Child is idolizing Rome

Child is idolizing Rome.
Adulthood is realizing China makes more sense.

Other urls found in this thread:

Autistic chinks are hardly something to admire.

At least China still exists.

>Autistic chinks that somehow manage to build a bureaucratic tradition so autistic that they have an unbroken historical record and better bookkeeping than the west until the 20th century
Eurangutans wish they could compare.

When you finally reach enlightenment you realize pre-historic anarcho primitivism is man's natural state.

Chinese modern civilization is just a cheap imitation of the west.

Their buildings, cars, entire industry are western-like but worse. Like a toy replica of a real gun that breaks down all the time since it is made out of cheap plastic.

China is filled with freak accidents because of that.

what are some essential chinaboo films?
so far i've watched:
>red cliff
>house of flying daggers
>curse of the golden flower
>the new legend of shaolin
and some more but can't remember. I have to watch once upon a time in china

Spot the triggered chinks

You've gotta watch the dramas too user.
Three Kingdoms (2010) is long, but it's a must-watch, only drama to almost get me to tears.
I'm watching Legend of Chu and Han, which is made by the same director and uses lots of actors from Three Kingdoms.
Really fucking odd to see Qin Shi Huang being played by Liu Bei ngl.
I've heard Nirvana in Fire is also good, but the wuxia stuff doesn't get me.

>we're still here guys, look how relevant we are!
I find it absolutely amazing how effective the Chinese trick of claiming to be part of some mythical tradition called "China" has proved to be. While in Europe the justifications for rule changed over time from the right of conquest to God's will to the will of the people, the Chinese have always played make believe.

& the future is ancient hellenic space station city states

problem is that Rome vs. China always devolves into West vs. East shitflinging fest. actual Romans and Han Chinese would have admired the fuck out of each other.

This thread was started by an autistic chink to try to do exactly that.

>Chinese modern civilization is just a cheap imitation of the west.

Even /pol/tards wouldn't make this claim. Nigga are you high or just grasping for straws to heal the butthurt?

Chinks on Veeky Forums are pathetic posters with huge inferiority complex, baiting and wewuzing on essentially every Japan threads and now this

*Eats child fetus

Ayy Yoo Hol Up

I thought the autistic screeching about weebs was getting too personal to be just westaboos shitposting. Fucking chinks.

>When literally every major philosophy in the west
was first pioneered by chinese in the east.

If you need example, just look up Shang Yang (Legalism) and compare to Hobbes.
Eurangutangs just can't compare.

That's more likely to be Koreans. Sorry to burst your bubble, but even though Chinese hate the fuck out of Japan, we've largely moved onto Indians and Westerners for our current hate. It's Koreans and Japanese who spend 24/7 hating on each other because they both compete to be America's biggest dick fondler.

Nips are alright, but fuck the kimchi niggers. Never should've gotten involved with their war.

kung fu panda

I have a feeling all the hate against Chinks is all in an act of inferiority complex

Koreans and Vietnamese using newly ""discovered"" mythology to justify their independence and supposed superiority even tho they never have and never will into relevance.
Same with Westerners and Indians. Both are falling because their own female population get to vote and cuck them, white birthrates are falling and will fade into history as a footnote while China will still exist, India will just still be a shithole.
Japan's hate against China is only political. Even tho they will die out, at least they can die knowing they were once the hegemony of East Asia.

Note that both white "nationalists", Korean, Indians and Vietnamese claim to be the one that brought civilization to China, once again Japan is the only one that actually know and proudly say they did borrow it.

>Eurangutan poster
He's some buttmad PeruANO larping as an injun.

>Koreans and Vietnamese using newly ""discovered"" mythology to justify their independence and supposed superiority even tho they never have and never will into relevance.
Funny how they worship their putative historical progenitors(Gojoseon,Nanyue) when they were foreign invaders.

>I have a feeling all the hate against Chinks is all in an act of inferiority complex
Yeah keep telling yourself that pingpong

>giving a fuck about legitimacy in any real sense

well spooked my property

You probably picked it up at the walmart bargin bin.

No, it's just another comunist shithole

is china the new poo in loo?

>Legend of Chu and Han
Does this have English subtitles anywhere? All I managed to find was a version with simplified Chinese subs.

>bringing /pol/ image dumps into Veeky Forums
Fucking neck yourself faggot

Opinions on "the Last Emperor"? Been meaning to watch that one for a while

>Chinese history
Dull as pigshit. Unify, Collapse. Unify, Collapse

t butt-mad chink

>Child is idolizing Rome.
>Adulthood is realizing China makes more sense.
It's not a zero sum game, jack ass.

you can like both

The weird thing is modern Chinks always try their hardest to connect themselves to Rome and how they trade and it influenced them and shit " mish silk road" just to justify how civilized and superior they were compared to their neighbors

Trust me being able to do business with the west is basically their heighest point of being successful.

Brainlet. Try reading a book sometime

Read a book on Chinese history? I'd rather jump off a bridge, thanks. The long, boring annals of the insect race are entirely tedious, with a disgraceful military history and infantile politics. The only wars China wins are the ones against other Chinese.

t. virgin autist
Keep /pol/shit in /pol/ you nigger

>I am proud of my own ignorance
the post

their downfall is being isolationist

that's why their history is kind of boring to read just chinks slaughtering chinks with some mongol and Muslims in the west

*boils dog alive


I've heard of this one film about Nanking called City of Life and Death that got good reviews, apparently it's on Netflix. It's essentially the Chinese Schindler's List.

>Euro history
0 achievements
Rome fell, no Rome, no Rome, Euronistan

Yeah it's where the Nazi was a legitimate good guy.

How do you spell disingenuous again?

Veeky Forums is rightful /pol/ territory, faggot. You need to go back.

Yeah, it's subbed on Netflix.


>Trust me being able to do business with the west is basically their heighest point of being successful.
You're ignoring the fact that this was the case because for centuries China was the shining jewel of the continent and all that business was the West being thirsty for Chinese luxury goods because they were dirty poorfags and wanted silks and spices and stuff from the East. Hell the Age of Discovery kicked off because Europeans wanted to find trade routes to India and China that bypassed Muslims.

Nigger, I just started it, don't blame me if people are noticing the inferior nature of eurangurans.

Eurangutan "supremacy" is a dumb joke. Keep deluding yourself, subhuman.

*runs car over infant

Lel. Go smoke some more opium, faggot :^)
You have no history nor culture.

It's on kissasian

li bai is my favorite ancient poet, mei-mei brussenburge is my favorite modern poet.

china #1

Are people from /pol/ genuinely this fucking retarded?

ITT poltards whos only knowledge of China comes from China hate threads

Thanks cultural revolution

>anti regime movement.

>tfw reading Li Bai
How can Hemingway compare?

Eating fetuses were never a thing, there's no recorded history of fetus eating

Try reading about history before the Qing dynasty



this is true if you exclude the anglo

england bares many striking similiarities to China, a hotbed of innovation, a kind of fatalistic attitude and veneration of failures, King Arthur holding back the hordes the Brythonics will inevitably fail against, being plundered by vikings, the conquest by the normans being a defining moment, dunkirk and so forth, kind of like Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang being heroes even though their cause will fail, a love of their civilization bordering on narcissism which infects their neighbors, which should be something they should be proud of yet only makes them hate their neighbors even more, their love on gentlemen scholars and eccentrics

the only real difference in their temperaments is their attitude to merchants

lol there are only two chinese movies there

>Veeky Forums is rightful /pol/ territory

The Last Supper

>City of Life and Death
Yeah, forgot to mention it, it was a brilliant film, got to me. Absolutely brilliant.
Thanks a lot my dudes!!!

smart chinese man have more waifi
Is that the point of the pic?