Tfw earlier generations imagined that technological development would lead to a utopia but instead it led to a dystopia...

>tfw earlier generations imagined that technological development would lead to a utopia but instead it led to a dystopia of degeneracy, ignorance and materialism

>implying this isn't a utopia

>young rationalists trusting old rationalists

Nah it's pretty great. You're just a cunt

As I'm sitting here in my pajamas eating some nice food that was readily available from the fridge, listening to some sweet music and using my PC to access all the world's information freely, I am indeed reminded of how horrible a dystopia we live in. Woe is us.

You're deluded if you think he doesn't have a point. We're basically living in brave new world.

Last summer I, a 24 year old student, went to Thailand and Vietnam. Saw amazing stuff, did exciting activities, had fun parties, ate great food. All for less than €1500, affordable to me at my young age. Looking back on that trip, I am reminded how much our world is like Brave New World. The sad state of my life has be almost in tears. Woe is us.

Read Industrial Society and its Future

Brave New world was an utopia masked as a dystopia

>le BNW was actually an utopia

Not only is this a prime reddit opinion, it's disgusting. But I suppose the degenerate would want to be plugged into the pleasure palace for ever.

It pisses me off that reddit actually views BNW as a fucking utopia. You want to live in basically a soulless cultureless totalitarian one world state where you literally have no purpose but to love your own servitude and be genetically created to love every minute of it? Its eternal youth and the glorification of drugs and porn is essentially what BNW is mixed in with a totalitarian world state.

>soulless, hedonistic, materialistic,totalitarian state

Yup, I can see how a normie would love it

the only question now is how do we get out of this mess?

Forced Feudalism under Robotic Kings for the masses, with hidden megafacilities meant to further the human race beyond the Earth.

ITT: slaves


>brave new world
brainlet spotted

>anyone who disagrees with me is reddit
you have to go back

Shut up m*****

Explain how it isn't utopian?

There is no fear no pain no sadness
The world has been artificially adapted to cultivate humans

It is not a "good" utopia but it is by definition a utopian society where we have reached the apex of development

That being said i would imagine scientific invention would be severely hampered due to the absence of war which would cripple our long term game of the stars

>"Woe is me; t. pampered firstforlder" the post

What part of "godless, cultureless, hedonistic, materialistic totalitarian society" don't you understand?

>but the Emperor gives us bread and circuses!

At this point I'd say Islam or primitivism

Sounds pretty great to me. Where do I sign up?

A life without those things is not a life worth living.

As tumblrcore as this sounds, it is only through tasting bitter fruits that we come to appreciate the sweet ones

I did not call you reddit perfunctorily.

Their entire site is based on having their views and likes moderated by someone of greater power because they don't want to bother going through the trash.

Veeky Forums is the exact opposte.

why is any of that bad?
thats ur poopionion :^)

As I'm sitting here in my nightshirt eating some nice saltpork that was readily available from the pantry, listening to the sweet sounds of horse-drawn carriages outdoors and using my library to access all the world's information freely, I am indeed reminded of how horrible a dystopia we live in. Woe is us.

>all opinions are treated equally here
>haha le Veeky Forums is le going through le trash

Everyone has the back in le old days syndrome. We are generally better, just facing other issues.

I really dislike this way of ignoring complaints about modern life.

Most of the examples people use of "people complaining about how the past was superior" are actually of people who lived in shittier times than that of the past. Homer lived in an era known as Greek Dark Ages that came after the Bronze Age Civilization Collapse.


>What part of "godless, cultureless, hedonistic, materialistic totalitarian society" don't you understand?
Well, it's a bad thing only if you consider it's bad.

>waah duhjenracy
Grow up you pathetic faggot and be thankful you're living a comfy life in modern era that gives you the privilege to complain on the Taiwainese basket waving meeting grounds, and not in some pre-modern shithole where your life would be hard, filthy, short and brutal.

>Well, it's a bad thing only if you consider it's bad.

This kind of culture is pretty bad for human happiness, regardless of beliefs.
Pleasure and material wealth don't lead to happiness by themselves, but in a culture like that, people believe they do. So, we have most people aiming at those things and not looking for happiness in the "right places". So, if they fail at getting those things they get miserable, feeling like failures and if they do get those things they still do not get happiness.

But this is not really a case of technological progress leading to this, but of "philosophical regress". Ignorance led to this ideology of ours.

There is more to life than material comfort.

Material conditions have increased but moral, cultural and intellectual levels have plummeted. Modernism had some initial benefits but now it's all just alcohol, casual sex, drugs, electronic entertainment for the average pleb. And the welfare state guarantees they don't starve to death unlike in the past. Past generations thought we'd live in a utopia where everyone was free to cultivate their individual talents in free time. Instead we all just choose to drink fuck and play vidya.

>dude everything is relative lmao

whoa... so this... is the power... of the nu-male...

Industrialism definitely aided the materialist mindset though

Utopia is a liberal hoax.

Real people, real conservatives wish for the return of slavery and hardship on everyone.

In turn, we have a middle ground where there is no slavery but no utopia.

>le BNW was a utopia meme
Daily reminder that life is more meaningful when you have periods of suffering that lead to growth

god is a superstition

nice reddit spacing, never post here again

Everyone ITT saying Brave New World-tier degeneracy would be a paradise need to read all post-prison Dostoevsky works and you need to read them RIGHT NOW

Know thy audience

Everyone saying degeneracy is bad needs to read Lolita and they need to read it RIGHT NOW

>material pleasures will make me happy

Serf detected

>intellectual levels have plummeted

>muh degeneracy is not bad
See you in the penal colony Rodya

I have never read Jordan Peterson, but would he disagree with that?

Violent crime had plummeted
Universal literacy and education
Flynn effect

>everyone was free to cultivate their individual talents in free time. Instead we all just choose to drink fuck and play vidya.
People read, do sports, travel, paint, sculpt, act and who knows what else. It was back in the days when everything you could do is drink, fuck or play cards.

You are just romantizing the good ol' times. Sooner you realize it the better

>Implying the pleb ever cared for philosophy, culture, science or anything linked to the mind

The man alone is a standing refutation to the idea that intellectual tradition has collapsed. There are literally millions of people tuning in to listen to this man speak and learn. More information is at our fingertips than has ever been available, not only to the peasantry but also to the most high ranking of nobles. We have a working knowledge of literally everything in human history.

How the fuck this is a step down from people believing that snakes tongues had healing powers and that you needed to bleed people in order to make them healthy is fucking beyond me.

>Instead we all just choose to drink fuck and play vidya.

You worthless nigger thats what you do. Stop projecting on the rest of society because you're a leech who can't be bothered to play the game. People are smarter and more capable than they have literally ever been in human history.

Are you a libertarian?

Morality involves more than crime. And crime involves more than morality.

It doesn't make much of a difference if there is "Universal literacy and education" if people use it to read Harry Potter or watch "The Kardashians".
And IQ is important, but it is not everything when it comes to intellectual richness. IQ is mostly about how fast you can learn new material. A higher IQ doesn't make you wiser.

Thomas Jefferson was much more cultured and intellectually he was stronger than any modern American politician I can think of.

considering that what JP does is basically counter-culture in today's world,
i think the world's intellectual appetite has decreased.

I don't know Jordan Peterson's work, but as far as I know, the percentage of people who listen to him outside of Veeky Forums is pretty small.

>It doesn't make much of a difference if there is "Universal literacy and education" if people use it to read Harry Potter or watch "The Kardashians".
What do you think people read before? Cheesy romantic novels.

>And IQ is important, but it is not everything when it comes to intellectual richness. IQ is mostly about how fast you can learn new material. A higher IQ doesn't make you wiser.
Well, then you can't say that people had "intellectually plumeted".

>Thomas Jefferson was much more cultured and intellectually he was stronger than any modern American politician I can think of.
I don't care about Burger politicians, but something tells me it's because you don't live in his time.

>What do you think people read before? Cheesy romantic novels.
Well, it depends on what you mean by people and what you mean by before.

>Well, then you can't say that people had "intellectually plumeted".
If you don't consider IQ everything, you can.

>I don't care about Burger politicians, but something tells me it's because you don't live in his time.
No, he was intellectually superior

Modern day is neither utopia nor dystopia.

we have a god of reason.
we are the vanguard of a global culture
no, if anything access to technology has curbed our materialistic excesses
People are finally beginning to debate freely

Why is /pol/ so retarded?

>moral cultural and intellectual levels have plummetted
>my shitty ass peasant family that would drink during the weekends and fuck pigs now does weed and plays vidya in their spare time.

Peasantry should be driven away from the internet.

they are basically poorly educated underage whitebois who dream of a time when they were the cream of the crop and everyone else in their class was shittier than them.

Talking to yourself is never a good sign.

What is the percentage of people who want to live like a Hollywood Star? What is the percentage of people who have read one Socratic dialogue?

At least a few centuries back we did have some people who were above this. Now even our elites have those values.

>we are the vanguard of a global culture
A mongrelized culture is no culture at all. What are the fruits of this """culture"""? Jeans and burgers?

>the heir to the crown is a /pol/lack

Off yourself, tardy


You mouth breathing mong

>Well, it depends on what you mean by people and what you mean by before.
My Gradma's library and majority of people in 19th and early 20th century. Or do you seriously think people were reading stuff like Dostoyevski or Tolstoy?

>If you don't consider IQ everything, you can.
Oh so it's true because you believe so and evidence is not everything? How postmodern of you.

>No, he was intellectually superior
k. whatever

What was the percentage of people that read the socratic dialogues during the good ol time of feudalism you dumb nigger

That's wonderful observation! The pic in is clearly depicting "shittier times", since we can see how the men no longer need weapons and have time for leisure. Ribbons trully are a mark of poverty and desolation.


>le peace is always good!

>Everything I know about war I learned in videogames!

Except that isn't true you luddite

Why don't you ship out for Afghanistan if war is so great, my Ameriburger friend?

Learn reading comprehension.

I didn't say that war is good, only that peace isn't always the better option.

Afghanistan is a situation where peace is the better option.

Be patient, OP. The AI will lead humanity into a Golden Age.

t. burger who loves war, despite only seeing it on a screen of computer

t. faggot who would accept the most unfair peace if it meant he wouldn't have to go to war


my christ...
do people literally believe this?
Is happiness for these people truly just the lack of all meaning replaced by pure sensory stimulation?

>the logical positivists strike again

t. Burger who moved his goalpost so hard it has nothing to do with original question

t. frogposter who can't read

This. And at the very least they had the decency to hush it up and not promote it and act like it was harmless

For the average poster ITT, yes. Look at how tv and pop music portray life- one endless cycle of clubbing, sex, drugs, and electronic entertainment

Are you even trying to argue for something or are you just here to insult poeple who laugh at this "born into le wrong generation" whining of yours?

>user finally realize that people view happiness differently

>happiness is surrendering to base animal instincts

The whole point of society is that we rise above these primitive impulses a d look for meaning in our lives, not just "muh dick" niggers like year. Your mindset is literally everything wrong with western culture.

>"We have discovered happiness," -- say the Last Men, and they blink.

Just because you spend your friday night shitposting on Veeky Forums and not clubbing and doing drugs, doesn't mean your life has more meaning than someone else's.

Its the sour grapes

>don't disagree with me or you are le neckbeard xDDD

>"happiness is surrendering to base animal instincts"
Never imply that.
>"The whole point of society is that we rise above these primitive impulses a d look for meaning in our lives"
The sole point of society is to help us living better lives. You have more chance to survive in a society (even a "primitive" one) than in a hunter-gatherer community.
>"Your mindset is literally everything wrong with western culture."
>Implying this is my mindset
adhominem lol

Your posts condemn partying and drug use, and argue for 'rising above' these 'primitive impulse'. I argue that shitposting on Veeky Forums isn't rising above anything. I also wonder what makes you feel that looking for meaning in life is the whole point of society, and why clubbing and drugs can not be a way to look for meaning in life.

>dude just like give into sensory stimulation 24/7
>like just pop another pill or play more vidya
>that's happiness! Don't ever let the stimulation stop! Like just don't think lol!

Sorry, I thought his was for philosophical discussion. Regards to clubbing etc, it's apples and oranges. There's no thinking or searching involved with clubbing. It's just desire fulfillnent(sex), like eating or sleeping.

The problem is a lot bigger than you think