential /pol/ raids. It's in the rules after all.

>being this retarded