What makes the black slavery that took place between 1619 to 1865 in the United States more important than all the...

What makes the black slavery that took place between 1619 to 1865 in the United States more important than all the other slavery throughout history?

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books.google.co.uk/books?id=dyZ-DAAAQBAJ&pg=PA53&lpg=PA53&dq=ottoman empire born a slave&source=bl&ots=jf9WsC_6e5&sig=qi7VtO3c_SWhuugiuZukbZ3t8Yk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjfuunx_5XWAhUjJcAKHZyCChIQ6AEINzAD#v=onepage&q=ottoman empire born a slave&f=false

United States are important

>when was the last time you heard an Irishman bitching how the world owes him a living

Try Ireland, there's millions of them.

Also .

That picture is retarded, and using it makes your thread shit beforehand.

US slavery is obviously the most relevant practice of slavery for Americans to learn about. Couple that with the immense cultural influence the US has, and you the narrative of black slavery at the hand of whites gets exported to a lot of the western world. Hence in most of the western world slavery refers almost by default to the black slavery in the US.

Note that a significant portion of the world (the non-western part) does not think like this at all.

There were no "irish slaves" in the way that blacks were slaves. There was 'Indentured Servitude' and "debt bondage" but these were legal contracts and the subjects of that form of forced labor still enjoyed the rights of freeborn men.

Nothing really. Just American niggers being entitled and annoying.

Brazil had twice more slaves, abolished slavery much later (1888) and treated them in a brutal fashion with tourtures so terrible that Tarantino couldn't have possibly dreamed of.

But America is an easy target for the left while Brazil is ideolized as some sort of post-racial paradise which is a fantasy.

These are modern day memes perpetuated by influential people with political agendas and a stick up their ass.

>What makes the black slavery that took place between 1619 to 1865 in the United States more important than all the other slavery throughout history?

Because it is what is relevant to the United States which is the dominate cultural power of the world. Additionally racism in the U.S. as a whole profoundly affected racism globally with Hitler taking ideas from Indian removal policies and the fact that everyone including the non Americans knows the word "nigger" on /int/. The reason it is treated as the most relevant slavery institution is because it is the most relevant.

>White Irish slaves were treated worse than any other race in the U.S.

Citation very much needed. Also the Irish themselves quickly joined the racism party by instigating numerous race riots against blacks and Chinese.

When was the last time you heard an Irishman bitching how the world owes them a living?

Funny thing, I have never met a black person who had a stick up their ass about this and I wonder where these people are coming from.

>bregorrah, it's like the potato famine all over again!

for fuck's sake why does anyone try to talk about irish people being slaves instead of using a real example of whites being enslaved like the barbary pirates kidnapping european sailors and residents of coastal villages and selling them as slaves

Even that slavery wasn't chattel slavery.

Stop treating everything as a leftist conspiracy. Nobody cares about Brazilian slavery because nobody cares about Brazil in general. The US on the other hand has half the world watching at all times.

>it isn't chattel slavery unless I say it is
they were bought and sold as property, made to do labour and their status as slaves was inherited at birth
this is what chattel slavery means.

I know you want to have a special term to denote that only europeans did "bad" slavery but you should make up another phrase because chattel slavery does not mean what you want it to mean.

Slavery is slavery

Except that's not really characteristic of Arab slavery as a whole. In many cases, women while sold as property, were bought as wives and their status as slaves ended there, their children were not considered slaves at birth. Many slaves had the opportunity became part of the ruling bureaucracy and held influential posts in the government.

White people were never kidnapped or enslaved. Oh wait.


Slavery and racism are a product of capitalism

No one is saying that

>being a slave
>being a wife to a muslim

Exactly the same thing mate. Stop trying justify North African slave trade.

who gives a shit about the US in the 19th century?

I'm not justifying anything. I'm making what should be an obvious distinction between an institution of chattel slavery that characterizes the experience in NA to Arab slavery.

Did the Barbary pirates use their skates as agricultural workers? I know earlier Arab slavery was primarily military in its nature, but I doubt that here

The US does. And everybody else cares about what the US cares about.

Your distinction is bullshit. You are trying to divide horrible things into categories of better or worse, based on absolutely nothing. Who the fuck are you to say that to be enslaved, raped, and forced to be wife to a disgusting man, and have children with your rapist, is better than being abused and worked as a field slave? Who the fuck are you to judge one as more acceptable as the other? Slavery is slavery.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact slavery in the United States was ended by a devastating Civil War that turned family and friends against one another, whereas it died quietly with the stroke of a King's pen or the ballot box in most other places.

I think you might actually be retarded. You certainly aren't well read on the subject either in the US let alone in the Arab world.

Never forget the Scottish Covenanters who were mercylessly locked below deck and drowned when their vessel The Crown of London sank off the coast Orkney while en route to sell them into slavery in the New World!

>call yourself "Land of the Free"
>owns slaves
The US had it coming

When someone starts calling names, you know he's properly btfo. I bet you watch cuckold porn and therefor the idea of a white woman being raped by arab slavemasters isn't offensive to you.

>Nothing relevant exists outside America
>Cheap unskilled stalled development and prevented industrialization
>It contradicts muh American values

*of Orkney

there were no irish slaves

Cite your sources that Arabs were vileful husbands to their (slave-bought) wives in the specified time period.

If you can't provide one, then sorry to say, Cletus, but the one BTFO is you.

Those aren't Irish slaves, those are child laborers in a mine in the early 20th century

>Irish slaves

someof them sure, but thephrasechattle slavery doesn't meanagricultural workers. it just means taht you are another person's property and children you have inherit your status as a slave.

what do you mean by as a whole? that's a very vague, nebulous term. the ottoman empire (which was not run by arabs) thatthe barbary pirates provided slaves to had a variety of outcomes for slaves. some were given freedom or advancement opportunity, many others remained someone's property and any kids they were allowed to have were also that person's property.

books.google.co.uk/books?id=dyZ-DAAAQBAJ&pg=PA53&lpg=PA53&dq=ottoman empire born a slave&source=bl&ots=jf9WsC_6e5&sig=qi7VtO3c_SWhuugiuZukbZ3t8Yk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjfuunx_5XWAhUjJcAKHZyCChIQ6AEINzAD#v=onepage&q=ottoman empire born a slave&f=false
see page 52, the first sentence under the "Birth" heading

Nothing. It's a very small minority fringe event compared to slavery overall.

And you're IQ is a product of incest.

>Hence in most of the western world slavery refers almost by default to the black slavery in the US.
Why not The Americas?

Because we are the USA and it's USA history, you fucking retard.

>america doesn't have a huge irish population

It created a permanent population of millions of slave descendents still affected by that economic situation.

While many Irish (and English, and Scottish, and German) people worked in comparable unpaid conditions that would today be identified as slavery, this indentured servitude differed from the slavery of Africans in some key ways.

First, it was temporary. Most bonded Europeans worked for seven years without pay, rather than for their entire life. Second, it was unigenerational. An Irish couple who had a child in bondage would not give birth to another indentured person. Third, it was ostensibly voluntary. While nobody truly wanted to be an indentured servant and there is evidence of parents indenturing their children, there was not the same amount of force as was used in the acquisition of African slaves.

They endured some truly horrific social and economic ordeals that need to be better recognized, but you can't say with a straight face that the Irish had it worst in America.

You literally went out and googled the first thing you thought would support your argument without actually reading anything beyond what you felt was enough to be 'right'. If you actually read the book you posted you wouldn't be in this thread trying to make out that Arab & North American slavery were entirely equivocal.

Most Irish Americans are descended from 19th century immigrants or later. My grandparents came over in the 1960s.

Irish slavery/indentured servitude was a mostly 17th century phenomenon. The descendents of these poor people are probably so assimilated into Anglo American society that they don't even identify as Irish anymore.

>the American Civil War was the only civil war that ever happened
>there has never been any other instance in history of a bloody civil war that brought about change
Why do you even bother coming to Veeky Forums?

>surprised that Americans care about the American Civil War
Just fuck off

According to the Narrative the Slaves are treated extremely negatively. They were forced and confined in incredibly small places and forced to share those spaces on the passage between Africa and the New World on the English Slave Ship. Equiano describes that the ship below decks smelled horrible. The smell of excrement and the sound of the cries of men, women and children could be heard across the bowels of the ship. Equiano noted that the men were forced to defecate in large tubs literal tubs of feces of the African slaves taken against their will sold by one of their rival tribes to the English slavers. Of course we know that the African tribes had sold other tribes to slavers for centuries whether that is another tribe or the Arabs starting with the spread of Islam in the 8th century A.D. under the Umayyad (661-750 A.D.), and Abbasid (750-1258 A.D.) Caliphates. And then 1200 years later with the Portuguese buying Black Slaves from Arab Slavers from North Africa and also from certain West-African tribes. Those West-African tribes would in turn purchase weapons and gunpowder from the Portuguese making many of these small tribes into larger imperial states dominating smaller tribes. Equiano however did not know of the history of this kind of trade he only knew what he had seen. And what he had seen clearly repulsed him. He noted that the White Englishmen much like the African tribe that had originally enslave and then sold them shared a common trait of having no empathy and caring for the suffering of those that they had subjugated. This experience in turn would leave a lasting impact on Equiano as he fought slavery for the rest of life in England.

The Bible states that owning Slaves is perfectly acceptable in fact all of the three major Abraham Holy-Books say that slavery is fine sure they're are examples of slaves being freed i.e. Moses saving the Hebrews from slavery and bondage in Egypt and Mohammed did indeed free an Abyssinian-Ethiopian Slave named "Bilal ibn Ribah," who was Mohammed's official muezzin to lead the followers of the new faith to prayer. Here are passages from the Old Testament.
In the Old Testament a.k.a. the “Torah,” or the Jewish Bible it is written:
4 “However, you may purchase male and female slaves from among the nations around you. 45 You may also purchase the children of temporary residents who live among you, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, 46 passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat them as slaves, but you must never treat your fellow Israelites this way.” Leviticus 25:44-46.

“If you buy a Hebrew slave, he may serve for no more than six years. Set him free in the seventh year, and he will owe you nothing for his freedom. 3 If he was single when he became your slave, he shall leave single. But if he was married before he became a slave, then his wife must be freed with him. “If his master gave him a wife while he was a slave and they had sons or daughters, then only the man will be free in the seventh year, but his wife and children will still belong to his master. 5 But the slave may declare, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children. I don’t want to go free.’ 6 If he does this, his master must present him before God.* Then his master must take him to the door or doorpost and publicly pierce his ear with an awl. After that, the slave will serve his master for life.” – Exodus 21:2-6
And from the Islamic-teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadiths it is written:
Hadith #1814- "(Abu Bakr) began to beat him (Bakr's slave) while the apostle of Allah was smiling and saying: "Look at this man who is in the sacred state, what is he doing?" [The note for this Hadith says "Abu Bakr beat his slave to teach him sense of responsibility."]
Abu Dawud, vol. 2, chapter 683 - "On the Marriage of a Slave without the Permission of His Masters:"
Hadith #2074- "Ibn Umar reported the prophet as saying: "If a slave marries without the permission of his master, his marriage is null and void."
And this point straight from the Qur’an:
Qur'an (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee. "

And from the New Testament:
“And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished. 48 But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” – Luke 12:47-48
“All slaves should show full respect for their masters so they will not bring shame on the name of God and his teaching. 2 If the masters are believers, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. Those slaves should work all the harder because their efforts are helping other believers* who are well loved. False Teaching and True Riches Teach these things, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.” – Timothy 6:1-2
5” “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.” - Ephesians 6:5

Not only did Abraham, the Ancient Jews, and Mohammed but no one other than Jesus Christ condoned slavery himself describing it as Christian and accepting the Greek, and the Jew, and the Samaritan, and the Buddhist, and the Muslim, and the German, and the Chinese, and any non-Christian and any one of every one of every religion, color and creed our brothers and that we should treat them with respect. He also states that owning slaves and teaching your slave obedience is just as Christian as loving thy neighbor no matter what religion or nation your neighbor is, never force your will on him respect his ways as the kind Samaritan did, and through the teachings of Christ respect his will to believe as he pleases. Just as that is the Christian thing to do according to Christ, ‘loving thy’ Neighbor,’ so owns Slaves in the name of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I will concur that accepting slaves due to their race or ethnicity is unjust and that men and women of our stock should be slaves as well. But the act of Slavery is certainly Biblical and most certainly Christian!

Wouldn't that mean that niggers are really just hard to like when they're not being used as farming equipment? Shit, I've lived around them for years and I can't stand them

I always hear the Irish crying about how the Anglos owe them a country.

So they're u go.
Slavery's sanctioned by God:

There's nothing wrong with it.
So nobody bitch about it!!!

Well Africans already have dozens of countries they can fuck off to.

>Cite your sources that Arabs were vileful husbands

They attained their wives as LITERAL PROPERTY.

I'm 100% on the mark about the cuck thing right?

I would pound that tranny so hard

They don't even ask for tax money and the EU still bully them for that.

Americans defined what free slaves meant in the west.

basicaly the source I provided proved my point when you claimed that slave offspringdid not inherit slave status

it therefore quaifies as chattle slavery

don't get butthurt because phrases don't mean whatever you want tehm to.

yes, northamerican slaves and barbary slaves were both chattel slaves

it's ok , I realise you are too butthurtto admit you were wrong and I was right with grace

Jews were 8 times more likely to own slaves in colonial America and almost single handedly ran the slave trade

we have around 20 leftypol nigger worshipers ITT saying that

Nothing, it's just Americans are incredibly parochial and you are an American trying to start an argument with other Americans.

>Russia is so homophobic only because they've been invaded by the Nogay horde
At last I truly see

No they are not

Because it gave birth to a society based primarily on race, as opposed to class as in Europe, particularly America. This racial system, though challenged extensively by the law at the urging of the Civil Rights Movement, still exists in America and has a meaningful impact on politics and peoples' day to day lives.

In short, it made sure black people were poor, and would almost always stay poor. Because they're generally poor, they're generally poorly educated. Because they have a reputation as being poorly educated, they get overlooked for jobs even when they qualify for them. Because they're poor, the cops hate them. All Americans hate them, and all port people, a little bit, because they remind them the American dream is bullshit.

>white irish slaves were treated worse than any other race in the us

no they werent

>elects a black president
>create government policy prioritizing blacks in school admissions and job hiring
>promote your culture to the point that it becomes the dominant strain in music
>crucify anyone who makes negative public statements or even just makes jokes about said culture
>everyone in amerikkka hates us abloo bloo bloo :'(
just stop. the only group that is socially acceptable to publicly hate is rednecks/trailertrash/hillbillies.

Literally nothing. The United States itself is the most important country. As for your image.
>Implying indentured servitude is slavery

>elects a black president
Literally drove the country insane.

>create government policy prioritizing blacks in school admissions and job hiring
An incredibly unpopular policy, mind you.

>promote your culture to the point that it becomes the dominant strain in music
Who is promoting which culture?

>crucify anyone who makes negative public statements or even just makes jokes about said culture
And when said statements/jokes are made in private?

all im sayin man is that the pity party is getting old in the post obama era and a lot of americans are realizing that no matter how much they give it will never be enough

>Be Black
>Be slaves since colonialism
>Finally freed at the end of the Civil War
>Attempt to rebuild life
>Build a thriving black community
>Begin to actively engage in local politics
>Local poor whites get mad
>Whites riot and destroy a growing black middle class (Look up Oklahoma and Wilmington, NC)
>Jim Crow implemented to reduce black political representation and economic mobility
>Zoning laws add disincentives for mixing communities (See exclusionary zoning)
>Post-1965 things are still shit
>Successful programs to desegregate schools are dismantled as white families move their children to private schools.
>Election of President Obama provides hope but limited change

Shit's complicated yo.

American history is important to America, and America has a lot of cultural influence around the world.

They fought a war to stop it or something

Because :
- Statistically is one of the largest ones.
- Culturally is one of the most influential ones.

Also about OP:
- [citation needed]
- is a faggot

>the Narrative
You mean An Interesting Narrative?
Really great read, although most of it is a big lie. Not that the slave ships weren't as described, it's just that Equiano made up his entire life story based on stories told to him by other slaves. He was born in North Carolina or something.

>If noones watching, who cares?

black never shut up about it

The other races got over it. Same thing with the Holocaust vs. any other genocide in history.


>Literally drove the country insane.
The election of Obama did not cause rabid leftists to take over academia nor did it cause the riots committed by Black Lives Matter activists. It was not who Obama was that brough us here but what he did.

basically you're a psued who should read the sources you cite

Basically you're just a whiny faggot butthurt that there's nothing special about black slavery.

fuck off this isn't Veeky Forums

It was real in his mind though.

more has been written about it...also the united states didn't exist as such until 1789

>guy who hasnt been to ireland.

>brave whites destroy the black bourgeois
>nigger worshiping leftist cry about the working class revolting

But Irish people aren't white.

t. Noel Ignatiev

Exactly this. Proletarians killing the bourgeoise is revolutionary socialist in nature, leftists bitching about it only proves they're anti-white cuckolds who don't care about class.



...it's role as a major source of political and constitutional development with immediate and obvious implications in the present system?

...it's proximity to the present with obvious social and demographic implications?

...it's proximity to the present with major significance to individuals and various groups in terms of their real lived experience?

is this a serious question OP?

Racist! You're a racist!

Sorry you gotta face the facts, Seamus.

You're either Italian, Irish, Greek, or Polish, or even all of those. None of them would be considered white until recently, and you're probably a mixture of the aforementioned races. You're a mixed mutt, you are what you most despise.

yes leftypol "facts", antifa "facts", BLM "facts" and democrat "facts"


>None of them would be considered white until recently
Literal nonsense.

look at the leftypol subhuman trying to divide an conquer1

>this meme again
Didn't you get BTFO enough times, Schlomo?