is it weird that my only motivation for going into finance is getting to wear a suit everyday?
my dad is in finance and he looks dapper as fuck going to work everyday
is it weird that my only motivation for going into finance is getting to wear a suit everyday?
my dad is in finance and he looks dapper as fuck going to work everyday
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what coin are you talking about?
>my dad hello lil boy
t. 40-year-old neckbeards surfing the chans
what went so wrong?
go on, get outta here
faget. do you know how sick of t you will be in a month. filthy private school commoner
Nah dude you're literally looking at a career so you can dress up in expensive clothing. Doesn't get much gayer
Suits are awful. They are uncomfortable as fuck, expensive, and cost a lot to clean. I haven't owned a pair since high school. Had to turn down a fair amount of wedding invitations because I couldn't be fucked to rent one and choke myself for an entire day.
Whatever floats your boat.
>owned a pair of suit
lol, thats actually one of the reasons why I dont like a job in finance.
you wouldn't get one anyway...
yeah.. because its so hard to compete with high school educated women and minorities...
>n-no everyone in finance is wolf of wall street and not some depressed as fuck guy wanting to kill himself every day of the week
Is this you by any chance?
I wear a suit to my crypto trading desk
it is very weird yes, you are most likely gay or a child
I didn't study finance, but I studied tax law in the Netherlands. My mailbox is filled with invitations of international accounting firms, if I want to work in New York or London or some Carribean Island, get a free vacation in New York or go to Harvard. To join the international money funneling club.
>tfw work in tech and everyone is in a tshirt
I wanna wear a suit
Well Mr LawBoy post proof.
Where you are completely right that you don't need to study finance to get a job in said industry, you need to back your claim.
If you are who you say you are, I need to escape my countries tax jews and will pay 10% of what I can save .
Under my countries 10mil cap rate of 28.5% , but a good deal if you come though?
this, and OP knows it :(
I can't give advice without knowing the full details on how the money is made and full insight in your books.
Pic related. I got another thousand in mailbox.
>literally gibberish
I wouldn't expect advice without handing over payment , let alone advice with no financials/ company insight.
You have my apologies, and are a true one in a million on biz.
They invite people to a fully paid for course in [random location across the planet]. And then they recruit from that pool. That's how it works.
before buying a lambo I recommend you to hit the gym you fat fuck
Lol. I recently came back to this board, it's funny how it's just basically coin nerds circle jerking all day
I think it's great. Dress like your Dapper Daddy.
>TFW trading naked in front of my PC in my moms basement with pieces of tendies all over my body.
Who else /professional trader/ here?
Im talking bout the
>lahskava arkssuhd pleksdj inhousedogarkinueterbabttopn
>I want to wear a suit every day
So FX trader
I wore a suit every day for years when I worked in a corporation.
Shit gets old after a while you know. It's clothes. Not that comfy too.
Now I'm a freelancer master race, gambling my money on shitcoins. I wear military fatigues every day and it's the fucking best.
>all of these big 4 invites
looks like you're killing it my dutch friend
have you thought about getting in on the tax evasion gravy train?
That was the plan initially. But during my time at university I started my own business in tourism, which worked out quite well. So I started focussing on that. Which why I originally started browsing Veeky Forums. In hope to find fellow memetrepeneurs.
After reading some of the recommended books here I kind of lost interest in working for others as well.
People will call you a faggot, but it does feel good - only if you're young.
Everyone is conditioned to see old men in suits. But young guys, looking smart as fuck, in a suit; is appealing as hell.
I enjoy the looks and smiles I get when I'm in a suit for work. It does make you feel good; and it's actually scientifically proven that people perform better when they start their day in a suit (
It's true when they say that the suit maketh the man.
Post some recommended books friendo
Don't do it.
LEt them dwell and welt in NEETDOM
Whats your problem bucko
Clearly neets hahaha
I didn't read anything special, just the usual meme books that get posted here.
The Millionaire Fastlane - which explains why working for someone else is a waste of time.
Rich dad poor dad - which explains the importance of acquiring assets which generate money for you
The Luck Factor by Brian Tracy - which explains you can create your own luck by simply trying things more often
How to win friends and influence people - which explains you just have to pay attention to and be respectful of what others say
Two books I regret reading:
The four hour workweek - which explains how delegating work made his life easier. The Pareto principle applies to his book, as only 20% is worth reading.
The 48 laws of power - how to be passive aggressive
If anyone else has any suggestions on what to read I'm all ears.
Yyy you fed the neet!
Good luck, wage cuck.
Neets man, Neets
Stop buying cheap suits you lowlife scum.
> wearing uncomfortable shoes and clothes everyday
That's a new level of wagecucking anin
damn nigga
you in demand
nice job user
Big corporations send 3 trillion dollars a year trough the Netherlands. That creates some demand for local expertise.
AHAHAHAHA holy shit that sounds gay as fuck
Stop watching movies retard
What? Treasurers are not fx traders.