Care to explain Veeky Forums?
Care to explain Veeky Forums?
Pyramids are the easiest shape to make, thus if you're going to make a MASSIVE structure, it basically must be a pyramid.
People can stack big blocks in triangle shapes everywhere mate.
the ayylmaos
that or civilisation is much older than we thought at first, so humans had the time to originate in one place, emigrate to other contients and replicate home in those new continents
it's a pretty basic shape to come up with when piling rocks
why do houses universally have roofs
why have boats been invented independently in a multitude of cultures
or a bow and arrow for that matter
there is no relation
A gigantic coincidence?
>Three doors, one large flanked by 2 smaller ones.
Fuck off back to /x/ we know this isn't a genuine question.
We have all the progressive advances from the earliest Mastabas and failed attempts of the Egyptians at building pyramids proving it was trial and error on the most basic of shapes rather than some big conspiracy
What about the doors?
You should have posted dragons instead. That's a much funner "every culture had one" subject.
Three different places having similar block structures isn't that noteworthy.
Why not compare mud huts as well?
inb4 you try and act like a pyramid system is advanced. It's pretty primitive construction wise. Stack blocks on blocks and blocks around those blocks.
holes in walls? you usually need to get inside buildings or they are not as useful.
you mean the basic rectangular openings about the size of an adult human?
That can't be a coincidence
xd le funnay reddit meme man!
Are you guys just pretending to be retarded?
It's just coincidence
nothing to see here
just some stacked rocks
it's called "entrances" (the holes in the wall that start at the bottom) and "windows" (the hole in the wall that may or may not start at the bottom).
Entrances are used to enter buildings and other enclosed spaces.
Windows are used to allow sunlight to enter the building or enclosed space.
those are windows in the top picture
also, three doors just looks nice, balanced.
whoa man they're all like in a straight line
you should get your eyes checked
same here
take a look at these stacked rocks in poznan, poland
>humans can't be similar
>they are born without innate tendencies after all
Ancient civilizations built pyramids. Ancient civilizations classified and categorized constellations for their anual cycles of agriculture.
Wait, ancient civilizations knew this for thousands of years and they did structures resembling them? Woah...
so you're saying... the POLISH built the pyramids?!
>holy shit it's a triangle
It's just, like, a thing that people do? Psychologically/aesthetically whatever satisfying?
See You monumental time waster.
Wew lad
no you don't understand, it can't be all a coincidence, clearly there are visitors from another galaxy who came here and instructed them on how to stack their rocks and nothing else
it's much easier to believe
>mfw you'd rather believe there is some innate pyramidal behavior in each human than recognize that a same ancient civilization much older than we we know built all pyramids and that sandniggers wuz therefore never kangz n shiets
>sandniggers wuz therefore never kangz
Right, we know they're only misappropriating black achievements.
It's too bad none of them ended up in Europe I guess.
>childs show extremely similar behaviors
>music is commomly pleasant by big groups of people
>art is pleasant by huge groups of people
>somehow people don't share their taste on geometrical shapes
>somehow pyramids aren't the easiest buildings that are made for power and hierarchy demonstration
>somehow people didn't put their astronomical knowledge into practice for structures
>my kid goes to the beach
>starts making something with wet sand
>it's a pyramid
How did he know how to make a pyramid?! Could aliens have been communicating with him? I'm scared they might hurt my child.
it's triangle incorporating phi and pi relations, both said to have been invented by the greeks
Yeah, and every single civilization that built a set of pyramids also decided to have three doors with the middle one larger, JUST LIKE THAT
Pure coincidence GUYS!!!
Your piece of shit kids are fed with movies about Kangz from Ancient Egypt and stuff
Not comparable to ancient civilization that supposedly never seen each others pyramids and thus came up with the idea independently (unlike your dumb kids who saw them in TV)
>all the pyramids had 3 doors
>somehow people don't share their taste on geometrical shapes
we don't have a TV
And I bet they don't go to school either, uh?
no, not yet
Then why does this particular pattern of doors only occur in pyramids?
This pattern doesn't repeat on all pyramids. This pattern also occurs on other smaller non-pyramid buildings. I wonder if you just got assblasted by /x/ low IQ retards and you are just shitposting over here.
They don't even have to be square based.
Big deal, they had creativity too!
what pattern? having doors? lmao this wite boi
Europeans also tended to build similar shaped structures...
>Ancient Greek mathematicians first studied what we now call the golden ratio because of its frequent appearance in geometry.
>frequent appearance in geometry
Also of course there's fucking pi if you're gonna draw a fucking circle around another shape.
It's just a bunch of dirt stacked in a circle, the only similarity is that it's wide at the bottom and narrow at the top
The hill structure is what I was talking about, also Sicily has pyramids.
It's almost like people across the earth have a common ancestor, therefor being more equal than you like to think, and also coming to the same basic creative ideas.
>the hill structure
wide at the bottom and narrow at the top?
>Sicily has pyramids
kek you call that a pyramid
it's not that the polish can never go to space,
it's that they already are from space
it all makes sense now...
THEY are the aliens
I posit that such minute craftwork couldn't possibly have been achieved by humans!
it's almost as if humans building stuff in slightly offset straight lines is coincidental and has nothing to do with constellations
but that explanation is much too simple
You mean Sardinia
kek you call that a pyramid
dwarf volcanos found only in your moms backyard
Why are you faggots so asspained? Nobody here's insisting in the aliens stuff. Maybe the similarities could suggest a transatlantic influence, ancient peoples who expanded beyond, etc. Anything but aliens and still being real
>transatlantic influence
That's pretty much retarded. The current consensus is consistent.
Those structures clearly aren't even lined up the same.
The ur-ancestors of Slavs built them before a global cataclysm that turned them into nomadic warriors (Scythians). I'm not being sarcastic or ironic so don't even try that shit.
emphasis needed
Was that before or after the hyper war?
Think back to when you were a child and you built your first Lego tower. It only takes one attempt to understand that you need a wide base in order to build a bigger, more glorious tower. I image that early peoples realized something like this as well, albeit on a very different scale and using slave labor.
hey, did you notice how man made tools wherever he was?
Fuck off.
All the piles of rocks with more material at the top than the bottom fell down
Doors not made of holes didn't work so most civilisations settled on that basic design
>buildings with a wide base are more structurally sound than those with a narrow base
Ancient aliens
Are you all unaware of Platos human amnesia claim? He accurately dated Atlantis to a time where we know now that there was great flooding. This ties in because there were obviously more advanced people than just hunters and gatherers and the sphinx is older than we think.
How come we only remembered how to build pyramids and shit and it took us thousands of years to come up with magic technology again?
It is not about architecture as much as religion. The Ziggurat is a micro-cosmos of the world.
When your god lived at the top of the mountain, you built your stuctures to reflect your loyalty. Those are literally stairs. Often the top of the city or temple had a small house that invited the god to come visit and do work for you.
Source - am writing Masters thesis on CMI in the ancient near east.
CMI means cosmic mountain ideology.
What exactly is this jpg suggesting? Was da Vinci in on the alien conspiracy?
Everyone only looks at the pyramids and thinks it's some evidence of ayyylmaos. Look at how they built their houses too, oh wow four walls and a roof, aliens helped them build their houses too!
One big one two small ones to emphasize how awesome the first big door is.
Also note the completely different placement of all three wherein the Mayan doorways are at the top of the pyramid, Egyptian's are on a whole different building, etc.
Theyr'e not lined up the same and the Teotihuacan picture is ignoring the literally dozens of small pyramids at the site and suggesting that big plaza is a pyramid.
>aliens invented lines
This is a known-known.
Before steel structures we couldn't build heavy tall buildings and keep them straight; they would callapse.
The only solution is a pyramid.
Since pyramids have 3 sides per face it makes aesthetic sense to add 3 doorways, especially for religious buildings.
Tell me about Indonesian history, Veeky Forums
Sure is a lot of Jewish subversion ITT.
>aliens built structures based on constellations that are viewed from earth
rlly made me think
this whole board is subversed
facking pathethic desu
*invents arches and concrete*
please stop being retarded
next youre going to tell me that religion is a bunch of stories told by aliens
how else could so many cultures have religion? it can't possibly be in the nature of a human!
they want a big fucking building, they arent exactly the best at architecture so they build a pyramid. They want a big door but unless they put pillars somewhere in it it will collapse on itself, so they made 3 smaller doors.
why 3?
cause you use 2 pillars in one doorway, cause it makes sense, cause its symmetrical.
so are all pyramids like that? or did you just pick some good examples?
>the only solution is pyramid
Not really, tholos existed.
And later concrete
Why is China hiding their pyramids?
>ur-ancestors of Slavs
Worms don't have the muscles or the bone structure to exert that kind of force.
>You monumental time waster.
>thread about monuments
Humans like to stack blocks up??!?
aayoooo so u be tellin me dat we used ta stack stones on top o' one anotha n shieeet like that homebooi? daayummm musta been soma dem mufuggin ayyyliens dat taught us ta do dat shieeet ma nigguh
When I was six years old in Kindergarten I would build pyramids out of legos.
How did I know to build pyramids? Was it aliens?